Cannon cites what John Taylor told him in Nauvoo about his conversation with Joseph about the priesthood ban.

Mar 1, 1900
Personal Journal / Diary
George Q. Cannon

George Q. Cannon Journal, March 1, 1900, in Church Historian's Press

Church Historian's Press
Brigham Young, Cain, Lorenzo Snow, George Q. Cannon, John Taylor, Joseph Smith, Jr., Abel

A question came up as to persons having the blood of Cain in their veins, and whether there was not a time when it might become so diluted that they would be entitled to the priesthood. President Snow related a conversation he had had with President Brigham Young on this subject at the time he was ordained, in which President Young set forth the idea that spirits were classified in heaven before they came here, and that Cain stood at the head of a class of spirits who were willing to follow him and to come here and take black bodies. I had a conversation very early in life with President John Taylor, who told me what the Prophet Joseph had said upon this subject. I related it to-day to the Council. He told him that the seed of Cain could not hold the priesthood, and that they would be debarred from the priesthood until Abel should have seed who could come forward and receive the priesthood. Cain had killed Abel, and he had died childless. If Cain's posterity were to receive the priesthood, the family of the slayer would have advantages over the slain, and for this reason there could be no priesthood bestowed upon the seed of Cain at present. I said to the brethren that my view was that no one having any of this blood in their veins, no matter how small a drop it might be, could possibly hold the priesthood; for if they were permitted to receive ordinances, they could trace back their genealogy till they should strike the full negro blood, and therefore they could not be permitted to receive the ordinances, that being the curse placed upon the seed.

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