White Horse Prophecy

365 Primary Sources

300 - 300 AD

Sifre on Deuteronomy offers an exegesis of the test of a prophet in Deuteronomy 13.

Jun 12, 1780

William Herschel explains his reasoning for believing the moon is inhabited.

Sep 22, 1823

Moroni quotes Malachi's prophecy of the coming of Elijah to Joseph.


Adam Clarke writes that the moon is a habitable globe.


Webster's 1828 dictionary's definition of "government"; definitions include "The system of polity in a state" and "The persons or council which administer the laws of a kingdom or state; executive power."


Definition of "city" in Webster's 1828 dictionary.


Webster's 1828 dictionary provides definition of "Prosper."

Jun 1829

Revelation says to use wine for sacrament.


Joseph receives a revelation (early 1830) concerning the selling a copyright of the Book of Mormon in Canada; contingencies are attached to its fulfillment.

Apr 1830

Sacrament prayer second copy describes blessing wine.

Jun 1830

The Book of Moses 1 speaks of God creating many worlds.

Aug 1830

Joseph receives a revelation on sacrament: wine "made new among" Saints to be used.

Jan 1, 1831 - Mar 3, 1831

Joseph, On January 3, 1843, prophesies that "no very formidable opposition would be voiced at my trial on the morrow."

Mar 8, 1831

In D&C 47, John Whitmer is appointed to keep "the church record and history continually."

Aug 1, 1831

Revelation saying wine will be drunk in the last days when Christ returns.

Feb 16, 1832

Joseph has vision where he learns God created worlds that are inhabited.

Mar 15, 1832

D&C 81:1 in Revelation Book 1 has the promise made to Jesse Gause.

Sep 23, 1832

D&C 84:112-15 warns of a potential destruction of New York, Albany, and Boston if the inhabitants of the cities reject the gospel.

Jan 1833

In an article published in the January 1833 The Evening and Morning Star, an article speaks of the then-future "dissolution of South Carolina from the Union."

Feb 27, 1833

Joseph receives the revelation often called the "Word of Wisdom."

Feb 27, 1833

Revelation of the Word of Wisdom; no distinction between first three verses and the rest of the text.

Nov 19, 1833

Joseph, in his journal, notes that Sidney Rigdon is a man that God will uphold if Rigdon continues to be faithful; notes he has some character flaws such as selfishness.

Dec 16, 1833

Joseph Smith reveals that the US constitution was established by God and the US was redeemed by shedding blood.

Feb 4, 1834

Joseph says members need to follow the Word of Wisdom.

Aug 16, 1834

Joseph, in a letter to Lyman Wight, teaches that, if the people remain faithful, Zion will be redeemed on September 11, 1836.


Copy of D&C 87 in the journal of W. W. Phelps (c. 1835).


The 1835 Doctrine & Covenants italicizes the first three verses of modern Section 89 and uses them as an introduction.

Oct 2, 1835

Joseph, in a blessing to Sidney Rigdon, promises that, if Sidney remains faithful, he will be blessed.

Jan 14, 1836

Joseph and church members drink wine for refreshment.

Jan 20, 1836

Joseph and elders Orson Hyde, Luke Johnson, and Warren Parrish drink wine.

Jan 24, 1836

Joseph reports that wine was used in sacrament meeting.

Feb 7, 1836

Church meeting with Joseph and Sidney Rigdon; wine is served in sacrament.

Mar 29, 1836

Joseph reported that sacrament was served with bread and wine in Kirtland Temple.

Mar 30, 1836

Bread and wine used in Kirtland temple.

Apr 3, 1836

Joseph and Oliver Cowdery have a vision in the Kirtland temple; Elijah bestows the sealing keys.

Apr 3, 1836

Joseph and Oliver Cowdery record the coming of Elijah to the Kirtland Temple in fulfilment of the prophecy of Malachi 4.

Dec 1836

Sidney Rigdon, in an editorial in the Messenger and Advocate, teaches that the Lord would bless the Saints’ industry with prosperity.

Dec 7, 1836

William Huntington blessing to his son Oliver B. Huntington.


Duncan Bradford positively theorizes that the moon may be inhabited.

Jan 6, 1837

Wilford Woodruff records Joseph teaching that, if the Saints were to be faithful, the Kirtland Bank "shall become the greatest of all institutions on earth."

Sep 3, 1837

Joseph teaches that the Kirtland Bank's success was conditional upon the righteousness of the Saints.

Sep 3, 1837

George W. Robinson reports that John F. Boynton believed that the Kirtland Bank "was instituted by the will of God" and he was told it would not fail.

Nov 1837

In the November 1837 issue of the Elders' Journal, Joseph speaks of the then-future war as predicted in D&C 87.

Nov 7, 1837

Vote by church members not to buy liquor, tea, coffee, tobacco.


Copy of D&C 87 in Willard Richard's Pocket Companion (c. 1838).

1838 - 1856

On January 5, 1843, Joseph prophesies that he "will build up a great city."

1838 - 1856

Theodore Turley reports on the fulfillment of D&C 118:4-5.

1838 - 1856

Joseph reports accurately predicting various events leading to his and Newel K. Whitney arriving home before 10 a.m. the following day.

1838 - 1856

On March 4, 1840, Joseph prophesies that Martin Van Buren "will never be elected again to any office of trust or power."

1838 - 1856

Joseph offers a conditional prophecy concerning the Elders of the Church in Kirtland on March 30, 1836.

1838 - 1856

Theodore Turley reports on a mob attempting to stall the fulfillment of D&C 118:4-5.

1838 - 1856

In December 1841, Joseph prophesies concerning the city of Warsaw and that "it never would be built till it was broken down."

1838 - 1856

Joseph records a prophecy he received concerning the recovery of Samuel Smith's wife, Mary Bailey Smith; also records its fulfillment on the same day (October 27, 1835).

Apr 9, 1838

Joseph and Sidney Rigdon, in a letter to John Whitmer, informs him that "we never supposed you capable of writing a history."

Nov 2, 1838 - Jul 31, 1842

Joseph promises Stephen Markham safe deliverance (April 11, 1839).

Mar 22, 1839

Joseph, in a letter, writes that the Constitution is a glorious standard and a heavenly banner.


Copy of D&C 87 made by Newel K. Whitney contains a prophecy of "Wars that will shortly come to pass (c. 1840).

Jan 1, 1840 - Dec 31, 1840

On March 4, 1840, Joseph expresses his desire that Martin Van Buren will "never be elected again to any office of Trust or power, by which he may abuse the innocent, & let the guilty go free."

Jul 19, 1840

In a sermon, Joseph Smith teaches that the Constitution will one day be on the "brink of ruin" and the Saints will help protect and save it.

Jul 19, 1840

In a sermon, Joseph Smith teaches that the Constitution will one day be on the "brink of ruin" and the Saints will help protect and save it.

Jul 19, 1840

In a sermon, Joseph Smith teaches that the Constitution will one day be on the "brink of ruin" and the Saints will help protect and save it.

Jul 19, 1840

In a sermon, Joseph Smith teaches that the Constitution will one day be on the "brink of ruin" and the Saints will help protect and save it.

Jan 1841

The 1841 Millennial Star italicizes the first three verses of modern Section 89 and uses them as an introduction.

Feb 15, 1841

Nauvoo temperance ordinance "in Relation to Temperance."

Oct 1, 1841

Orson Hyde, in a letter from June 1841, reports that Joseph promised him that, in the Holy Land, he would do a work that would "greatly facilitate the gathering together of that people."

Apr 9, 1842

During a sermon delivered April 9, 1842, Joseph prophesies that, when he accomplishes his mission, he will be "liable to die as other men."

Aug 13, 1842

The August 13, 1842 issue of The Wasp reproduces excerpts of an unpublished work, "Life in the Rocky Mountains."

Dec 1842

Joseph gives history of his leg operation; no mention of refusing alcohol.

Jan 20, 1843

Joseph prophesies that he will drink wine with Orson Hyde.

Feb 4, 1843

Joseph teaches that the then-future US Civil war would be "the first outbreak of general bloodshed" and would commence at South Carolina.

Mar 10, 1843

Joseph tells Theodore Turley that he does not object to building a brewery.

Mar 11, 1843

Joseph drinks tea.

Mar 11, 1843

Joseph, in his journal for March 11, 1843, recounts a dream he had on March 9, 1843.

Apr 2, 1843

Joseph wonders if D&C 130:14-17 is about a personal vision of Jesus or his Second Coming; concludes the Second Coming will not be any earlier than 1890/91.

Apr 2, 1843

On April 2, 1843, Joseph' prophesies "that the commenceme[n]t of bloodshed as preparat[o]ry to the coming of the son of man. will commenc[e] in South Carolina."

Apr 8, 1843

Joseph, in a sermon, interprets the symbolic language in Revelation differently than found in the White Horse Prophecy.

Apr 16, 1843

Joseph uses wine in a positive metaphor.

May 1843

James Burgess records Joseph Smith teaching that the Constitution will "hang by a brittle thread" but the Saints will save it.

May 3, 1843

Joseph drinks wine with Jenetta Richards.

May 3, 1843

Joseph drinks wine with Willard Richards.

May 18, 1843

Joseph prophesies concerning the date of Stephan A. Douglas; teaches that Douglas will one day "feel the weight of the Almighty" if he ever aspires to the Presidency of the United States.

Jun 27, 1843

Joseph informed brethren violated the Word of Wisdom; gives money to buy alcoholic drink.

Jun 30, 1843

Joseph prophesies concerning the fate of Governor Thomas Ford.

Dec 13, 1843

Nauvoo City ordinance allowing Joseph to sell alcohol.


John Taylor recounts the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith on June 27, 1844.

Feb 6, 1844

Joseph, on February 6, 1844, prophesies that within 5 years "the company would all be able to live witho[u]t cooking."

Mar 10, 1844

Joseph, in a discourse dated March 10, 1844, predicts that Jesus "will not come for 40 years" and critiques William Miller for predicting the date of Jesus's Second Coming.

Mar 10, 1844

Joseph prophecies that in the year the rainbow will not be seen, that will be a sign of forthcoming calamites and the Second Coming.

Apr 8, 1844

On April 8, 1844, Joseph prophesies of stakes being stablishes in great cities such as Boston.

Apr 19, 1844

Parley P. Pratt writes in April 1844 of his belief stakes will one day be established in cities such as New York, Boston, and Chicago.

May 10, 1844

Editors of the Nauvoo Expositor issue a prospectus for the paper.

Jun 1, 1844

Joseph drinks beer.

Jun 7, 1844

Nauvoo Expositor claims that Joseph and other Church leaders introduced false doctrines into the Church and were apostates.

Jun 7, 1844

Nauvoo Expositor claims that Joseph used his position as Prophet to gain political and civic power.

Jun 7, 1844

Nauvoo Expositor claims that Joseph was practicing plural marriage using manipulation and secrecy.

Jun 7, 1844

The Nauvoo Expositor ascribes ill intent to Joseph running for president.

Jun 10, 1844

Willard Richards records the hours-long debate of the Nauvoo City Council concerning the Nauvoo Expositor.

Jun 10, 1844

Joseph orders acting General Dunham of the Nauvoo Legion to be prepared to assist Marshall Greene in destroying the Nauvoo Expositor.

Jun 10, 1844

Joseph orders the destruction of the Nauvoo Expositor.

Jun 10, 1844

Joseph records Nauvoo City Council's order to destroy the Nauvoo Expositor and the actions taken to fulfill the order.

Jun 10, 1844

Nauvoo City Council orders Mayor Joseph to destroy the Nauvoo Expositor.

Jun 11, 1844

Thomas Morrison writes out an arrest warrant for Joseph for "unlawfully & with force" destroying the Nauvoo Expositor, considered the property of the publishers.

Jun 12, 1844

Joseph details his arrest for the destruction of the Nauvoo Expositor, and his trial, and discharge that same day in Nauvoo.

Jun 13, 1844

Willard Richards records that justices of the Nauvoo Municipal Court dismissed the charges against those that destroyed the Nauvoo Expositor.

Jun 13, 1844

William Clayton records Joseph presiding in the Nauvoo Municipal Court, where the men accused of "inciting a riot" over the destruction of the Nauvoo Expositor were "tried. . .& set free".

Jun 16, 1844

Joseph asks Gov. Ford for "immediate council and protection" from those that threatened to "exterminate 'the Saints'".

Jun 16, 1844

Joseph's journal records a visit from Judge Jesse Thomas who advised that holding a third trial before a "jusstice of the peace" would prevent mob violence.

Jun 17, 1844

Willard Richards gives a detailed summary of the Nauvoo City Council's legal deliberations concerning the Nauvoo Expositor.

Jun 18, 1844

Joseph states his intentions to protect the rights and safety of Nauvoo citizens even at the cost of his own life.

Jun 19, 1844

Thomas C. Sharp talks about exterminating the "wicked and abominable Mormon leaders."

Jun 22, 1844

Joseph, five days before his death (June 22, 1844), tells Stephen Markham that if he and Hyrum Smith were ever "taken again, we should be massacred."

Jun 23, 1844

Joseph writes to Thomas Ford expressing his willingness to stand trial in Carthage, so long as Ford will assure physical safety and impartiality in the trial.

Jun 24, 1844

Warrant authorizing the arrest of Joseph for the "Crime of Treason against the Government and people of the State of Illinois".

Jun 25, 1844

Robert F. Smith records the bail recognizance for Joseph et. al. in the riot case; sets date for trial to next session (October 1844).

Jun 27, 1844

Willard Richards recounts the events of the attack on Carthage jail in his journal.

Jun 27, 1844

Joseph drinks wine in Carthage Jail.

Jun 27, 1844

Joseph writes to Emma Smith relating his status, and that that Gov. Ford is disbanding his troops and traveling to Nauvoo.

Jun 30, 1844

The Nauvoo Neighbor Extra reports on the deaths of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, June 27, 1844.

Jun 30, 1844

The New York Times reports on Joseph and Hyrum Smith's death on June 27, 1844.

Jul 28, 1844

Wilford Woodruff reports in his journal for July 28, 1844, that Lyman Wight was told by Joseph that, while in Carthage Jail, "he should not live to see forty years."


Lucy, in her 1845 history, recalls Joseph in early 1838 stating that "I have a promise of life five years."

Jan 1, 1845

Lucy Mack Smith records in her History that Joseph refused alcohol before his leg surgery.

Jan 1845

Hyrum Smith teaches the sun, moon, and stars are inhabited.

Apr 10, 1845

George Laub, in 1845, records prophecies Joseph made in his presence concerning the State of Missouri and Joseph's own fate.


John Stevens Cabot Abbott writes favorably about the moon behind inhabited in a school textbook.

Jan 6, 1849

Brigham, on January 6, 1849, recollects a prophecy of Joseph's that the Kirtland Bank's notes "would one day be as good as gold."

Dec 28, 1850

The 1850 Deseret News uses the first three verses of modern Section 89 as an introduction.

Oct 13, 1851

Unknown counselor describes Word of Wisdom as an intended "Test of fellowship"; says caption was "not by [Joseph's] Consent."

Feb 1, 1852

Brigham preaches obedience to Word of Wisdom.

Apr 11, 1854

Stephen A. Douglas, in a speech from April 1856, recollects Joseph Smith's prophecy concerning his then-future political career and that ofthe Whig Party.

Jun 27, 1854

Taylor remembers wine being sent for in Carthage Jail.

Jul 4, 1854

Brigham Young teaches that the Constitution will never be destroyed but, based on the teachings of Joseph Smith, will hang upon a thread.

Jul 4, 1854

Brigham Young teaches that the Constitution will never be destroyed but, based on the teachings of Joseph Smith, will hang upon a thread.

Oct 1854

The Friend of Youth, and Child's Magazine posits that the moon must be inhabited.


Jeremiah Joyce concludes on scientific reasoning that the moon is inhabited.

Feb 18, 1855

Brigham Young, in a sermon, teaches that the Constitution will hang by a thread someday and will be saved by "the Mormon Elders."

Jul 2, 1856

Deseret News prints article arguing the moon is not inhabited.

Jan 3, 1858

In a sermon, Orson Hyde teaches that the Constitution and Government would one day be in danger of overthrow but the Elders will save it.

Jan 3, 1858

In a sermon, Orson Hyde teaches that the Constitution and Government would one day be in danger of overthrow but the Elders will save it.

Nov 1860

The True Latter Day Saints' Herald publishes an article in November 1860 defending D&C 87, a number of months before the outbreak of the U.S. Civil War.


Brigham recalls a prophecy of Joseph that if the saints were to leave Nauvoo, "they will leave here and go to the mountains."


Brigham explains why D&C 87 was not initially published and made available to the public.

Jan 10, 1861

An editorial in The New York Times published on January 10, 1861, states that there will be no war between the Northern and Southern states.

Feb 18, 1861

In a letter addressed to Brigham dated February 18, 1861, W. W. Phelps predicts that the slaves will have a "holiday as wonderful as their masters" by 1866.

May 2, 1861

Brigham makes reference to Jospeh's May 1843 prophecy concerning the fate of Stephen A. Douglas.

May 4, 1861

An article published in Harper's Weekly claims that the U.S. Civil war "will be over by January, 1862."

May 6, 1861

In a letter addressed to Brigham, W.W. Phelps interprets the "one mighty and strong" (D&C 85:7) to be a reference to Adam.

Apr 13, 1862

In a sermon, John Taylor teaches that the Saints will one day be Saviors of the nations, both in a religious and political sense.

Feb 4, 1863

The Sacramento Bee discusses and reproduces Joseph's Civil War Prophecy; notes that, in light of recent events, the prophecies concerning Great Britain and slaves uprising "seems to come in very well."

Aug 25, 1863

General Order no. 11 (August 25, 1863), commands the citizens of Jackson County "to remove from their present places of residence within fifteen days" of the order being issued.

Apr 23, 1864

The Contra Costa Gazette reproduces Joseph's Civil War prophecy; names article "Remarkable if True" on April 23, 1864; notes that prophecy was received December 25, 1832, and made available "as far back as 1834."


R. L. Dabney notes that, in 1861, there was a belief there would be no outbreak of war between the Northern and Southern states.

Aug 18, 1866

Orson Pratt, in August 1866, addresses when the Saints will return to Jackson County, Missouri, as well as D&C 87 and the role of Great Britain.

Aug 17, 1867

Brigham urges Saints to obey the Word of Wisdom.

Nov 17, 1868

During the Provo School of the Prophets Meeting for November 17, 1868, George Halladay and Charles D. Miller stresses the importance of tithing.

Mar 21, 1869

Abraham O. Smoot, during the March 21, 1869 meeting of the Provo School of the Prophets, discusses the then-future building of the temple in Independence, Missouri (D&C 84).

Dec 18, 1870

George Burket, in a letter dated December 18, 1870, recollects hearing from Joseph the conditions necessary for the Latter-day Saints to return to Jackson County, Missouri.


Brigham wonders if the moon is inhabited, and says he thinks the sun might be.

Jul 24, 1871

Eliza R. Snow recalls hearing Joseph teaching the Constitution will hang by a single hair and the Elders of the Church will save it.

Apr 8, 1874

In a letter published in the Salt Lake Daily Tribune, the claim is made that D&C 87 was the result of Joseph responding to the secession crisis of 1832.


Orson Pratt (August 26, 1876) discusses the fulfillment of prophecies of Joseph and those in the Book of Mormon, including D&C 87.


Eliza R. Snow recollects pentecost-like experiences at the Kirtland temple c. April 1836.

1878 - 1900

Joseph commanded by angel to use water not wine for sacrament.

Feb 15, 1879

Elizabeth Ann Whitney recalls a prophecy of Joseph (c. July 1842) concerning the birth of a then-future daughter "who would be a strength and support to me to soothe my declining years" and its fulfillment.

Aug 31, 1879

John Taylor, in a sermon, teaches that the Constitution will one day be torn to shreds and only the Saints will be found holding it up as a standard.

Sep 7, 1879

Orson Pratt makes reference to the temple being built in Missouri and establishment of Zion—two important elements of the White Horse Prophecy.

Jun 1880

Pseudonymous author in LDS periodical The Contributor in 1880 says the moon is lifeless.

Jan 1881

Oliver Huntington records Joseph taught that the moon was inhabited.

Feb 1881

Oliver B. Huntington quotes Philo Dibble saying Joseph said the moon was inhabited.

Nov 20, 1881

George Q. Cannon claims that Joseph Smith taught that the constitution will one day only be upheld by the Latter-day Saints.


George Q. Cannon discusses how Sidney Rigdon was the prophesied "spokesman" for Joseph in the Book of Mormon.

Jun 11, 1884

Deseret News reports scientific arguments for the moon being inhabited.

Dec 14, 1884

John Taylor teaches that the Constitution will one day be torn to shreds.


Arnold Giauque owed debt for transportation to Utah in 1868.

Oct 23, 1887

Salt Lake Herald-Republican republishes scientific argument that the moon may once have been inhabited.


Biographical sketch of Anson Call; discusses his role as a city builder in the Rocky Mountains.

Mar 15, 1890

March 15, 1890 issue of the Juvenile Instructor recounts a later recollection of the then-future Cold War between the USA and Russia.

Aug 26, 1891

Provo Daily Enquirer runs an article arguing the moon is not inhabited.

Jan 1892

Philo Dibble, in 1892, recollects Joseph prophesying of the November 1833 Leonid Meteor Shower.

Mar 1892

Oliver B. Huntington publishes his account of Joseph saying men lived on the moon.

Apr 1894

Oliver B. Huntington says he thinks he will preach to people on the moon in the afterlife.

May 8, 1898

In May 1898, Orson F. Whitney recounts a prophecy Joseph offered to his fellow prisoners in Liberty Jail that they would pity their jailers; Whitney notes that he has since seen "the terrible judgments that would come upon the wicked."


Oliver B. Huntington recollects Joseph promising W. W. Phelps and his wife Sally Phelps and mother Zina would never "taste death."


Edwin Rushton's account of the White Horse Prophecy.


John Welch's reproduction of Edwin Rushton's account of the White Horse Prophecy.


Copy of an account of Joseph Smith's purported White Horse Prophecy in the "Joseph A. McRae" collection.


Edwin Rushton's account of Joseph Smith's purported White Horse Prophecy.


Copy of an account of Joseph Smith's purported White Horse Prophecy in the "Joseph A. McRae" collection.


Edwin Rushton's account of Joseph Smith's purported White Horse Prophecy.


Edwin Rushton's account of the White Horse Prophecy.


Edwin Rushton's account of Joseph Smith's purported White Horse Prophecy.

Mar 1902

John J. Roberts's report of Joseph's purported White Horse Prophecy.

Mar 1902

John J. Roberts's report of Joseph's purported White Horse Prophecy.


History of the Church mentions Joseph drinking of "the fruit of the vine."

Dec 29, 1904

State of Utah Death Certificate for Edwin Rushton lists death date as December 27, 1904.

Dec 29, 1904

The Ogden Standard publishes death notice of Edwin Rushton; no mention of White Horse Prophecy mentioned.

Dec 30, 1904

Deseret Evening News publishes death notice of Edwin Rushton and makes no mention of the White Horse Prophecy.

Dec 31, 1904

Deseret Evening News prints a lengthier obituary for Edwin Rushton and does not mention White Horse Prophecy.

Apr 14, 1905

Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner recollects Joseph prophesying that he will have a witness of plural marriage and three signs of what would take place with her family; claims they were fulfilled.


C.C. Anderson reprints of a copy of Joseph Smith's purported White Horse Prophecy.


Allen Johnson discusses the 1860 U.S. Elections and Stephen A. Douglas's electoral defeat.


History of the Church includes Joseph drinking wine with Jenetta Richards.


Andrew Jenson, in a lecture held January 16, 1891, discusses the fulfillment of various prophecies by Joseph.


History of the Church omits Joseph drinking beer.

Oct 4, 1912

Joseph Fielding Smith writes that Joseph was inspired to predict Constitution will one day hang by a thread and the Saints will protect it.

Jul 1914

The Entertaining Magazine speculates that the moon may be inhabited.


The Messenger publishes a copy of Edwin Rushton's account of Joseph Smith's purported White Horse Prophecy.

Oct 5, 1918

Joseph F. Smith says that the White Horse Prophecy is a "ridiculous story" and is not an authentic prophecy of Joseph Smith's.

Oct 5, 1918

In a General Conference, Joseph Fielding Smith states the White Horse Prophecy is not a true prophecy from Joseph Smith.

Oct 5, 1918

In a General Conference, Joseph Fielding Smith states the White Horse Prophecy is not a true prophecy from Joseph Smith.

Oct 1919

Heber J. Grant, during the October 1919 General Conference report, discusses the fulfillment of some of Joseph's prophecies.


Nephi L. Morris discusses the fulfillment of Joseph's prophecy concerning Anson Call and his role in building cities in the Rocky Mountains.


Nephi L. Morris discusses the fulfilment of the prophecy attributed to Joseph that Anson Call et al. would assist in making settlements and build cities in the Rocky Mountains.


Nephi L. Morris discusses the fulfillment of a prophecy purportedly from Joseph concerning the destruction of Jackson county during the US Civil War.


Orson F. Whitney writes in Saturday Night Thoughts that the Constitution will hang by thread and Saints will save it.


Orson F. Whitney teaches that all prophecies are conditional in nature.


Abraham Lincoln, on July 4, 1861, states his belief that the then-current conflict between the Southern and Northern states would be "a short and decisive one."

Oct 6, 1922

Charles W. Nibley at General Conference says Constitution will one day hang by a thread.


Nephi Lowell Morris's book, Prophecies of Joseph Smith and their Fulfillment discusses some of the fulfilled prophecies of Joseph Smith (e.g., the Civil War and Stepehn A. Douglas prophecies).


Church's 1928 Handbook of Instructions on temple recommends; keeping the Word of Wisdom not listed as a requirement.

Sep 16, 1929

The Commercial Tribune reports on the fulfillment of Joseph's prophecy concerning the Church in Cincinnati in 1929.

May 1930

Alice Smith McKay, in a May 1930 MA Thesis, critiques the prophetic nature of D&C 87.


George Reynolds discusses D&C 133:26 and its potential fulfillment.


History of the Church mentions wine drinking at Carthage.

Apr 9, 1933

In a General Conference, Melvin J. Ballard believes Joseph did say Constitution would hang by a thread but that the Saints would play a pivotal role in its preservation.


Church's 1934 Handbook of Instructions on temple recommends; keeping the Word of Wisdom as a requirement introduced.

Apr 30, 1935

Joseph Smith III provides a positive assessment of his father's Civil War prophecy.


Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner records a prophecy by Joseph following her baptism (October1830) that her husband would not seek baptism until his death.


Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner shares a later (1936) reminiscence of Joseph predicting his death.

Apr 1936

Joseph Fielding Smith discusses the fulfillment of Malachi 4 and D&C 110 in the light of the increase in the interest in genealogical research after April 1836.


Josiah E. Hickman discusses the fulfilled prophecies of Joseph.


Edith Lenora Christensen writes that she heard her father relate the White Horse Prophecy and affirmed truthfulness to two Church officials.


Etta Holdaway Spendlove recalls a narrative from her parents concerning a prophecy Joseph gave to Orrin Porter Rockwell; Rockwell promised his enemies will "have no power over him" if he does not cut his hair.

Apr 5, 1948

Ezra Taft Benson teaches that Joseph taught the Constitution was "a heavenly banner" but one day "hang as by a thread" with the Saints saving it.

Mar 7, 1949

The Kansas City Times reports on the fulfilment of D&C 118:5 on April 26, 1839.

Apr 9, 1950

According to Joseph Fielding Smith Joseph Smith did teach Constitution would hang by a thread.


George Edward Clark discusses 9 examples of fulfilled prophecies of Joseph, such as the the Civil War prophecy (D&C 87).

Nov 20, 1954

Article in Salt Lake Telegram reports that Edith and Carl Christian Christensen were married November 16, 1904.

Feb 1956

In The Instructor David O. McKay teaches that, next to worshipping God, the most important thing is to be united in upholding and defending the U.S. Constitution.


Duane S. Crowther discusses late reminiscences of Luman Shurtliff, Orson Pratt, and Lyman Wight that Joseph believed the Saints would move to the Rocky Mountains.

Sep 30, 1961

In General Conference, Ezra Taft Benson teaches that Joseph Smith was told by the Lord that the Constitution would one day "hang, as it were, by a thread."


Jess Stearn assumes the White Horse Prophecy to be a genuine prophecy of Joseph's and believes it contains many accurate predictions.


Duane S. Crowther writes a book detailing the fulfillment of 400 prophecies by or about Joseph.


Duane S. Crowther discusses how the Perpetual Emigrating Fund fulfilled Joseph's January 20, 1843 prophecy that the Church "will have means to gather the Saints by thousands and tens of thousands."

Apr 6, 1963

Ezra Taft Benson, in General Conference, teaches that Joseph Smith taught that the Constitution would "hang as it were by a thread."


B. H. Roberts discusses Joseph's May 18, 1843 prophecy concerning the fate of Stephen A. Douglas and its fulfillment.


B. H. Roberts documents the fulfillment of Joseph's prophecy concerning the destruction of Missouri and destruction upon the waters.


B. H. Roberts reports on the fulfilment of Joseph's prediction to Alexander W. Doniphan concerning the destruction of Jackson County "by fire and sword."

Apr 1965

Lee Ellsworth Eusey (Seventh-Day Adventist) reports on the common belief that there would be no civil war in 1861.

Jun 1965

Leland Homer Gentry notes that some Saints ignored Joseph's prophetic counsel to stay away from Hawn's Mill.


Bruce McConkie, in Mormon Doctrine, writes that the White Horse Prophecy is a false and deceptive document and not a true prophecy of Joseph Smith's.


Gerhard Von Rad provides an exegesis of Deuteronomy 13 and the test of a prophet.

Aug 23, 1967

George Romney addresses the Constitution "hanging by a thread" in a 1967 interview with Dialogue.


The Tanners present a listing of allegedly false prophecies from Joseph and other Church leaders.

Dec 15, 1969

First Presidency (1969) affirming the Constitution being "inspired."


The First Presidency issues a statement addressing "the one mighty and strong" (D&C 85:7).


Don L. Penrod gives an overview of White Horse Prophecy and concludes it should be rejected as apocryphal in light of historical and textual issues.

May 1972

Lewis Clark Christian, in a MA thesis, presents evidence of knowledge among Latter-day Saints of a then-future exodus to the Amerian Far West (1830-February 1846).

Jun 1976

D. Michael Stewart in Ensign writes that Joseph Smith did prophecy Constitution would be imperilled and the Elders would play a role in saving it.


"Dr. Clandestine" (D. Michael Quinn) defends the authenticity of the Rocky Mountain Prophecy against the criticisms of the Tanners.


The Tanners response to "Dr. Clandestine" concerning the Rocky Mountain prophecy; argues that the documentary evidence supports the claim it is a later interpolation and not original to Joseph.


Hyrum M. Smith and Janne M. Sjodahl provide commentary on D&C 114 and the mission of David W. Patten.

Aug 5, 1979

Dick Baer lists 52 allegedly false prophecies attributed to Joseph.


Thomas G. Alexander gives historical overview of the Word of Wisdom at beginning of 20th century.

Jul 10, 1982

Keith W. Perkins and Golden A. Buchmiller discuss the fulfillment of Joseph's prophesy that the Church would grow in Kirtland, Ohio.


Webster's says the term "Jap" was not introduced into the English language until 1890.


Bruce McConkie dismisses the White Horse Prophecy as spurious and not a true prophecy from Joseph.


Ezra Taft Benson teaches that Joseph Smith predicted the Constitution would hang by a thread and be saved by the Saints.


Robert W. Johannsen writes a biography of Stephen A. Douglas focusing on his political career in the 1850s.


Dan Vogel and Brent Lee Metcalfe discuss Huntington's journal entry preserving mention of Joseph saying moon was inhabited.


Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook discuss Joseph's comments about the Second Coming from February 14, 1835; conclude Joseph did not believe the Second Coming would not take place until at least 1890.


Rex E. Lee discusses Joseph's prophecy that the Constitution would "hang by a thread"; warns against Church members from going beyond what leaders have taught concerning this teaching.


According to the Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Joseph Smith taught Constitution would "hang by a thread" and be rescued with the help of the Saints.


H. B. Huffmon discusses the nature of prophecy in biblical and extra-biblical literature in The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary.

Nov 23, 1993

Richard L. Pratt (Presbyterian) argues that prophecy in the Bible is to be understood as contingent; argues also that the audience of Deuteronomy 18 understood this to be the case.


D. Michael Quinn reports that Joseph promised the Relief Society in Nauvoo that "before ten years shall roll around, the queens of the earth shall come and pay their repsects" to them.


Jeffrey H. Tigay provides an exegesis of Deuteronomy 13 and the test of a prophet.


Daniel C. Peterson, in The Last Days (2 vols.) provides a listing of prophetic teaches and prophecies of Joseph and other Church leaders.


David Kenison discusses the Leonid meteor shower of November 13, 1833, and how it fulfilled a prophecy of Joseph's.


Stephen R. Gibson addresses D&C 84:5; argues that, like Jonah's prophecy concerning Nineveh, it was conditional.


Michael R. Ash discusses the historical background to the reception of the Word of Wisdom (D&C 89) and its reception history among Latter-day Saints.


Online Etymological Dictionary details that "Jap" was introduced into the English language in 1877.


Russell Ashdown defends D&C 64:34-36 and its teachings concerning Ephraim.


Michael T. Griffith discusses the nature of prophecy; shows that the Bible contains many unfulfilled prophecies.


Russell Ashdown discusses the nature of prophecy and compares Jonah's prophecy concerning Nineveh with those of Joseph's.


Kerry A. Shirts discusses Joseph's prophecy about Dan Jones serving a mission to Wales before his death in Carthage jail.

Dec 2002

Elden Watson responds to various purprotedly false prophecies of Joseph and other Church leaders.


Stan Barker discusses the promise to Oliver Granger in D&C 117:12 and its potential fulfillments since July 1838.


William McLellin, writing in July 1872, understands the attempt to sell the copyright for the Book of Mormon in Canada to be an example of a failed revelation.


Kenneth R. Mays discusses the evidence that Joseph believed "that the Latter-day Saints—at least, many of them—would go and settle in the Rocky Mountains."


Kris J. Udd discusses Ezekiel's prophecy concerning Tyre; notes it is an example of an unfulfilled prophecy in the Bible.

Jun 13, 2005

John A. Tvedtnes discusses the fulfillment of JS-H 1:33 and Joseph's name being known for both good and evil.


Matthew B. Brown discuses D&C 133:40-44 which speaks of the mountains of the earth melting/vanishing away at the Second Coming; argues it will not be a global but a local event.


William Strobridge and Anita Hibler discuss attempts by the Union, before and during the Civil War, and their attempts at diplomacy in Southeast Asia to support the war effort.

Nov 3, 2006

Carrie Sheffield quotes Latter-day Saints who reject White Horse Prophecy in his Wall Street Journal article.


Joseph Smith Sr. blessing to Lorenzo Snow says he will preach on the moon.


Text of Orson Hyde's prayer on the Mount of Olives (October 24, 1841).


Steven C. Harper discusses the outcome of D&C 111.


Ogden Kraut presents an interpretation of, and defense of the authenticity of the White Horse Prophecy.

Jun 18, 2009

Mike Parker discusses D& 124:16-17 and its comments regarding John C. Bennett.

Dec 24, 2009

Rexburg Standard Journal quotes statement from Church spokesperson Kim Farah about the White Horse Prophecy.


Study arguing that Edwin Rushton, not Joseph Smith, was the ultimate source of the White Horse Prophecy.


Study arguing that Edwin Rushton, not Joseph Smith, was the ultimate source of the White Horse Prophecy.

Jan 6, 2010

Church Newsroom reproduces Church's December 2009 statement concerning the White Horse Prophecy.

Jun 4, 2010

Mitt Romney quoted as rejecting the White Horse Prophecy being authoritative Church teaching.


George Cobabe argues that White Horse Prophecy is apocryphal; also discusses Constitution "hanging by a thread."


Stephen E. Ehat discusses the historical and legal background to Joseph's attempt to sell copyright of the Book of Mormon in Canada (c. early 1830).

Jun 5, 2011

Stephen O. Smoot discusses the nature of prophecy in the Bible and LDS Scripture; discusses purportedly false prophecies of Joseph.

Aug 16, 2011

The Institute for Religious Research provides a listing of allegedly false prophecies of Joseph.


The 2013 Church Almanac reports the official year-by-year Church numbers for wards, members, and stakes.


Scott C. Esplin discusses the reception history of D&C 87.


Paul Y. Hoskisson concludes that the Word of Wisdom was originally intended to be strictly enforced.


Thomas G. Alexander gives historical overview of the Word of Wisdom during the 19th century.

May 3, 2012

reports results of survey that shows that Church grew fast in 2010s.

Sep 25, 2012

Jeff Lindsay discusses various prophecies of Joseph that have been fulfilled.


Prediction of then-future temple in Missouri.


The current (2013) printing of the Doctrine of the Covenants includes the text of D&C 89 (the Word of Wisdom).


Revelation to Joseph where the Lord promises that the Church will be given the power to pay off their debts.


D&C 124:56-60 speaks of the Nauvoo House; the Lord wishes for the "boarding house" to have Joseph and "his house have place therein, form generation to generation."


D&C 113:10 discusses the future of the "scattered remnants" and their "condition among the Gentiles."


Joseph of Egypt prophesies of a spokesman being appointed for the "Moses" who will translate the plates of the Book of Mormon.


2 Nephi 3 records a prophecy of Joseph of Egypt that the end-times "Joseph" will have a spokesman appointed for him.


D&C 45:63-64 (dated March 8, 1831) speaks of future wars in the USA.


Section 122 of the Doctrine and Covenants has a number of promises made to Joseph concerning his future.


Deuteronomy 13 provides a test for distinguishing a true and false prophets based on their theology of God.


The current (2013) text of D&C 81:1 addresses Frederick G. Williams.


D&C 117:12 (July 8, 1838) promises Oliver Granger that his name shall "be had in sacred remembrance from generation to generation."


D&C 38:29-32, dated January 2, 1831, speaks of future wars in the USA.


Joseph is told by Moroni that Isaiah 11 "was about to be fulfilled."


D&C 42:64, dated February 9, 1831, speaks of forthcoming secret combinations and the need to warn the people in the east "to flee to the west."


D&C 67:6-8 challenges William McLellin to produce a revelation similar to those in the Book of Commandments.


D&C 109:65 speaks of the "remnants of Jacob" will be converted to the everlasting gospel.


Joseph likens the prophesied growth of the Church to the stone cut without hands in Daniel 2.


Joshua 11:19 notes that the Hivites still remain in the land.


D&C 114 instructs David W. Patten to "settle up all his business as soon as he possibly can" so that "he may perform a mission" the following spring.


Deuteronomy 18 gives a test for distinguishing a true prophet from a false based on accuracy of predictions.


The Prophet Jeremiah is told by God that promises/prophecies are conditional upon the obedience of their recipients.


D&C 1:37 promises that the "prophecies and promises" in the Book of Commandments "shall all be fulfilled."


Richard Price and Pamela Price (RLDS) present evidence of Joseph speaking publicly of his then-future death.


Abraham Lincoln issued "The Emancipation Proclamation" in September 1862 and it became effective on January 1, 1863.


Official Church statement on Church growth.


Lori Ann Robinson Baron discusses the test of a Prophet in Deuteronomy 13.


John L. Fowles discusses Isaiah 11 and its fulfillment.


Richard Price and Pamela Price argue that LDS D&C 132:55 is a false prophecy.


Clifford J. Cunningham says that William Herschel believes the moon was inhabited.


Oliver H. Olney, on August 27, 1842, reports he has heard from some members of the Church in Nauvoo that, if Joseph dies, Hyrum will be his replacement; also, there are rumors of a move to the Rocky Mountains.


Oliver H. Olney reports that there is a company in Nauvoo planning to "go as far west as the Rocky mountains."


Oliver H. Olney reports that moving to the Rocky Mountains was a theme among the Saints in Nauvoo in August 1842.


BYU Studies article that analyzes Church growth using Pew data.


Joseph McKenna documents the use of blockade runners from Britain on behalf of the Confederacy during the US Civil War.


Oliver H. Olney informs ELiza R. Snow that the Saints in Nauvoo may move to the Rocky Mountains"as the saying is," but "Mormonism" is "not of God."


Joseph Holbrook provides a commentary on D&C 87 and a dream based on this revelation from January 18, 1861.

Apr 6, 2019

The official Church membership numbers for 2018.


Christopher James Blythe argues that the White Horse Prophecy’s content is unobjectionable in contemporary apocalyptic expectations.


W. A. Draves, in a revelation purportedly received from John the Baptist in 1968, addresses the social-cultural events of the time (e.g., communism) and their then-future status in the 1980s.


W. A. Draves, in a revelation purportedly received by John the Baptist, discusses the war that will result from the then-recent invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany.

Apr 2, 2020

Scripture Central discuses the historical background to Joseph attempting to sell the copyright of the Book of Mormon in Canada.

Apr 4, 2020

These are the official Church numbers for 2019.


James A. Carver, in response to John Edward Decker, discusses some of Joseph's prophecies, including the "Grease Spot" prophecy.

Jan 15, 2021

The Church condemns violence and lawless behavior and encourages members to honor democratic institutions.

Apr 2021

Dallin Oaks Addressing the U.S. Constitution and its "Inspiration" in April 2021 General Conference.

Apr 3, 2021

Official Numbers of stakes, wards and branches, and total membership for the Church in 2020.

Jun 6, 2022

The Church News reports that Latter-day Saints increased in 49 out of the 50 states over the last decade.


Sherman L. Fleek and Robert C. Freeman discuss Later-day Saint attitudes to the Civil War during the conflict.


NASA website describes current scientific understanding of the moon.


Bob Becking discusses the background to Micah 3:12.


Brian J. Stutzman, in a book-length study, documents fulfilled prophecies by Joseph.


Brian J. Stutzman, in a book-length study, discusses various fulfilled prophecies of Joseph.


Casey Paul Griffiths discusses D&C 124:49 and the prophecy/command to build the temple in Jackson County (cf. D&C 84).


Biography for Oliver Granger on The Joseph Smith Papers website.


Stephen O. Smoot and Brian C. Passantino discuss Joseph's uncanonized revelation to Oliver Granger dated May 13, 1839.


World Population Review website notes that Warsaw has a population of 1,492 of of 2022.


Church History Topics publishes essay on the prophecies of Joseph Smith.


FAIR responds to chapter 14 of the Tanners's The Changing World of Mormonism on the topic of Joseph's prophecies.


The Joseph Smith Papers website discusses Martha Jane Knowlton Coray's report of Joseph's July 19, 1840 discourse.


Dale Broadhurst provides biogrpahical information concerning George G. Cookman.


Stephen O. Smoot and Brian C. Passantino provide the historical background to Joseph's Canadian Copyright revelation (c. early 1830).