Edwin Rushton's account of the WHP.

Edwin Rushton

"Edwin Rushton family collection, circa 1833-1966." Transcription taken from Don L. Penrod, "Edwin Rushton as the Source of the White Horse Prophecy," BYU Studies 49 no. 3 (2010): 116-20 of "Manuscript 3771" in the Church History Library.

Edwin Rushton
Theodore Turley, Edwin Rushton, Joseph Smith, Jr.
Latter-day Saints

City of Nauvoo Hancock County Illi Joseph Smith as a Prophet of the Last Dispensation of the Fullness of Times

On the [blank space] 1843 Being at Work Close by President Joseph Smith Mansion I was at my employment when I Saw the Prophet Running towards me I Drop my Labor as soon as I could do, so. and Started toward him, For I saw him Fall to the Ground and as he was Always Being Persecuted I thought he was Hurt and was going to his assistance but he arose quickly with a man by the Coat Collar he had insulted the Prophet in the Mansion so he run him out, the reason For his Fall was the Man threw himself under his Feet which Caused the Prophet to Fall and when he got on his Feet he was Cuffing his Ears like he would a Boy I wanted the Prophet to turn him over to me and he said you would give him to much <of a cuffing> I know you, <said he> The Mans Languange was so Vile he would have agravated an Angel, During this time Brother Theodore Turley came up and he was the only one, <that was Present> this Man whent to Chastize the Prophet For Drinking a toast with a glas of water to the Mobercrats. he accuse the Prophet and called him a False Prophet after he was gone, The Prophet commence to talk about the Mobbings and the Driveings and the Persecutions we as a People had endured But he said we had worse things to see he said Our <Persecutors> will have all the Mobbing they will want, But he said to me, Dont wish them any harm, For when you see there Sufferings you will shed Bitter Tears for them, while this conversation was going on we Stood near his South Wicker Gate, in <a> triangle he turned to me and said he wanted to tell us, somethings in the future, but he Shoud Speak in Parables like unto John the Revelator, Littel did I think the Prophet Would be Slain so soon, in Cold Blood. You will go to the Rockey Mountains and will See a great and Mighty People Built up. Which I will call the white Horse of Peace and Safety, when the Prophet said you will See, I asked him where he would be, about that time he answered I Shall never go there, Your Enemise will Continue to Follow you with Persecution and make Obnoxious Laws Against you, in Congress to Destroy the White Horse, But you will allways have a Friend or two, to defend you and through throw out the worst Part of the Laws, So they will not Hurt much You must continue to petition Congress all the time, But they will treat you as strangers and Aliens and <Not> give you your rights but govern you with Strangers and Comisioners England and France——he said—at this time where Bitter Enemies to each-other but they <will> be allied Together in order to Keep Russia From Conquering the world, this <alliance> was Fullfilled in the Franco-Russion War. You will see Ann Ensign raised on the Tops of the Mountains of Peace & Safety For all Nations to Flee unto, by the white Horse And you <will> See the Constitusion of the United States almost Destroyed so that it will only be saved as it where by a thread, and that thred as fine as <the> finest silk fiber, at this Point the Prophet countainence became Sullen for he Loved the Constitution, he said it was made By the Inspireration of God and it would be Saved By the White Horse and red Horse Combined In its defence, The Turkish Empire or the Cresent will be one of the first Powers that will be Disrupted as a Power, For Freedom must <be> given for the Gospel to be Preached in the holy Land, The white Horse will find the Mountains full of all <kinds> of Minerals and they will become very rich, and you will see Silver piled <up> on the Street By the Cart Load, (and in this day there was no Mines Known in the Rockey Mountains <or California at this time>) and I Should also see Gold Shovel up like Sand and Gold would be of no Valueation in a Mercantile capasity for the people of the world would have something else to do in seeking for Salvation, the time would come when the Banks in every Nation would fail, and only two Places would be safe to Deposite their Gold and treasure and these where with the white Horse and England Vaults A Terrible Revolution would take Place in the Land of America such as had never been seen before For the Land would Littlerally <be> Left without a Supreme Government, and every Specias of wickedness would <run> rampant; it would be so terrible that Farther would be against Son & Son against the Farther & Mother against the Daughter & Daughter against the Mother the most terrible Scense of Murder and Blood <shed> & Rapine that was ever look upon will take Place Peace will be taken from the Earth and there will be no Peace only in the Rockey Mountains this would cause Hundreds and Thousands of the Honest in Heart to garther not because they were Mormons but because they would not take up the Sword against there Neibors, you will be so numerous you will be in Danger of famine but he said not for seed time & Harvest, and that many would Come with Bundles under there arms to Escape the Calamities and there was no Escape only By Fleeing to Zion, Those that come to you will try and <Keep the Laws> and be one with you for they will see the great<nes> of your Organization & Unity England, The Lord took of the Best Blood of the Nations, and Planted them on the small Island called Great Brittain or England, and give them Great Power in the Nations for a thousand years and this Power will continue with them, that they may Keep the Balance of Power, to Keep Russia from Usurping Power over all the World, The two Popes Greek and Catholic will come togarther and be united, the Protestant religions do not Know how much they are indebted to Henry the 8th for throwing of the Popes Bull and Establishing the ProTestant Faith he was the only Monark that could do so <at that time> and he done it because the Nation was at is Back to Sustain him, One peculiar feature in England was there Establish<ing> Red Coats <a uniform> to ware such a remarkable Mark to be shot at and yet they conquered where ever they have gone, the reason for this they will Know some day, The Lion and the Unicorn <of England> are the Ensign of Israel, the Wisdom and Statesmanship of England Comes From there Being so much of the Blood of Iserel in the Nation, While this terrible Revulution goes on England will be Neutral untill it becomes so inhuman <to look at> and to Stop the Shedding of Blood, France & England will be Allied together and come with the intention to make Peace. Not to Subdue the Nation But when they find the nation so Broken up with many governments or No <Reponsible> Government, then it will appear to the other Nations <or Powers–> as though England had taken Possesion of the Country, the Black Horse will Flee to the invaders and Join in with them for they <will> be afraid of becoming Slaves again, Knowing England never believed in Slavery they would be safe, Armed with Brittish Bayonets the doings of the Black Horse when <they> got the Master so, the Prophet said in the Vision to him, the Scene was so terrible he could <not> Bear to look upon it and he ask the Lord to close the Scene and if he <the Prophet> could not Bear to look upon it who had seen the Farther & Son and Angles in there Glory he did not Know, who could Bear to see it. During this time the great white Horse was gathering Strong & sending out Elders to get the Honest among them <&> the Pale Horse or people of the United States to Stand By the Constitution of the United States as it was given <By> Inspiration of the Lord. In these days God will set up a Kingdom never to be throne down for these Kingdoms to come unto, and those Kingdoms that will not let the Gospel be Preached will be Humble untill they will, Germany, Demark Holland SwitzelandNorway & Sweden, Belgium, the reason being that to a great extent the Blood of Israel is in these nations and were a be saved or must be gathered Have much of the Blood of Israel among them and they will Submit to the Kingdom of God But England will be the last Kingdom to surrender but when she does surrender she will do it as a Whole, In comeparison as she threw of the Catholic Power, the Prophet said the English Nobility Knew the Gospel was True but it had not Pomp and Grandjure & Influence for them <to> embrace it, they are proud and will not acknowledge the Kingdom of God or come into it until they do see the Power which it will have. The Peace and Safety in <the> Rockey Mountains was protected By a Cordon Band of the White Horse and the Red Horse and <the ten> tribes of Israel, Comeing of the Messiah Among his People would be so Natural that only those who saw him, would Know he had come, but he would come and give his Laws unto Zion and Minester unto his People. This is not his Comeing in <the> clouds of Heaven to take Vengeance on the World The Temple in Jackson County to be Built up in this Generation but the Saints will think there will be no time, to Build it but with all the Great Help you <will> receive you can Put up a great temple, You will have Gold & Silver and Precious Stones For these things will be only used for Beautifying the temple with all the Skilled Mechanic <you want> and the Ten Tribes of Israel to Help you Build it, <at this point he here made a pause and looked up as though the vision was still in view and said> There is a land beyond the Rockey Mountains that Will be Invadered By the Chineas <or Japs> with out great Care and Protection is given to them, The last great Struggle Zion will have to [erasure] contend with when America will be the Zion of Our God, <will be> Called Gog & Magog, led By the Russiaian Czar his Power will be very great These are the inspired words of the Prophecy <of> Joseph Smith [blank space] Testimony of Elder Edwin Rushton of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints As the <Prophet> Stood looking into the Heavens his Countenence became white and transparent he look as if he had as much of the Heavenly Influence as he could Bare and Stay with the Saints his Voice was Powerfull and his words cut like a two Edge Sword Edwin Rushton This toast was given and was the cause of bringing about the foregoing. I will drink you a toast to the mobocrats, if you will get me a drink of water; Here’s wishing there were in the middle of the Sea, in a Stone canoe with iron paddles, and shark swallow the canoe, and the devil Swallow the shark, and him locked up in the North West corner of Hell and the Key lost and a blind man looking for it. W Clayton Ths Bulluk is there any man who can talk this day I’m going to preach the greatest sermon I ever preached

BHR Staff Commentary

Edwin Rushton's account of the WHP. Date is an approximation in light of Don Penrod's scholarship.

Citations in Mormonr Qnas
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