DNA and the Book of Mormon

130 Primary Sources


Orson Pratt lays out a hemispheric geography for the Book of Mormon.


George Reynolds argues for a hemispheric geography model for the Book of Mormon.


B. H. Roberts writes on the possibility of non-Book of Mormon peoples migrating to ancient America.


Louis Edward Hills (RLDS) argues for a limited geography for the Book of Mormon in Mexico and Guatemala.


Introductory material to the 1920 edition of the Book of Mormon.

Dec 1921

Janne M. Sjodahl writes that the BOM allows for other migrations of people to ancient America.


Janne M. Sjodahl writes that the Book of Mormon does not claim Native Americans descend solely from Lehi.

Sep 1927

Janne M. Sjodahl reviews common BOM geography theories of his day in the early 20th century.

Apr 1929

Ivins acknowledges the possibility of non-Lehite people in ancient America.


John A. Widtsoe and Franklin S. Harris Jr., write that the BOM allows for other non-Lehite peoples to be present in ancient America.


Berrett writes in Church textbook that the BOM allows for other non-Lehite migrations to America.


Roy A. West writes in Church textbook that the BOM is not a history of all of ancient America.

Aug 1950

Antoine R. Ivins questions whether modern Lamanites are universally descended from Laman and Lemuel.

May 1952

Nibley writes that the BOM allows for other non-Lehites in ancient America.


Bruce R. McConkie writes that other migrations of people to America happened anciently.


Ariel L. Crowley writes in 1961 that modern Native Americans are of mixed ancestry.


Hugh W. Nibley argues for a limited geography for the Book of Mormon and a more complex racial makeup of Book of Mormon peoples.

Nov 1968

Paul R. Cheesman writes that there may have been other migrations to ancient America.


Richard L. Evans says the Book of Mormon peoples are among the ancestors of modern Native Americans.

Dec 1975

Lane Johnson discusses Lamanite identity; says non-Book of Mormon peoples may be included among the Lamanites' ancestors.

Jun 1976

Jeffrey R. Holland says that the American continent was empty until the arrival of Book of Mormon peoples.

Nov 1976

Ross T. Christensen writes that not all modern Native Americans are necessarily ethnic Lamanites.


Introduction to 1981 official edition of the Book of Mormon.

Oct 1981

Bruce T. Harper publishes details of the 1981 edition of the standard works in the Ensign.


Bruce R. McConkie says the study aids published with the Book of Mormon do not determine doctrine.

Sep 1984

Part 1 of John L. Sorenson's series on the limited geography of the Book of Mormon for the Ensign.

Oct 1984

Part 2 of Sorenson's series on the limited geography of the BOM for the Ensign.


John L. Sorenson argues that the Book of Mormon's geography is limited and is a lineage history of a select group of people.


John L. Sorenson reviews the Book of Mormon's depiction of the Mulekites, or the people of Zarahemla.


John L. Sorenson reviews the history of BOM geography theories.


John L. Sorenson argues that the BOM contains references to non-Lehite and non-Jaredite peoples.


John L. Sorenson reviews the various populations and peoples described in the Book of Mormon.


Morgan W. Tanner summarizes the Book of Mormon's depiction of Jaredites.


B. H. Roberts allows for the possibility of other peoples in ancient America; notes that others in his day promoted a limited geography.


Antonio Torroni et al. publish early findings of American Indian mtDNA testing; show affinities with Asian populations.


Peter Forster et al. review mtDNA evidence from Native Americans.


Rosaria Scozzari et al. highlight the presence of haplogroup X in North American Native American populations.


James E. Smith reviews the demographic information of Book of Mormon peoples as indicated by the text.


John L. Sorenson discusses what the Book of Mormon says about the composition of Lehi's family.


Michael H. Crawford describes the loss of genetic variation among American Indians because of population bottlenecks.


Michael H. Crawford reviews literature of the 1990s pointing to Asian origins for American Indians.


John L. Sorenson writes on the limits of DNA testing in determining human population history.


Brant A. Gardner argues that the BOM speaks of the presence of non-Lehites in ancient America.


Dallin H. Oaks says he learned to read the Book of Mormon in a limited geography context in the 1950s during his time as a student at BYU.


Thomas W. Murphy argues that DNA evidence for Native Americans renders BOM historicity implausible.

May 24, 2002

Signature Books website lists American Apocrypha as recently released in May 2002.

Dec 8, 2002

William Lobdell and Larry B. Stammer report on Thomas W. Murphy's article and potential excommunication.


D. Jeffrey Meldrum and Trent D. Stephens discuss the complex issues related to Lamanite identity and DNA.


John Gee and Matthew Roper argue that the Book of Mormon acknowledges non-Lehites in ancient America in light of its use of the book of Isaiah.


John L. Sorenson and Matthew Roper discuss issues that need to be resolved with Book of Mormon studies before DNA evidence can be applicable.


Matthew Roper reviews the population makeup of pre-Columbian America as it pertains to the BOM's depiction of Lamanites and Nephites.


John M. Butler gives personal perspective on DNA and the Book of Mormon.


Michael F. Whiting discusses issues that interfere with the genetics of Book of Mormon peoples.


Matthew Roper argues that DNA is not dependable evidence to identify Book of Mormon peoples.


Thomas W. Murphy criticizes apologetic arguments for a limited geography theory for the BOM.


David A. McClellan discusses DNA and the Book of Mormon, concludes that DNA evidence is inconclusive.


Maere Reidla et al. review the evidence for the origin of Haplogroup X in Native American populations.


Daniel C. Peterson, as editor of FARMS Review, responds to Murphy's "Galileo Event" claims.


Dean H. Leavitt, Jonathon C. Marshall, and Keith A. Crandall lay out different models for BOM geography and how DNA evidence impacts each model.

Feb 2003

Thomas W. Murphy and Simon Southerton herald their research as a "Galileo Event" for the BOM.

Jun 2003

Agnar Helgason et al. discuss the problem of correlating genetic data with geneaological information.

Nov 11, 2003

Official LDS Church statement on DNA and the Book of Mormon.


Hongye Li and Marilyn J. Roossinck report on an experiment to show how genetic bottlenecks work in a virus population.


Simon G. Southerton criticizes BOM historicity based on DNA evidence.


Introduction to the Doubleday edition (2004) of the Book of Mormon.


Matthew Roper reviews the history of the limited geography theory.

Jul 10, 2004

The Church News announces the forthcoming publication of the Doubleday edition of the Book of Mormon.

Nov 11, 2004

Moore reports on the publication of the Doubleday Book of Mormon.


Ryan Parr reviews and critiques Simon Southerton's book; concludes DNA does not disprove the Book of Mormon.

May 2005

D. Michael Quinn defends Book of Mormon historicity against attacks based on DNA.

May 2005

Blake T. Ostler argues that DNA does not disprove the Book of Mormon.

Aug 5, 2005

Sidney Morning Herald reports on Simon Southerton's excommunication.

Sep 2005

Simon Southerton criticizes apologetic arguments related to DNA and the Book of Mormon.

Nov 2005

Blake T. Ostler critiques Simon Southerton's arguments that DNA disproves the Book of Mormon.


Introduction to revised 2006 Doubleday edition of the Book of Mormon.


David G. Stewart Jr. examines the DNA research and its application to the Book of Mormon.


Erika Tamm et al. review the genetic evidence for Asian origins of earliest Native Americans.


D. Jeffrey Meldrum and Trent D. Stephens write book on DNA and the Book of Mormon; conclude DNA is inconclusive evidence for or against historicity.

Nov 8, 2007

Deseret News reports the change made in the Book of Mormon introduction.

Nov 8, 2007

Salt Lake Tribune report on the change to the Book of Mormon introduction.


Doron M. Behar et al. discuss the genetic profiles of Ashkenazi Jews.


John-Charles Duffy reviews the historical usage of the term "Lamanite" in LDS usage.


Beth Alison Schultz Shook and David Glenn Smith describe how genetic drift and population bottlenecks have affected the genome of modern Native Americans.

May 7, 2008

Liran I. Shlush et al. review current genetic profile of the Druze people in the Middle East.


Bruce H. Porter and Rod L. Meldrum argue that Haplogroup X is evidence for Book of Mormon historicity.


Bruce H. Porter and Rod L. Meldrum use Haplogroup X to link the Hopewell peoples with the Book of Mormon.


Mannis van Oven and Manfred Keyser publish a complete (as of 2009) mtDNA chart for human populations.


Rod L. Meldrum argues that Haplogroup X is evidence for the Book of Mormon.


Ugo A. Perego et al. discuss DNA evidence for early migrations into America.


Bruce H. Porter and Rod L. Meldrum review the DNA controversy pertaining to the Book of Mormon.


Ugo Perego reviews DNA evidence of Native American peoples and discusses how it relates to the BOM.


Ugo A. Perego et al. review DNA evidence for the earliest population of ancient America.


Gregory L. Smith reviews Rod Meldrum's DNA arguments and the Heartlander model.


Meldrum argues that DNA evidence locates the Lamanites in North America.


Ugo Perego reviews DNA and BOM question, concludes DNA science cannot settle the issue.


Rem I. Sukernik et al. review haplogroups of Siberia, note presence of haplogroup X.


Michael R. Ash argues that non-Lehite peoples are mentioned in the Book of Mormon.


Official report of adjustments made to the 2013 edition of the standard works.


Introduction to official 2013 edition of the Book of Mormon.


Book of Mormon (Ether 15) describes the destruction of the Jaredites.


Mormon describes the destruction of the Nephites.


John L. Sorenson reviews DNA question; concludes DNA cannot be used to prove or disprove Book of Mormon.


Signature Books website collects opinions on the issue of DNA with a hypothetical question.


Michael R. Ash summarizes LDS apologetic position on DNA and the Book of Mormon issue.


Ugo A. Perego and Jayne E. Ekins argue that DNA neither confirms nor disconfirms the Book of Mormon.

Feb 13, 2014

Jennifer A. Raff and Deborah A. Bolnick review the genetic evidence for the earliest American migrations.


Stephen Leslie et al. review complex genetic background of migrates to ancient Great Britain.


Jennifer A. Raff and Deborah A. Bolnick review the evidence for haplogroup X2a; conclude it does not lend support to theory of migration from Near East to America.

Mar 18, 2015

Andy Coghlan summarizes current genetic data on the ancient peoples of Great Britain.


Ugo A. Perego writes summary article on DNA and the Book of Mormon, says current evidence is inconclusive.


Study by Bastien Llamas et al. notes the likelihood of significant loss of genetic diversity in America upon European contact.

May 15, 2017

Ann Gibbons discusses the discord between genetic and geneaological data in reconstructing human ancestry.

Aug 9, 2017

Jennifer Raff reviews conflicting genetic evidence for the ancient inhabitants of Great Britain.


S. Sunna Ebenesersdóttir et al. publish new data showing rapid genetic drift among Icelandic population.


David R. Hocking argues that DNA evidence confirms the Heartland model of BOM geography.

May 31, 2018

Michael Price reviews recent study of Iceland population showing rapid genetic drift.


Michal Feldman et al. review case of missing Philistine DNA in later population.


Ann Gibbons summarizes evidence of loss of genetic signature in Iron Age Philistines.


LDS Church Gospel Topics essay on Book of Mormon geography.


Elizabeth Fenton reviews the DNA controversy from a non-LDS perspective.


2020 article by Thomas W. Murphy and Angelo Baca responding to (and criticizing) the LDS Church Gospel Topics essay.


Robert V. Davis reviews the genetic studies done on Native American origins.


Alan R. Templeton explains concepts of genetic drift, genetic bottleneck, and founder effect.


Thomas W. Murphy, Simon G. Southerton, and Angelo Baca criticize the Heartlander use of Kennewick Man.


Jennifer Raff reviews the evidence as of 2022 for the genetic history of American Indians.


LDS Gospel Topics essay on DNA and the Book of Mormon.


Nature website explains what a population bottleneck is.


UC Berkeley Museum of Paleontology describes the founder effect and genetic bottlenecks.


Nature website defines concept of genetic drift.

May 4, 2023

Charles Rotimi defines "genetic drift."