Bradley Caldwell responds positively to Mike Lee's comparison of Donald Trump and Captain Moroni.

Oct 30, 2020
Social Media
Bradley Caldwell

Caldwell, Bradley, "Senator Lee, I can see the comparison and although we certainly know that President Trump is not Captain Moroni, he is a type in that he is fighting for his country . . .," Facebook comment (Oct 30, 2020)

Donald Trump, Mike Lee, Bradley Caldwell, Captain Moroni
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Bradley Caldwell Senator Lee, I can see the comparison and although we certainly know that President Trump is not Captain Moroni, he is a type in that he is fighting for his country, I could see him waving a flag, and many people are offended by his hard/harsh words. I think that Captain Moroni offended many people by the same. Can you imagine standing in the town square, having a man rip up his clothing to make a flag and then march around the park calling people to repentance and patriotism? How many of us would have been offended by that and thought he was nuts? I am a critic of the Presidents deportment. I think in many ways it does not rise to the level of the President, however, I think he is a good solid leader who knows how to get things done and has surrounded himself by good people. His causes are righteous causes. The opposition does nothing but try to destroy those righteous causes. Maybe it is time that we put aside the crazy man in the plaza, swinging the flags and realize that the causes he cheers for are more important than the wacky tweets.

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