Book of Mormon Translation Methods

235 Primary Sources

600 BC

Saul consults a witch when traditional revelatory methods do not work.

554 BC - 421 BC

King Benjamin spoke about how important the records were to knowing the mysteries of God.

554 BC - 421 BC

Jacob says that God gave him a commandment to keep the history of his people.

520 BC

Exodus records how God appeared to Moses in the form of a burning bush.

520 BC

God commands Moses to use the Urim to receive revelation.

121 BC

Ammon refers to the object used in translating ancient records as "interpreters."

92 BC

King Mosiah said that the interpreters have been passed down from before Lehi left Jerusalem.

80 - 80 AD

The apostles picked the apostle to replace Judas (Matthias) by lots.


Elias Ashmole discusses Belief in "Angellical Stones" which Can Result in Apparitions.


Francis Barrett describes how a man can use a stone to find treasure.


Aaron Willey described how folk-magic and superstition captivated the human mind.

Sep 21, 1827

Joseph wrote that he obtained the plates on September 21, 1827.

Dec 1827 - Feb 1828

Joseph recorded that he translated characters from the plates between December 1827 and February 1828.

1828 - 1829

Joseph indicated that the plates were returned to him after a season and his wife began scribing for him.

Jul 1828

In a revelation, Joseph was told that he had been given the right to translate by God.

Mar 1829

Joseph receives revelation about his gift to translate; he should not claim any other spiritual gift at the time.

Apr 1829

Joseph receives revelation that translation is done according to faith.

Apr 1829

Revelation to Oliver about how Oliver cannot translate BOM.

Apr 1829

In a revelation, God tells Oliver Cowdery through Joseph that he needs to study before translating.

Apr 1829

Joseph Smith recorded that Oliver Cowdery acted as his scribe from April 7, 1829 onward.

Jun 1829

Joseph describes the end of translating and the copyright deals with publishers.

Jul 17, 1829

Jesse Smith refers to Joseph's spectacles and deciphering of hieroglyphics.

Aug 11, 1829

According to Jonathan Hadley, Joseph said that he used a huge pair of spectacles to translate the BOM.

Sep 5, 1829

The Gem records that Harris says Joseph translated the BOM by putting the spectacles in a hat.

Feb 12, 1830

Fenn tells Bronson about the vision and translation process and angel appearing to the 3 witnesses.

Feb 20, 1830

Blatchley relates Harris's quote about Joseph using "stone-eyed spectacles" to translate the BOM.

Mar 26, 1830

8 Witnesses published statement in 1830 claiming that Joseph showed them the plates.

Apr 1830

Articles and Covenants of the Church teaching that God gave Joseph the means to translate.

Apr 6, 1830

Joseph records a revelation where God commands him to keep a record.

Jun 2, 1830

Wayne County Inquirer reports that Joseph used a white stone to translate BOM.

Jun 12, 1830

Obadiah Dogberry (in work of fan-fiction) writes about how Joseph used the Spectacles to translate the Book of Mormon.

Jun 18, 1830

Diedrich Willers describes how Joseph would use spectacles that he claimed to find next to the plates to translate.

Aug 28, 1830

The Reflector reports that Joseph used "magic spectacles."

Dec 1830

The Philadelphia Album reports that Joseph used two clear stones to translate the Book of Mormon.

Dec 18, 1830

The Jesuit or Catholic Sentinel circulates rumors that Joseph translated the characters using two semi-transparent stones and supernatural methods.

Jan 6, 1831

Lucy Smith says that after Joseph repented of his sins, he was given an instrument by God by which to translate the BOM.

Jan 29, 1831

Richard McNemar writes in his journal that Joseph translated with two transparent stones and a hat.

Feb 7, 1831

Campbell describes the BOM translation process as occurring in a dark room with spectacles.

Feb 22, 1831

"A Presbyterian" describes the translation as Joseph looking into a small stone and reading the will of the Lord.

Mar 7, 1831

David S. Burnett reports that Joseph translated the inscriptions from the Book of Mormon without looking at the plates.

Mar 19, 1831

The Reflector reports that Book of Mormon translation was done with a sheet in between Harris and Joseph.

Apr 9, 1831

"AWB" reports that Joseph used glass-looking techniques to translate the Book of Mormon.

May 7, 1831

Ashbel Kitchell writes that Cowdery was an assistant in the translation of the "golden Bible."

Sep 1, 1831

Hampshire Gazette reports that Joseph used a stone to read the will of the Lord.

Sep 1, 1831

Mourning Courier and New-York Enquirer suggests that Sidney Rigdon wrote the BOM and Joseph fallaciously claimed to translate it.

Sep 3, 1831

William Owen reports that ten witnesses handled the plates.

Sep 16, 1831

Unknown author described Joseph finding two stones and plates connected with rings in the shape of 'D' in the same place.

Oct 25, 1831

Ebenezer Robinson reports that Joseph says BOM translation process not intended for public reading.

Oct 27, 1831

Ezra Booth says that Joseph used the same dark glass to translate the BOM as he did for treasure digging.


David Marks reports as hearing that only Joseph could translate the BOM.

Jan 1832

The neighbors of Joseph assert that he pretended to find a box in the woods with plates that had characters that only he could decipher.

Jun 1, 1832

Joseph translated the characters using spectacles prepared by the Lord.

Jul 1832

W. W. Phelps writes about "sacred spectacles" and links them to the biblical Urim and Thummim.

Aug 4, 1832

William McLellin claims that Joseph translated plates with engravings in an inspired way.

Aug 5, 1832

Boston Investigator reports that Joseph used the Urim and Thummim, two crystal stones, to translate the BOM.

Oct 10, 1832

Nathaniel Willis believes that Joseph pretended to have a vision and pretended to find spectacles.


Joseph writes how the Anthon incident reinforced the idea that JS needed to use the spectacles to translate the BOM.


Thomas Hamilton said that Joseph used the spectacles to translate the BOM.


Joseph receives revelation (now D&C 3) over lost pages/translation; God's plans will prevail in spite of errancy of men.

Jan 1833

The Evening and the Morning Star recorded that Joseph translated using the Urim and Thummim.

1833 - 1847

Joseph Knight recalls Joseph using "glass" to see Emma Hale.


Joseph recorded a revelation that promised Oliver Cowdery the ability to translate if he was faithful.

Jan 4, 1833

Joseph said that the Book of Mormon was translated by the gift and power of God.

Dec 22, 1833

Isaac Hale relates that Joseph used a stone in a hat to be a "money-digger."

Dec 24, 1833

Jesse Townsend wrote that Joseph and Oliver Cowdery wrote a pretended translation of the BOM.


Peter Bauder explains process of Joseph acquiring "parcel of plate resembling gold."

Feb 12, 1834

Per Martin Harris, Joseph confessed that he drank too much before translating the BOM and didn't know the contents of the BOM beforehand.

Feb 17, 1834

Charles Anthon Denies Having Vindicated the Characters from the Plates Harris showed him to Eber Howe.

May 1834

F.E.M. claims that Joseph was reported to find plates and spectacles, but delayed the translation due to memorizing NT chapters.

Aug 16, 1834

Jesse Townsend described Joseph's translation of the BOM as done in secret.

Oct 1, 1834

Oliver Cowdery says Joseph used U&T to translate the BOM.

Dec 25, 1834

W.W. Phelps records that the Book of Mormon was translated with the Urim and Thummim.


Eber Howe says that Martin Harris recorded that a screen was between them or JS would be in a different room during the dictation of the translation.


Nancy Towle records Joseph refusing to swear an oath that the BOM is divine.


Isaac Hale describes Joseph as using the stone in the hat while translating the BOM.


W.W. Phelps recounts that Harris declared that Joseph used silver spectacles to translate the BOM.

Feb 1835

Oliver Cowdery described Joseph using the Urim and Thummim during the BOM translation.

Feb 1835

Brookville Enquirer reports that Joseph was given plates by an angel from heaven to translate.

Apr 1835

D&C 107: when describing the President of the office of the High Priesthood, Joseph is called "a seer, a revelator, a translator, and a prophet."

Apr 29, 1835

William Burnett states that Joseph pretended that he was inspired to translate through either a stone in a hat or two flat smooth stones.


J. Newton Brown writes an encyclopedia entry where he describes Joseph as being a glass-looker and this contributing to the coming forth of the Book of Mormon.

Oct 1835

Oliver Cowdery stated that the plates were "translated by the gift and power of God."

Oct 7, 1835

Oliver Cowdery says JS used the Urim and Thummim for Newel K. Whitney's patriarchal blessing.

Nov 9, 1835

Joseph said that he translated the Book of Mormon by the gift and power of God and could not translate when he was in transgression.

Mar 1836

John Whitmer testifies of use of physical existence of plates.

Aug 25, 1836

Truman Coe writes how Joseph used a transparent stone known as the Urim and Thummim to translate the BOM.

Sep 1, 1836

An unnamed correspondent said that Joseph read the reformed Egyptian by putting a stone in a hat or box.

May 26, 1837

Eber Howe credits the coming forth of the Book of Mormon to reading stories through stone glasses.


Alphonso Wetmore writes that Joseph's translation was a farce done with marble spectacles strapped to his head with leather in a closet.

Jul 1838

Joseph says that he translated the BoM with the Urim and Thummim.

Dec 15, 1838

John Boswell describes Joseph as finding spectacles and going from being an idiot to having average intelligence through them.


J. Mitchell and John Dickie present a 16th century example of "magical" stones being used in a religious context in England.


Mulholland records the account of the BOM translation; Joseph used instruments he called U&T.

Apr 8, 1839

John Storrs said that Joseph translated the Book of Mormon by using a "peculiar stone."

Apr 26, 1839

John Whitmer said that he handled the plates and they were shown to him by a supernatural power.


James M'Chesney writes that Joseph found a book hidden in the woods and uses an enchanted stone to translate it.


John Corrill describes how Martin Harris took characters to NY to be translated, but that Joseph translated the BOM using two stones set in a box.


Orson Pratt references use of Urim and Thummim in the translation process.

Feb 5, 1840

Matthew Davis says that Joseph emphasized that the BOM was direct revelation from heaven.

Jun 1840

Parley Pratt described Joseph translating the BOM with "two transparent stones, clear as chrystal."

Sep 5, 1840

John Clark (based on discussion with Martin Harris) describes the translation process as occurring with a curtain and a seer stone, but favors the Spaulding theory.


Haining reports that Joseph was directed to find the place where the plates were and to translate those by the the biblical Aaron's U&T.


W. White provides description of the translation from characters engraved in Egyptian by Urim and Thummim.

Jan 19, 1841

D&C 124 mentions Joseph as a translator when describing the officers of the Church.

Apr 3, 1841

Charles Anthon tells T.W. Coit that Martin Harris told him that Joseph translated the plates with "a very large pair of spectacles."

Jun 1, 1841

Walter Scott said that Oliver Cowdery described Joseph as translating the plates with transparent stones.

Jul 3, 1841

William Smith tells James Murdock that Joseph could not translate a sealed portion, testifies that Joseph was divinely assisted.

Dec 8, 1841

R., L. H. reports that Joseph engaged in peeping and spectacle use, which led to him doing that with the BOM.

Dec 27, 1841

Joseph showed Brigham and the other 12 Apostles the U&T which was also called a "seer stone."


Henry Caswell reports Lucy Mack as describing Joseph translating the BOM through using the Urim and Thummim resembling two large diamonds in a pair of spectacles.


George Moore comments on BOM translation, gold plates, and hieroglyphics.

Mar 1, 1842

Joseph in Times and Seasons reports translated the Book of Mormon through the U&T.

Apr 6, 1842

Joseph Smith recorded a revelation where he stated how important it was to keep records.

May 16, 1842

Revelation (now D&C 3) printed in T&S: God will see that the BOM is delivered despite the errancy of men around it.

Jun 1, 1842

Times and Seasons reprints revelation of Joseph's where it is said Joseph translated the BOM through the Urim and Thummim.

Nov 1, 1843

Joseph wrote that he translated the BOM from hieroglyphs.

1844 - 1845

Lucy Smith offers account of BOM translation.


Joseph comments on translation process: he used the Urim and Thummim by the power of God.


James Hunt says that Joseph translated the BOM with "the big spectacles," the biblical Urim and Thummim, and by looking into his hat.


Robert Baird says that Joseph read off the translation to Martin Harris and Oliver Cowdery with a partition in the room.


William Appleby writes that Joseph found the Urim and Thummim with the plates of the BOM.


Lucy Mack Smith describes the Urim and Thummim as having two smooth, three cornered diamonds set in silver bows.


Joseph Knight recalls Joseph describing the plates and Urim & Thummim.

May 30, 1847

Hiriam Page said that it would be impossible for Joseph to write the BOM without supernatural power.


Joseph Knight said that Joseph used the Urim and Thummim in a hat to translate the plates.

Oct 21, 1848

Reuben Miller records Oliver Cowdery stating how Joseph translated the BOM and Rigdon did not make it up.

May 6, 1849

Brigham said that Joseph had the gift of seeing.


Orasmus Turner said that Joseph was separated from his scribes by a curtain and translated using "spectacles."

Dec 28, 1856

Emma Smith described how Joseph would correct mistakes in her scribing of the translation.

Feb 3, 1858

Brigham, as recorded by Phineas Young, said that the BOM was translated from Reformed Egyptian by the gift and power of God.

Aug 1859

Joel Tiffany records Martin Harris as giving vivid descriptions of the seer stones that Joseph used to translate the BOM.

Aug 20, 1859

David Dille reports Martin Harris affirming that Joseph translated with the gift and power of the BOM.


Pomeroy Tucker relates that Joseph translated the BOM using the Urim and Thummim as well as having a sheet between him and the scribe.

Feb 1870

William McLellin said that Joseph did not have a curtain between him and the scribe and used the 'director' in a hat to translate.

Feb 15, 1870

Elizabeth Whitmer Cowdery describes Joseph as translating with his face in a hat.

Mar 27, 1870

Emma Smith reports that Joseph used the Urim and Thummim before the lost pages and a dark seer stone afterwards.

May 1870

Fayette Lapham wrote that Joseph used 'spectacles' to translate and to see the past, present, and future.

Aug 28, 1870

Iowa State Register reports that Martin Harris said that Joseph was given the Urim and Thummim to translate the BOM.


William McLellin attested that there is "a cloud of faithful witnesses" of the plates.


William McLellin recounts an experience where God declared the truth of the translation to the BOM Witnesses.


William McLellin wrote that Joseph translated the leaves of the plates and 3 Witnesses still testify to truth of their experience with plates and angel.

Jan 1871

According to Martin Harris, Joseph could not translate the BOM without the gift of God.


William Homer records Harris testifying of BOM's divine translation.

Aug 24, 1876

John Murdock reports on Sidney Rigdon saying how Joseph was illiterate, but when he puts the spectacles on, he can produce "a literal translation of the writing upon the gold plates."

Dec 3, 1877

Joseph is reported to have translated the BOM with a pair of magic spectacles, dictated to Cowdery behind a curtain.

Aug 16, 1878

David Whitmer recounts that one of the BOM translation instruments of the Urim and Thummim were two white stones placed in spectacles.

Aug 31, 1878

William Sayre reports to James Cobb that Joseph used the stone from Palmyra to translate the Book of Mormon.

Mar 28, 1879

Thomas Wood Smith heard that David Whitmer frequently saw that Joseph translated the characters on the plates with the Urim and Thummim.

Jun 4, 1879

Jehiel Lewis said that Joseph translated the BOM using a peep stone with the same inspiration that he used for dog sacrifices.

Jun 11, 1879

Joseph Lewis stated Joseph translated the Book of Mormon with a stone in a hat.

Jun 15, 1879

W.W. Blair relates translation details from Morse; Joseph would place the Seer Stone in the crown of a hat to exclude all light.

Oct 1, 1879

Emma in the Saint' Herald (RLDS): Joseph translated the Book of Mormon with his head in a hat.

Nov 15, 1879

David Whitmer tells J.L. Traughber that Joseph used a seer stone in the translation of the Book of Mormon; U&T narrative was introduced later.

Dec 15, 1879

Zenas H. Gurley meets with John Whitmer; Whitmer discusses the Book of Mormon translation process.

Jan 25, 1880

Eri Mullin reported that David Whitmer told her that Joseph used both a seer stone and the Urim and Thummim.

Jun 29, 1880

Frederic Mather interviews various town-folk and produces an account which describes Joseph as nailing blankets to the wall during the translation.

Jun 5, 1881

David Whitmer describes Joseph using two stones known as "the interpreters."

Jun 13, 1881

David Whitmer corrects the record to correct report and affirm Joseph used a seer stone in a hat, and that Joseph used only one, not two, stones.

Jun 19, 1881

David Whitmer described Joseph as translating with his face in the hat.

Nov 10, 1881

David Whitmer said that Joseph used a small oval or kidney-shaped stone called the Urim and Thummim to translate the plates.

Nov 30, 1881

Deseret News reports how Martin Harris unsuccessfully tried to trick Joseph during the translation by replacing seer stone with an ordinary stone Martin Harris discovered.

Nov 30, 1881

Edward Stevenson recounts hearing Martin Harris speak of how Joseph used both a seer stone and a Urim and Thummim to translate the plates.


William Smith says Joseph used the Urim and Thummim to translate the BOM.

Feb 27, 1884

George Q. Cannon cites David Whitmer reporting that Joseph translated with a stone in the hat "which all light was excluded."

Mar 25, 1884

James Hart wrote that Joseph used a seer stone in a hat for the translation of the BOM.

Apr 30, 1884

Martin Harris tells Simon Smith that Joseph the Urim and Thummim to translate the BOM.

Dec 25, 1884

R.W. Alderman reports Martin Harris as having claimed that Joseph used Peep-stone in a hat to translate plates.

Jan 4, 1885

David Whitmer tells Zenas Gurley that the "interpreters" were taken from Joseph after Martin Harris lost the 116 pages.

Dec 17, 1885

David Whitmer recounts Joseph using Urim and Thummim to translate the Book of Mormon.

Jun 21, 1886

Martin Harris says Joseph used the seer stone in a hat to translate the BOM.

Oct 17, 1886

David Whitmer notes that Joseph was presented with a chocolate-colored seer stone to substitute the Urim and Thummim.


David Whitmer describes how Joseph received revelation through a seer stone.

May 1887

Andrew Jenson provides account of David Whitmer showing him the BOM manuscript and identifying the handwriting of the various scribes.

May 1887

Andrew Jenson writes of Martin Harris describing the translation of the BOM with Joseph using both seer stone and U&T.


David Whitmer said that God gave Joseph the ability to translate the BOM through a stone in fulfillment of Isaiah 29.


David Whitmer describes the translation as Joseph putting a hat into a stone and clearing his mind of earthly things.


David Whitmer said that the Book of Mormon was not translated by the power of man and not derived from the work of Spaulding.


Martin Harris told Anthony Metcalf that Joseph used a stone in a hat and would spell out the English words.

Dec 26, 1888

George Mantle summarized that Martin Harris testified that Joseph translated by the power of God.

Apr 11, 1895

Katharine Salisbury reported that Joseph could only translate once sins were forgiven.

Feb 1, 1899

Frederick Kesler told by Snow that Joseph used a seer stone to translate the BOM.


B. H. Roberts discusses Joseph's use of various instruments (e.g., Nephite interpreters; the Seer stone) to translate the Book of Mormon.


John Rigdon in a lecture stated that the Book of Mormon was translated by the power of God.


Andrew Lang described common tools used in scrying (e.g., sword among ancient Romans; polished Iron in medieval Europe).


B. H. Roberts discusses different testimonies about the seer stones.

Feb 17, 1909

Nathan Tanner jr. reported David Whitmer said Joseph alternated between the Urim and Thummim and a seer stone.

Apr 20, 1918

William Waddoups's comment at Benson Stake Conference in April 1923 about Martin Harris affirming having hefted the plates and seen the angel.

May 1, 1921

John W. Peterson recalls William Smith telling him Joseph put the U&T (which looked like a pair of spectacles) in a hat or some other dark object to translate the plates.


Sunday School Lesson from 1930 describing how the Urim and Thummim were used.

Nov 27, 1931

Nels Madsen interviews Emma Smith on whether or not Joseph could have translated the BOM.


Sunday School lesson in 1934 describes briefly how Joseph Smith used seer stones.


Sunday School lesson from 1936 teaches that the Urim and Thummim helped with Book of Mormon translation.

Oct 1939

Francis W. Kirkham argues that Joseph Smith did not use seer stones when translating the Book of Mormon.

Mar 23, 1940

Theodore Farley in 1940 recounts Martin Harris affirming testimony in the Book of Mormon having been translated by the gift and power of God.


Francis W. Kirkham calls into question the accuracy of Martin Harris's and David Whitmer's descriptions of the translation process..


Fawn M. Brodie describes Joseph Smith's use of a seer stone both with treasure hunting and when translating the Book of Mormon.


John A. Widtsoe discusses Joseph's seer stone; while acknowledging it was made serviceable by God, does not believe Joseph used it to translate the Book of Mormon.


Joseph Fielding Smith writes his reasoning on why he believes Joseph Smith did not use the seer stone to translate the Book of Mormon.


Joseph Fielding Smith rejects claim Joseph used a seer stone to translate the plates.


Herbert Passin and John Bennett offered academic discussion of traditional "Magic" in Illinois town.


Keith Thomas (16th century historian) stated that common people believed folk magic/scryers came from God.

Sep 1974

The Friend briefly describes the seer stones and how they were used.

Sep 1974

Article in The Friend (September 1974) discusses the use of a seer stone as one of the means by which Joseph translated the plates.

Sep 1977

Richard Anderson mentions various possibilities for the translation process for the Book of Mormon (e.g., potential use of seer stones) in the Ensign.

Apr 1979

Jon Butler wrote that early American Christianity was intermingled with the occult.


Blake T. Ostler argues that the Book of Mormon is an ancient record with nineteenth century expansions.


Kenneth W. Godfrey, in an article published in the Ensign, notes that scripture indicates the translation involved "the Urim and Thummim or a seerstone."

Jul 1993

Russell Nelson, referencing Whitmer, taught that Joseph used a Seer Stone in a Hat to translate BOM.

Jan 1997

Neal A. Maxwell taught that Joseph used a seer stone to translate plates in Ensign.


D. Michael Quinn said that seer stones common for treasure digging in Palmyra in Joseph's time.


Royal Skousen proposes how Joseph Smith may have translated the Book of Mormon.


Lorenzo Saunders recalled how Sally Chase had a seer stone.


Historian Ashurst-McGee perspective on Joseph's progression from village seer to prophet.


Robert Matthews discussed disparity between knowledge of artists and scholars about issues, including BOM topics.


Richard Bushman describes how the Book of Mormon might have been translated.


Brant A. Gardner gave 1800s background to Joseph's use of Seer Stones.


2012 Seminary Teacher Manual States Plates Translated by "Urim and Thummim."


Moroni discussed sealing up the interpreters with the plates.


2013 D&C Manual Published by Church: Urim and Thummim is an instrument that aids a seer in the work of translation.

Dec 2013

Gospel Topics Essay Teaches Joseph did use the Seer Stone in a Hat Method to Translate Plates.


Anthony Sweat depicted Joseph using a rock in a hat to translate the BOM in a Deseret Book publication.


Anthony Sweat quoting Walter Rane on the Difficulty of portraying the translation process in art.

Sep 2015

Steven Snow affirmed in Ensign that Joseph used a Seer Stone to translate the Plates.

Oct 2015

Richard Turley et al. wrote about how Joseph used a seer stone.


Artistic Depiction of Joseph using Seer Stone in a hat in the Church History Topics.


Michael MacKay and Nicholas Frederick's book, published by Deseret and BYU, discussing how Joseph used a seer stone.


John Welch gives quotes and overview of various sources discussing BOM translation.


Saints mentions Joseph using a seer stone in a hat to translate the plates.


2020 Come Follow Me Manual References Joseph using a seer stone to translate plates.

Apr 2019

Steven Snow describes how we keep records in order to keep God's commandments.


Michael Mackay addresses importance of gold plates (even when hidden while Joseph translated).

Apr 2020

New Era teaches youth that Joseph used a stone in a hat to Translate BOM Plates.

Apr 13, 2020

The Church says that the plates are evidence that links the Book of Mormon to the ancient world.


Joseph Smith Papers description of Seer Stones and seeing things not visible to the natural eye.

Jul 1, 2021

Grant Hardy discusses how Joseph may have translated the Book of Mormon.