The International Federation for Therapeutic and Counselling Choice (IFTCC) states their mission is to promote rights and freedoms of self determination for therapy.

The International Federation for Therapeutic and Counselling Choice (IFTCC)

"About the IFTCC," The International Federation for Therapeutic and Counselling Choice (IFTCC), 2021, accessed November 7, 2022

The International Federation for Therapeutic and Counselling Choice (IFTCC)
The International Federation for Therapeutic and Counselling Choice (IFTCC)
Reading Public

Mission Statement

The International Federation for Therapeutic and Counselling Choice (IFTCC) is a multi-disciplinary organization that exists to support dedicated providers of services to individuals seeking change of their unwanted relational and sexual behaviours, attractions and patterns. It works to preserve the rights of clients to access such services, and of providers to offer services. It advocates for scientific integrity and research objectivity. Its anthropological approach is based on a Judeo-Christian understanding of the body, marriage and the family. It aspires to being guided by professional standards of association and practice, with transparent accountability. Those supporting the IFTCC include both professional and pastoral-care practitioners, educators, and legal and community leaders from around the world concerned with the promotion of sexual health.

Objects of Association

1. The promotion of the rights and freedoms for individuals to seek, to offer, and to research professional psychotherapeutic, clinical, counselling and/or pastoral support to achieve client-centered goals of reducing, managing, or where possible, overcoming unwanted relational and sexual behaviours, feelings and attractions;

2. The dissemination of accurate scientific and research information relevant to the field of practice, reflecting shared and transparent ethical premises and standards;

3. Development of an international, self-regulating educative forum, offering professional and collegial support to those providing care to individuals with unwanted relational or sexual practices and attractions:

4. The provision of continuing professional development (CPD) and basic information for those offering interventions or support to individuals with unwanted relational or sexual behaviours and attractions;

5. Encouragement of accountable practices and research initiatives, utilizing recognized standards of accuracy, duty and care among practitioners and providers;

6. Enhancement of understanding via cross- and inter-cultural competencies, and research initiatives that respect proven family-centered values.


Attitudes Toward Clients in Counselling or Therapy

Guideline 1. Practitioners are encouraged to respect the dignity and self-determination of all their clients and to respect their choices.

Guideline 2. Practitioners are encouraged to recognize the complexity and limitations in understanding the etiology of unwanted sexual behaviours, attractions, and patterns.

Guideline 3. Practitioners are encouraged to understand how their values, attitudes and knowledge about identity and sexuality affect their assessment of and intervention with clients who present with unwanted attractions and behaviors.

Guideline 4. Practitioners are encouraged to respect the value of clients’ religious faith and refrain from making disparaging assumptions about their motivations for pursuing change-oriented interventions.

“adapted from the NARTH Institute Guidelines:

Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of Unwanted Same-Sex Attractions and Behavior (2008).

Guideline 5. At the outset of support or treatment, practitioners are encouraged to provide clients with information on change-oriented processes and intervention outcomes that is both accurate and sufficient for informed consent.

Guideline 6. Practitioners are encouraged to consider and understand the pressures from culture, religion, and family that are confronted by clients who struggle with unwanted sexual attractions or want to explore their identity.

Guideline 7. Practitioners are encouraged to recognize the special difficulties and risks that exist for youth who experience unwanted sexual feelings including same-sex attractions. They should also appreciate the greater fluidity of sexual orientation and identity that appears to exist among young people.

Treatment and Support Considerations for Therapists

Guideline 8. Practitioners are encouraged to utilize accepted psychological approaches to therapeutic interventions.

Guideline 9. Practitioners are encouraged to be knowledgeable about the psychological

and behavioral conditions that often accompany gender identity problems and unwanted relational or sexual behaviours, attractions and patterns.

Guideline 10. Practitioners are encouraged to offer or refer clients for relevant treatment services to help them manage their issues.

Continuing Education

Guideline 11. Practitioners are encouraged to make reasonable efforts to familiarize themselves with relevant medical, mental health, spiritual, and religious resources that can support clients in their pursuit of change.

Guideline 12. Practitioners are encouraged to increase their knowledge and understanding of the literature relevant to clients who seek change, and to seek continuing education, training, supervision, and consultation that will improve their work in this area.

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