Targum Neofiti Genesis 4:5 reproduced by Alejandro Díez Macho.
Targum Neofiti Genesis 4:5 in Alejandro Díez Macho, ed., Neophyti 1: Targum Palestinense Ms De La Biblioteca Vaticana, Tomo 1: Génesis (Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1968), 21
ובאשׁ לקין לחדה ואישׁתני זיווהון דאפוי
. . . and Cain was greatly displeased and his countenance changed.
The translation of this verse comes from Martin McNamara, trans., Targum Neofiti 1: Genesis, The Aramaic Bible 1A (Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1992), 65–66, who notes that the verse literally reads "splendor/countenance of his/your face (changed)."