BB compares DT to KN in 2016.
MKC points out and denounces the scriptural reference in ML's comparison of DT and CM.
Utah realtor CH reflects on the man dressed as CM at the Capitol riot in a Facebook post.
AR compares DT to KN.
TC criticizes ML's comparison of DT and CM, instead compares to A.
ML headlines at DT rally to woo LDS voters in AZ.
Jaxon Washburn documents his counterprotest at a Trump rally as a Church member.
SN disagrees with ML's comparison of DT and CM, instead compares DT to A.
PB criticizes ML and his comparison of DT and CM, comparing DT to KN instead.
EM denounces ML's comparison of DT and CM.
LDSFBH disagrees with ML's comparison of DT and CM.
CA compares DT and KN in response to PB's tweet about ML comparing DT and CM.
Barbara Jones Brown disagrees with Mike Lee's comparison of Donald Trump and Captain Moroni, instead compares to King Noah.
ML posts on Facebook about his impromptu remarks at a DT campaign rally.
AR reports on ML comparing DT and CM.
Troy Williams disagrees with Mike Lee's comparison of Donald Trump and Captain Moroni, instead compares to King Noah.
Kristine Haglund makes a joke about comparing Donanld Trump and Captain Moroni, before disagreeing with using scripture in politics.
In response to current events, Richard Ostler made a statement denouncing the comparison of political figures and scriptural characters on Instagram.
Salt Lake Tribune's coverage of Mike Lee's comparison of Donald Trump and Captain Moroni.
Julie Lefgren replies to Peggy Fletcher Stack's Facebook post about Mike Lee's comparison of Donald Trump and Captain Moroni and claims the comparison was religious manipulation.
Peggy Fletcher Stack asks in a Facebook post if LDS scriptures should be used in a political campaign.
LNM defends ML's comparison of DT and CM.
KD replies with support to ML's Facebook post of his comparison of DR and CM.
On Facebook, Mike Lee explains and defends his comparison of Donald Trump and Captain Moroni.
JB leaves a Facebook comment on ML's post endorsing the comparison of DT and CM.
GB of the MS doesn't exactly agree ML's comparison of DT and CM, instead compares DT to a governor of Zarahemla.
FOX 13 reports ML comparing DT and CM at a campaign rally for DT.
Bradley Caldwell responds positively to Mike Lee's comparison of Donald Trump and Captain Moroni.
AB lauds ML's comparison of DT and CM.
CC summarizes in PSM the varied response of church members to ML's comparison of DT and CM.
Mike Lee's spokesman Conn Carroll defends the comparison of Donald Trump and Captain Moroni.
MB reports on the backlash to ML's comparison of DT and CM.
José Ignacio Castañeda Perez reports on a written statement from Church media specialist Jennifer Wheeler about Church political neutrality.
USN publishes an op-ed supporting ML's comparison of DT and CM.
RN uses CM story to describe US political conditions in early 2021.
Scott Howard spots MDACMATCR in CNN coverage.
Barbara Jones Brown connects Nathan Wayne Entrekin to Mike Lee.
NWE is interviewed on why he is dressed as CM.
East Idaho News reports on Josiah Colt who played a role in the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot.
JD links NWE's appearance to ML's comparison of DT and CM.
Jana Riess comments on reporting of Josiah Colt in the Capitol riot.
NWE walks the Capitol as CM.
Peggy Fletcher Stack reports the Church's condemnation of unrest at the Capitol.
First Presidency condemns violence in response to Capitol riots.
FBI agent TC prepares an affidavit for Judge RMM, outlining NWE's Capitol riot activities.
Ryan J. Reilly reports on the arrest of Nathan Wayne Entrekin.
SDP reports on the arrest of NWE for his participation in the Capitol riot.