Joseph teaches that the temple is a place for "all nations . . . to receive their endowments."

May 12, 1844
Speech / Court Transcript
Joseph Smith, Jr.
Scribed Paraphrase

Joseph Smith Jr., Discourse, May 12, 1844, as Reported by Thomas Bullock, The Joseph Smith Papers website, accessed November 11, 2021

Thomas Bullock
Thomas Bullock, Joseph Smith, Jr.
General Public

Oh! go forward, go forward and make your calling and your election sure— and if any man preach any other gospel than that which I have preached, he shall be cursed, and some of you who now hear me, shall see it— in regard to the law of the Priesthood— there should be a place where all nations shall come up from time to time to receive their endowments, and the Lord has said, this shall be the place for the baptism for the dead— every man that has been baptized and belongs to the Kingdom, has a right to be baptized for those who are gone before, and, as soon as the Law is obeyed here the Lord has administrators there, to set them free— a man may act as proxy for his own relatives— the ordination was laid out before the foundation of the world— those who we have much friendship for, it must be first revealed to man from God lest he should run too far— as in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive, all shall be raised from the dead— the Lamb of God hath brought to pass the resurrection so that all shall rise from the dead— God Almighty himself dwells in Eternal fire, flesh and blood cannot go there, all corruption is devoured by the fire— our God is a consuming fire— when our flesh is quickened by the Spirit, there will be no blood— some dwell in higher glory than others— those who have done wrong, always have that wrong knawing them— Immortality dwells in everlasting burning— I will from time to time reveal the subjects that are revealed to me— all the lies that are now hatched up are of the devil— & all the influence of the devil will be used against the kingdom of God— the Servants of God teach nothing but eternal life— by their works ye shall know them— a good man will speak good things,— I feel in the name of the Lord, to rebuke all such bad principles, liars &c and look out who you are going after— I exhort you to give heed to all the virtue and the teachings which I have given you; you cannot go any where, but where God can find you out; all must rise, all must enter eternity— in order for you to receive your children to yourself, you must have a promise, some ordinance some blessing— or else it may be an angel— they must rise just as they died— we can there hail our lovely infants with the same glory, the same loveliness in the Celestial glory where they all enjoy alike— they differ in stature, in size— the same glorious spirit gives them the likeness of glory and bloom— the old man with his silvery hairs will glory in bloom & beauty— no man can describe it to you— no man can write it— when did I ever teach any thing wrong from this stand?

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