James H. Charlesworth translates text regarding Cain as a "dark calf."
Uncertain Syriac text indicating "black" or "sad."
Codex Vaticanus reference to Cain.
Ali Ünal offers translation re: Cain.
AAAL offers an account of Cain where identified as "black."
LCE scribe writes C as "casting down" his face.
Harry Sperling and Maurice Simon offer translation of Kabbalah text re: C's curse.
Thomas Peyton identifies Cain as "black."
Apocryphal account of Cain being killed by an arrow after being mistaken for an animal.
Elihu Coleman rejects that Cain and Canaan share a common lineage.
Paul Erdmann Iserts comments on alleged "Cain" origins for Africans.
Wheatley discusses the outcome of her enslavement and describes Africans in Cain-like terms.
David Child rejects the curse of Cain theory.
Messenger and Advocate states that the son of Ham was cursed, resulting in bondage of Black enslaved people, and that the curse will be removed someday.
Weld criticizes use of Cain myth for African origins.
Joseph describes Black people as "sons of Cain."
Rawson meets Cain-like figure in Nauvoo in 1847.
John Fletcher argues that Ham married a descendant of Cain.
Josiah Priest rejects Cain theory in favor of Ham theory.
John Fletcher writes that Ham's degraded condition resulted from marriage with the cursed race of Cain.
Article on Bear Lake monster sightings.
Interview with BYJ says BY was investigating Bear Lake Monster.
George Q. Cannon states that God loves all, including the "dark sons of Cain."
Brown rejects Cain origin for peoples of African ancestry.
Church leaders see Bear Lake monster.
Eliza R. Snow references David W. Patten seeing Cain.
Deseret News commenter theorizes on descendants of Cain.
LW reprints AOS's telling of DWP seeing Cain.
C in Hawaii in 1919.
Eldred G. Smith notes that descendants of Cain are not eligible to receive priesthood.
AD holds that Christ supersedes all racial "cursing."
Ezra T. Benson says God only knows why no priesthood for "seed of Cain."
Most prominent reference to the DP Cain story.
William Wilson and Richard Paulsen offer history of Mormon use of Cain account.
Bruce R. McConkie celebrates "seed of Cain" receiving the priesthood.
TR tells a story about a bigfoot-like creature, a "goblin-beast."
A later historical source that explicitly links the idea of Cain to Bigfoot.
Johannes Glenthøj gives an analysis of possible Cain deaths.
History of the Cain-as-cursed-wanderer motif.
SL writes a fictional book based on the C/B connection, acting as modern day folklore.
Deseret Morning News offers summary of Cain lore in Utah.
Richard D. Draper, S. Kent Brown, and Michael D. Rhodes identify "seed of Cain" with "skin pigmentation."
Matthew Bowman's academic article on the Cain/Bigfoot connection.
Matthew Bowman writes on Bigfoot/Cain connection.
Alan Morrell offers summary of Church leader responses to Bear Lake Monster.
Early accounts of Bigfoot.