
What is the current Church policy on masturbation?
The Church teaches that masturbation and pornography use are sins,[1] but they are not serious enough to trigger a membership council.[2] However, certain cases of pornography use may result in disciplinary actions.[3]
What about for people that are married? Is masturbation a sin?
The term 'masturbation' in this context refers to a solitary act outside of the context of the marital relationship.[4] "Foreplay" or "petting" or manual stimulation within the context of marriage is not the same thing as masturbation.[5]
Is masturbation a violation of the law of chastity?
Yes. The law of chastity, as taught by the Church, includes a prohibition against masturbation.[6] Christ taught that whoever lusts after a woman "hath committed adultery with her already in his heart," and masturbation involves lust.[7] Although Christ's language is geared towards men, the Church noted that the law of chastity applies to both men and women.[8]
Can you get a temple recommend if you masturbate?
It depends. Temple recommend questions—including "Do you strive for moral cleanliness in your thoughts and behavior?" and "Do you obey the law of chastity?"—give bishops an opportunity to counsel or give instruction to people struggling with masturbation.[9] However, there are no specific guidelines on what would merit withholding a temple recommend in this context.[10] This decision is left up to the discretion of the bishop. [11]
Does the Church have a policy about bishops asking about masturbation?
No. It's considered within the bishop's purview to ask about the law of chastity.[12] This may include asking about masturbation.
Isn't it kind of creepy for a bishop to ask people if they masturbate?
Potentially. If one sees a bishop as a spiritual counselor, and the law of chastity as a spiritual law, then it may be awkward, but not necessarily creepy. But if one doesn't recognize the bishop or the law of chastity as valid, then yes, it may seem creepy to discuss personal sexual matters with a bishop.
There have been cases when bishops have abused their roles and done creepy and/or illegal things. In these cases, they are subject to Church discipline and/or legal action.[13]
Are you supposed to confess masturbation to bishops?
Possibly. Masturbation is not considered a serious sin, but it can be spiritually damaging, especially if coupled with pornography use.[14] If masturbation is a problem that is impacting your personal well-being, your relationships with others, or your spirituality, then yes, you should probably talk to your bishop.[15]
What if I'm a woman and I'm more comfortable talking to my Relief Society president?
Talking with your Relief Society President is perfectly acceptable, but as the local priesthood leader, the bishop holds priesthood keys to help with repentance and spiritual well-being, so it's important to meet with them as well.[16] But it's also a Church policy to let interviewees request another adult be present in interviews, such as a Relief Society President.[17]
Related Question
Are garments meant to control sexuality and modesty?
Read more in Temple Garments
Does the Church have a policy about masturbation and qualifying to serve a mission?
No, not specifically, but priesthood leaders do ask prospective missionaries about pornography use.[18] Readiness to serve a mission is determined by the missionary, their bishop, and their stake president.[19]
Does For the Strength of Youth specifically mention masturbation?
Not specifically. The word "masturbation" doesn't specifically appear. It says, "In your choices about what you do, look at, read, listen to, think about, post, or text, avoid anything that purposely arouses lustful emotions in others or yourself."[20]
Is the word "masturbation" specifically mentioned in any Church handbook?
Yes, it is mentioned in the General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints[21] and the Missionary Standards for Disciples of Jesus Christ.[22]

Did the Church ever teach that masturbation caused homosexuality?
No, not really. Masturbation causing homosexuality is not doctrinal or has ever been generally taught in the Church, however there are several sources that drew a correlation between masturbation and homosexuality.
In 1969, Spencer W. Kimball said that masturbation could lead to mutual masturbation with members of the same-sex, which could then lead to "total homosexuality."[23] A 1981 internal publication for bishops stated that early-life masturbation could reinforce homosexual interests.[24] And a 1992 guide for bishops states that "pornography and masturbation almost always accompany homosexual transgressions."[25]
Why do some therapists, even Latter-day Saint therapists, teach that masturbation is okay?
Latter-day Saint therapists have a variety of religious and philosophical approaches to their practices. Some of these practices appear to be in harmony with the gospel, and others are less so. Mainstream psychology treats masturbation as acceptable human behavior.[26] Some Latter-day Saint therapists may subscribe to this view.
Some faithful Latter-day Saint therapists have used masturbation as a therapeutic approach to sexual dysfunction.[27] However, this practice does not involve pornography and is restricted to specific issues within the context of a marriage relationship.
Doesn't the medical community say that masturbation is a normal and healthy activity and can reduce the risk of prostate cancer?
Yes, the medical community does say that it is a normal activity.[28] Some studies have indicated that it may reduce the risk of prostate cancer, but there is no consensus on this topic and it is a subject of ongoing research.[29]
Is masturbation addictive?
"Addiction" is considered a loaded term to researchers for various reasons.[30] But yes, masturbation, especially when coupled with pornography use, can become a compulsion that is difficult to control.[31]
Can the pressure to quit a masturbation habit lead to suicide?
Possibly. Like other social, cultural, or religious norms, extreme guilt over masturbation could, in theory, contribute to suicide. However, there are no studies that have rigorously connected anti-masturbation religious beliefs with a higher likelihood of committing suicide.
- Max
“I think it's a fair question to ask whether it's masturbation that is the direct cause of problems with spirituality, self-esteem, etc.. or if it's a combined result of religious leaders telling members it's something to feel shame about. We can educate without guilt and shame.” - Matt
“I think one of the biggest problems with masturbation is that it prevents you from forming real relationships with real people. It actually makes it harder to connect with someone! It's no wonder those who struggle with this habit often feel lonely.” - Gerald
“Paul the Apostle said he had a thorn in the flesh and that he besought the Lord thrice, only for the Lord to say, "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness." I feel that masturbation is a thorn in the flesh and grace of Christ is my hope.” - Anna
“It's important to view masturbation and pornography use as unhealthy behaviors and not as bad behaviors that may create feelings of shame leading to further use. Having a good support system and patience with oneself is key.” - Seth
“We are to avoid sin and anything "like unto it." And, " the least degree of sin is not acceptable in the kingdom of God." Where a question arises, we should seek perfection of chastity. We should not be fence-sitters in absolute obedience.”