| May 31, 1827 - Jun 1, 1829 | Account book showing Joseph Smith, Sr. and Jr. purchased cider. | Lemuel Durfee | Holograph Direct |
| Jun 1829 | Revelation says to use wine for sacrament. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| Apr 1830 | Sacrament prayer second copy describes blessing wine. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| Aug 1830 | Joseph receives a revelation on sacrament: wine "made new among" Saints to be used. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| Aug 1, 1831 | Revelation saying wine will be drunk in the last days when Christ returns. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| Sep 1831 - Nov 1831 | Jesus drinks wine with his disciples in Joseph Smith Translation. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| Nov 1831 - Feb 1832 | JST John 2 records Jesus turning water into wine. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| Nov 1831 - Feb 1832 | Joseph Smith Translation of Mark 14; Jesus drinks wine. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| Feb 27, 1833 | Joseph receives the revelation often called the "Word of Wisdom." | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| Feb 27, 1833 | Word of Wisdom revelation makes a distinctive line break between the first three verses of modern Section 89 and the rest of the text. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Direct |
| Feb 27, 1833 | Revelation of the Word of Wisdom; no distinction between first three verses and the rest of the text. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| Nov 3, 1833 | Barton Stafford accusation reprinted in E. D. Howe book that Joseph got drunk. | Barton Stafford | Direct Reprint |
| Dec 5, 1833 | David Stafford accuses Joseph Smith, Sr. and Joseph Jr. both of getting drunk. | David Stafford | Direct Reprint |
| Feb 4, 1834 | Joseph says members need to follow the Word of Wisdom. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Paraphrase |
| Feb 12, 1834 | Martin Harris alleges that Joseph became drunk. | Martin Harris | Scribed Paraphrase |
| Dec 9, 1834 | Joseph Smith Sr. blesses Hyrum Smith; mentions being out of the way "through wine." | Joseph Smith, Sr. | Scribed Verbatim Direct Reprint |
| Dec 9, 1834 | Joseph Smith, Sr. blesses Joseph Smith, Jr., possibly alludes to alcohol problem. | Joseph Smith, Sr. | Scribed Verbatim Direct |
| 1835 | The 1835 Doctrine & Covenants italicizes the first three verses of modern Section 89 and uses them as an introduction. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Direct |
| 1835 | Robert Macnish argues for temperance, condemns drunkenness as a "vice." | Robert Macnish | Direct |
| Aug 19, 1835 | High council holds disciplinary council for Almon Babbitt for not keeping WoW based on Joseph's example. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Paraphrase |
| Jan 14, 1836 | Joseph and church members drink wine for refreshment. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| Jan 20, 1836 | Joseph and elders Orson Hyde, Luke Johnson, and Warren Parrish drink wine. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| Jan 24, 1836 | Joseph reports that wine was used in sacrament meeting. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| Feb 7, 1836 | Church meeting with Joseph and Sidney Rigdon; wine is served in sacrament. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Paraphrase |
| Mar 29, 1836 | Joseph reported that sacrament was served with bread and wine in Kirtland Temple. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Paraphrase |
| Mar 30, 1836 | Bread and wine used in Kirtland temple. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| Nov 7, 1837 | Vote by church members not to buy liquor, tea, coffee, tobacco. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Summary |
| Apr 13, 1838 | Charge against Lyman E. Johnson for drinking whiskey. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| Apr 17, 1840 | Brigham reports Twelve used wine in sacrament. | Brigham Young | Scribed Verbatim Reprint |
| Jan 1841 | The 1841 Millennial Star italicizes the first three verses of modern Section 89 and uses them as an introduction. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Direct |
| 1841 | William Harris reports that Joseph and other brethren got drunk. | William Harris | 2nd Hand |
| Feb 15, 1841 | Nauvoo temperance ordinance "in Relation to Temperance." | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| Apr 25, 1841 | Julius A. Reed records Joseph saying that he is tempted by "whiskey," but that God calls it "sinful." | Julius A. Reed | Scribed Paraphrase 2nd Hand |
| Nov 7, 1841 | Joseph teaches that Noah drank wine. | Wilford Woodruff | Scribed Verbatim Reprint |
| Jan 1, 1842 | John C. Bennett accuses Joseph of being drunk. | John C. Bennett | 2nd Hand |
| Jan 1, 1842 | Henry Caswall claims Joseph frequently got drunk. | Henry Caswall | Unsourced |
| Mar 30, 1842 | William Clayton denies that Joseph ever got drunk in letter to William Hardman. | William Clayton | Direct Reprint |
| Dec 1842 | Joseph gives history of his leg operation; no mention of refusing alcohol. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim Direct |
| Jan 20, 1843 | Joseph prophesies that he will drink wine with Orson Hyde. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Summary |
| Mar 10, 1843 | Joseph tells Theodore Turley that he does not object to building a brewery. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| Mar 11, 1843 | Joseph drinks tea. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| Apr 16, 1843 | Joseph uses wine in a positive metaphor. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Paraphrase |
| May 3, 1843 | Joseph drinks wine with Jenetta Richards. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| May 3, 1843 | Joseph drinks wine with Willard Richards. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Summary |
| Jun 27, 1843 | Joseph informed brethren violated the Word of Wisdom; gives money to buy alcoholic drink. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| Aug 12, 1843 | Joseph inspects shops selling beer. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| Dec 13, 1843 | Nauvoo City ordinance allowing Joseph to sell alcohol. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| Jun 1, 1844 | Joseph drinks beer. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| Jun 27, 1844 | Joseph drinks wine in Carthage Jail. | Willard Richards | Scribed Summary |
| Jun 27, 1844 | John Taylor recounts drinking wine with Dan Jones at Carthage. | John Taylor | Holograph Direct |
| Jan 1, 1845 | Lucy Mack Smith records in her History that Joseph refused alcohol before his leg surgery. | Lucy Mack Smith | Scribed Verbatim Direct |
| Dec 28, 1850 | The 1850 Deseret News uses the first three verses of modern Section 89 as an introduction. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Direct |
| Oct 13, 1851 | Unknown counselor describes Word of Wisdom as an intended "Test of fellowship"; says caption was "not by [Joseph's] Consent." | Unknown | Scribed Paraphrase Unsourced |
| Feb 1, 1852 | Brigham preaches obedience to Word of Wisdom. | Brigham Young | Scribed Verbatim |
| Jun 27, 1854 | Taylor remembers wine being sent for in Carthage Jail. | John Taylor | Scribed Verbatim Reprint |
| Nov 9, 1861 | The Latter-day Saints' Millennial Star reprints Joseph drinking beer. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Direct Reprint |
| Aug 17, 1867 | Brigham urges Saints to obey the Word of Wisdom. | Brigham Young | Scribed Verbatim |
| 1875 | William Smith denies that Joseph and Joseph Smith Sr. got drunk. | William Smith | Holograph Late |
| 1878 - 1900 | Joseph commanded by angel to use water not wine for sacrament. | Oliver B. Huntington | 3rd Hand Late |
| Aug 1880 | Frederic G. Mather's account that Joseph Smith would get quarrelsome when drunk. | Lorenzo Saunders | 3rd Hand Late |
| Mar 6, 1881 | Orlando Saunders remembers Smith family drinking alcohol in letter to William Kelley. | Orlando Saunders | Scribed Summary Late |
| Jun 1, 1881 | John Stafford remembers Joseph Smith Sr. and Joseph Jr. drinking alcohol. | John Stafford | Scribed Verbatim Late |
| Jun 1, 1881 | Hiram Jackway remembers Joseph Smith, Sr. and Jr. drinking and wrestling. | Hiram Jackway | Scribed Verbatim Late |
| Oct 6, 1883 | Wilford Woodruff preaches observance of WoW. | Wilford Woodruff | Scribed Verbatim |
| Oct 15, 1883 | George Q. Cannon talks about WoW "revivals." | George Q. Cannon | Direct |
| Sep 1884 | Benjamin Saunders says Joseph never got drunk. | Benjamin Saunders | Scribed Verbatim Reprint Late |
| Jan 1, 1887 | Alexander McRae remembers drinking with Joseph in Liberty Jail. | Alexander McRae | Direct Reprint Late |
| Sep 22, 1889 | Winchester recalls Joseph Smith getting drunk at the Kirtland temple dedication. | Benjamin Winchester | Late Journalism |
| Oct 1, 1895 | Abraham H. Cannon mentions Joseph smoking cigar. | Abraham H. Cannon | Direct Reprint Late |
| Nov 27, 1900 | Benjamin Winchester recalls seeing Smith drunk (1900). | Benjamin Winchester | Reprint Late |
| Jan 9, 1901 | Anthon H. Lund records George Teasdale saying pork is worse than tea and coffee. | Anthon H. Lund | Scribed Paraphrase Reprint |
| Apr 1903 - Oct 1903 | Benjamin F. Johnson describes Joseph enjoying wine. | Benjamin F. Johnson | Holograph Late |
| 1904 | History of the Church mentions Joseph drinking of "the fruit of the vine." | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Direct Reprint |
| 1909 | History of the Church includes Joseph drinking wine with Jenetta Richards. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Direct Reprint |
| Jan 10, 1910 | Anthon H. Lund records his drinking of coffee (1910). | Anthon H. Lund | Direct Reprint |
| Jul 11, 1911 | John Henry Smith and Brigham Young, Jr. approve of Danish beer. | Anthon H. Lund | Scribed Paraphrase Reprint |
| 1912 | History of the Church omits Joseph drinking beer. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Direct Reprint |
| Oct 8, 1919 | First Presidency Letter to Mission Presidents; WoW necessary for temple recommends. | Heber J. Grant | Direct Reprint |
| 1928 | Church's 1928 Handbook of Instructions on temple recommends; keeping the Word of Wisdom not listed as a requirement. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | Direct |
| 1932 | History of the Church mentions wine drinking at Carthage. | John Taylor | Direct Reprint |
| 1934 | Church's 1934 Handbook of Instructions on temple recommends; keeping the Word of Wisdom as a requirement introduced. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | Direct |
| Jan 22, 1935 | Mary Audentia Smith Anderson summarizes how Joseph Smith III remembers a bar in the Nauvoo Mansion. | Joseph Smith III | Direct Reprint Late Journalism |
| 1981 | Thomas G. Alexander gives historical overview of the Word of Wisdom at beginning of 20th century. | Thomas G. Alexander | Secondary |
| 1991 | W. J. Rorabaugh summarizes alcohol consumption between 1770–1830, showing how it rose over time. | W. J. Rorabaugh | Secondary |
| 2009 | Gordon Wood provides overview of alcohol consumption in America between 1790–1820. | Gordon Wood | Secondary |
| 2012 | Thomas G. Alexander gives historical overview of the Word of Wisdom during the 19th century. | Thomas G. Alexander | Secondary |
| 2012 | Paul Y. Hoskisson concludes that the Word of Wisdom was originally intended to be strictly enforced. | Paul Y. Hoskisson | Secondary |