AB lauds ML's comparison of DT and CM.

Oct 30, 2020
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Anonymous Bishop

Anonymous Bishop, "O Captain! My Captain!," anonymousbishop.org, accessed June 26, 2021

Anonymous Bishop
Reading Public

Utah Senator Mike Lee compared President Donald Trump to Captain Moroni in a recent Trump-Pence campaign event in Arizona, which has a very large LDS population, and which has become a swing state. The Salt Lake Tribune covers the story, which I include below. Because Lee has received a lot of criticism for his comments from LDS and non-LDS people alike, I want to take a moment to weigh in.

Senator, thank you for your courage and for being willing to speak the truth. You realize, unlike some members of our Church, that President Trump, love him or hate him, is the last man standing between freedom and tyranny in this the United States of America. I wish Mitt Romney had 1/10 of your courage and humility.

Your humility is especially refreshing as most of us remember that you were a never-Trumper with Mitt 4 years ago. But, you, like many of us, have seen the results of this President, who has lowered taxes, reduced regulations, been unabashedly pro-life, nominated 3 conservative Justices to the Supreme Court, funded our military while bringing troops home, supported law enforcement, supported Israel, supported governors and states during times of crisis, and much more… And now, realize that this is a man who is doing all that he promised and more.

I fully support your leadership in our State and Nation and love your comparison between President Trump and Captain Moroni. Honest people know and appreciate the message being conveyed and I think it’s quite apt and timely. Thank you, Senator Lee!

BHR Staff Commentary

Anonymousbishop is a snufferite

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