Messenger and Advocate states that the son of Ham was cursed, resulting in bondage of Black enslaved people, and that the curse will be removed someday.

Apr 1836
News (traditional)
Messenger and Advocate

"The Abolitionists," Messenger and Advocate (April 1836): 301

Messenger and Advocate
Noah, Messenger and Advocate, John Whitmer, Ham
Reading Public

It was an inhuman thing to tear a people of another color from their friends and homes, and bring them to a strange land, and cause them to endure the toils of servitude; and that which was done by a few ship’s loads by our fathers, has now involved us, their children, in trouble and difficulty; but, I am more inclined to take the garment upon my shoulders and walk backward, and cover their folly, than expose them further to shame, or laugh at their conduct. They have done as they have—we are not accountable for their conduct—they have long since fled to be here no more: and why disgrace ourselves by contending about that that we cannot better by contention, at the same time involving ourselves in everlasting ruin?

There is a strange mysteriousness over the face of the scripture with regard to servitude. The fourth son of Ham was cursed by Noah, and to this day we may look upon the fulfilment of that singular thing. When it will be removed we know not, and where he now remains in bondage, remain he must till the hand of God interposes. As to this nation his face is inevitably sealed, so long as this form of government exists.

From what we have said, let no one charge us with inhumanity—it is for the cause of humanity we have thus freely written. It is the good of all men we desire, and for their salvation we labor, and for a long time have labored, night and day; and what further remains in our power to do, shall as freely and faithfully be done.

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