Joseph F. Smith speaks of Church duty to support government in war.
Levi Edgar Young comments on peacefulness of LDS.
FP statement on mobilization for war.
JRC condemns use of excessive armament in war.
Daily Universe reports on CIA recruitment.
Mission circular reports rumor that missionaries in El Salvador are CIA operatives.
SLCC references Maxwell's CIA service.
Sandie Christensen writes article on Veri Allman who went to Zambia on CIA funding.
GBH comments on capacity of missionaries to navigate other cultures.
Spence W. Kimball condemns American "warlike" tendencies in article published by Ensign.
AR reports on CIA recruitment from returned missionaries.
BOM scriptural basis for deception and intelligence gathering.
JA reports on CIA involvement from BYU students.
DN references a BYU professor who served with the CIA.
Karen Gutke reports on CIA's recruitment at BYU.
Bruce Hafen highlights Neal A. Maxwell's lessons learned from CIA service.
Washington Post website hosts contracts for John Bruce Jessen and James Elmer Mitchell.
George W. Bush holds that Al Qaeda combatants are not prisoners of war.
JB comments on his motivation to enter law.
Emmanuel Kissi reports on perceptions of Church association with CIA in Ghana.
Mike Ramsdell comments on the conflict between CIA work and his faith.
BH comments on NAM's lessons learned during his CIA service.
Mike Ramsdell, a former spy, comments on why CIA likes Intermountain (Mormon) recruits.
Katherine Eban highlights Bruce Jessen and James Elmer Mitchell as "Mormon mafia" CIA contractors.
BAC offers summary of dating and marriage at BYU (increased familial stability makes for better CIA recruits).
Kim B. Östman reports that Finnish Community Party alleged missionaries were part of US infiltration efforts in 1980s.
Jane Mayer identifies James Elmer Mitchell as a Latter-day Saint.
KO quotes TS re: use of Mormonism to spread the American empire.
Kim Östman offers quote of Finnish Communist Party re: Mormon missionaries.
Jukka Rislakki alleges Neal A. Maxwell led covert CIA efforts in Finland.
BJP highlights role of LDS interrogators in CIA torture charges.
MRM writes about SS finding faith while in the CIA.
Scott Shane offers biographical details of Bruce Jensen.
Molly Worthen comments on role of missionary work in making LDS men culturally sensitive.
CBM, Edward Carbine's mission president, had actually served in the CIA, reports CBM.
Yekaterina Steniakina in Russia thinks Mormons are CIA.
Peggy Fletcher Stack highlights missionary work rigor and language capacity.
U.S. Senate references James Elmer Mitchell's and Bruce Jessen's (pseudonyms of "Swigert" and "Dunbar") work on CIA interrogation.
James Elmer Mitchell claims that he is not a Mormon.
BJ steps down from position as bishop following CIA involvement.
Michael Lipka highlights Latter-day Saint marriage rates.
Former Ghana mission president Daniel K Judd says Ghanaian government determined LDS Church was CIA infiltrated.
Church Public Affairs comments on effects of Russia law (passed due to belief of CIA infiltration).
TM reports on EM's candidacy (LDS former CIA).
Bethany Ann Ebrahiman reports on Kevin Mallory's espionage.
Linda Talbot highlights CIA efforts of Diane and Kory Sellers.
LH reports that JEM and BJ are testifying in Guantanamo Case.
Jay Bybee's memo providing legal groundwork for "enhanced interrogation techniques."