Prophetic Fallibility

439 Primary Sources

Jun 12, 1780

William Herschel explains his reasoning for believing the moon is inhabited.


Adam Clarke writes that the moon is a habitable globe.


Webster's 1828 Dictionary gives the first definition of "dictator" as "One who dictates; one who prescribes rules and maxims for the direction of others."

Apr 1828 - May 1828

Joseph recounts the events leading up to the loss of the Book of Lehi in 1828.

Aug 1829 - Jan 1830

Jacob in the Book of Moron speaks of David and Solomon in engaging in "abomination" due to their having "many" wives and concubines.


Joseph, in the preface to the 1830 Book of Mormon, makes reference to the loss of the Book of Lehi.

Jul 1830

Joseph reveals Church to be governed "by common consent."

Jun 1832 - Jul 1832

Joseph, in his 1832 History, discusses the background to the loss of the Book of Lehi.

Jul 20, 1832 - Jul 31, 1832

Joseph teaches that the Song of Solomon is not inspired writing.

Dec 1834

Joseph admits to Oliver Cowdery in a letter that he was guilty of "many vices and follies" in his youth.

Aug 1835

Section 101 of the 1835 D&C declares that the Church believes in monogamy.

Apr 1, 1836

Joseph advocates non-interference with slavery.

Apr 1836

Joseph talks about the potential effects of emancipation.

Nov 2, 1836

Joseph reports the establishment of the Kirtland Bank and the procuring of plates for the bank; petition to Ohio legislature for an act of incorporation was not successful.


Duncan Bradford positively theorizes that the moon may be inhabited.

Jun 1, 1837

Joseph, reflecting on the failure of the Kirtland Safety Society, notes that a spirit of speculation was prevalent in the Church; no quorum in the Church was exempt from the influence of "those false spirits."

Jul 1837

Joseph records how he resigned his office from the Kirtland Bank; the bank was not successful due to the "darkness, speculation, and wickedness" of the time.

Aug 1837

Joseph cautions Church members about speculators who are "palming upon them" bills from the Kirtland Bank which are worthless.

Sep 3, 1837

George W. Robinson reports that John F. Boynton believed that the Kirtland Bank "was instituted by the will of God" and he was told it would not fail.

Sep 4, 1837

Joseph, in a letter dated September 4, 1837, reports that John F. Boynton believed the Kirtland Safety Society was instituted by command of God and would not fail.

Aug 1838

Parley P. Pratt, in the Elders' Journal, argues that the letter published May 23, 1837 by critics "is not a true copy" of the letter he wrote; affirms his belief in the Book of Mormon and Joseph.

Aug 31, 1838

Joseph and Rigdon uses the term "negro" in a derogatory way.


LaFayette C. Lee recalls Joseph saying that his words were, at times, cited as if scripture.

May 14, 1840

Joseph refers to the Hymn Book as being among the "standard works."

Dec 15, 1840

Joseph, in a letter to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, cautions them from returning from Britain during "sickly season."

Jan 25, 1842

Willard Richards records in Joseph's journal that Joseph described Black people as "sons of Cain."

Aug 31, 1842

Joseph teaches the Nauvoo Relief Society that he is fallible and has "the frailty of human nature like other men."

Oct 29, 1842

Joseph admits to having his own infirmities just like how "the brethren" have their own infirmities.


Parley P. Pratt's pamphlet that inspired the Kinderhook hoaxers.

Feb 8, 1843

Joseph states a prophet is a prophet only when acting as such.

Apr 13, 1843

Joseph, in his journal, teaches that "Miasma" (malaria) is caused by the climate.

May 1, 1843

John Taylor describes discovery of Kinderhook Plates.

May 1, 1843

William Clayton journal entry describing Joseph translating Kinderhook Plates.

May 3, 1843

Quincy Whig report on Kinderhook Plates discovery.

May 3, 1843

Brigham describes seeing the Kinderhook Plates.

May 7, 1843

Parley P. Pratt describes Kinderhook Plates to John Van Cott, and says they contained genealogy of the Jaredites back to Ham.

May 7, 1843

Joseph's journal entry describing encounter with Kinderhook Plates.

Jun 1, 1843

Contemporary reprint of reports of Kinderhook plates discovery.

Jun 1843

John Taylor & Wilford Woodruff broadside with facsimile of Kinderhook plates.

Jul 14, 1843

Joseph makes a joke about Black people.

Oct 15, 1843

Joseph affirms that he believes the Bible "as it read when it came from the pen of the original writers"; translators, transcribers, and corrupt priests have resulted in errors in the present text.

Jan 2, 1844

Joseph refers to Black people as "rebellious n---ers."

Apr 7, 1844

Joseph teaches that children who die in mortality will be raised as children and will being to grow into adults in the resurrection.

Apr 8, 1844

Joseph teaches that God made him the Saints' "king" and "their God"; if one does not like it "you must lump it."

Apr 28, 1844

Joseph reports Hyrum Smith taught there were humans on this earth prior to Adam.

May 12, 1844

Joseph teaches that while he is not perfect, "there is no errors in the revelations" he taught the Saints.

May 22, 1844

Thomas C. Sharp gives an account of the Kinderhook Plates.

Aug 1, 1844

Joseph Smith, in his history, teaches that many important doctrines concerning salvation were either taken away from the Bible or lost before its completion.

Jan 1845

Hyrum Smith teaches the sun, moon, and stars are inhabited.

Apr 27, 1845

Orson Hyde uses premortal explanation to give an opinion on origins of Black people.


John Stevens Cabot Abbott writes favorably about the moon behind inhabited in a school textbook.


John Whitmer, in his history, records the establishment of the Kirtland Bank; claims it was "for the purpose of speculation."

Feb 16, 1847

Willard Richards records Brigham teaching that "we are all father Adams"; the title "Father" only properly applies to "Father Adam" who is "our Father in heaven."

Dec 2, 1847

Brigham criticizes interracial marriage and mentions "if they were far away from the Gentiles they would all [h]av[e] to be killed."

Dec 27, 1847

Brigham is sustained as president of the Church on December 27, 1847.

Feb 13, 1849

Brigham says that Africans are cursed descendants of Cain.

Dec 15, 1850

Orson Hyde explains Utah servitude laws.

Jun 1, 1851

Brigham states that the curse of Ham makes Black people servants and he forbids slavery.

Jan 1, 1852

Utah Territorial Legislature legalizes slavery in the territory.


Wilford Woodruff records reference to the curse of Cain and how that impacts blessings.

Jan 5, 1852

Brigham explains slave law in Utah.

Jan 23, 1852

Brigham states Black people can't "bear rule" while cursed.

Aug 29, 1852

Orson Pratt holds Africans and other groups have a "degraded parentage" and valiant premortal spirits "kept in reserve" will not receive their bodies.

Oct 3, 1852

William Clayton reports on Orson Spencer teaching Adam being God using Genesis and the Book of Moses, and Orson Pratt challenges this teaching, denying that Adam had a resurrected body in Eden.

Nov 13, 1852

Charles W. Penrose teaches that one is not to blindly follow Church leaders.

Nov 13, 1852

Samuel W. Richards warns against Church members from blind obedience to Church leaders.

May 1853

Orson Pratt makes a distinction between God and Adam/Michael and teaches that Adam learned language by immediate inspiration from God.


George A. Smith teaches that he knows Brigham to be a prophet and Saints should esteem his words as the voice of God to them.


Brigham teaches the Saints that what makes one the President of the Church is not being a Prophet but instead their holding the Keys of the Priesthood.


Brigham teaches that Adam is the only God with whom we have to do and that he was transplanted from another planet to this earth with Eve.


Brigham claims that Heber C. Kimball is his "Prophet" and states he received a vision of the then-future Salt Lake Temple "as if it was in reality before me."


Heber C. Kimball teaches Adam is the God of this Earth but is distinct from "Elohim."

May 8, 1854

Brigham, in a sermon in Springville, Utah, teaches that he knows he made errors when preaching in the past; one should always pray to God to be kept from "speaking false principles."

Oct 1854

The Friend of Youth, and Child's Magazine posits that the moon must be inhabited.

Oct 8, 1854

Brigham said every earth has its own Adam and Eve and that Saints don't have to understand Adam's status.


Brigham teaches that there is no singular revelation that "is perfect in its fulness"; God speaks to people according to our abilities.


Brigham teaches that, if ancient prophets and apostles were asked about their doctrine of deity, there would be differences of theological opinion.


Orson Hyde teaches that this earth was peopled before the days of Adam.


Heber C. Kimball, when affirming that Joseph was a true prophet like Moses, said that "he was our dictator in the things of God" and that it was for them to listen to him and "do just as he told us."


Jeremiah Joyce concludes on scientific reasoning that the moon is inhabited.


Brigham tells the Saints not to be satisfied with anything he does unless the Spirit of Jesus and spirit of revelation makes them satisfied with his teachings.


Brigham teaches that revelations are given according to the understanding of the people in receipt of them; as a result, they may appear mysterious to future readers.

Mar 11, 1856

Wilford Woodruff said Orson Pratt disagrees with Brigham concerning how Adam's body was formed.

Mar 11, 1856

Samuel W. Richards reports on witnessing Brigham Young and Orson disagree about doctrine.

Jul 2, 1856

Deseret News prints article arguing the moon is not inhabited.

Sep 6, 1856

John Stiles recalls being disfellowshipped for disagreeing with the claim that Brigham "is our God and infallible"; after disputing this, was restored by the High Council.


Brigham urges the Saints to have the light of the Holy Spirit continually and not to be dependent upon Church leaders.


Heber C. Kimball teaches the Saints that when one begins to know God, they will learn that the leadership of the church are chosen by God to direct and counsel them.


Brigham teaches the relationship between "Heavenly Father" and "Adam" is a mystery.


Brigham teaches that if one were to receive a revelation, but it is not "to be known by the people at the present," one should keep it a secret.


Brigham tells the Saints that he has been the recipient of special revelation and has "the spirit of prophecy," though not in the same degree as Joseph.


Wilford Woodruff teaches that not everything Joseph taught in private was later made public.


John Taylor disparages abolitionists and underground railroad.


Brigham tells the Saints he is not a Prophet/Interpreter of Visions as Joseph, a modern-day Daniel was; instead, in comparison, is a "Yankee guesser."


Heber C. Kimball speaks of those who have taken exception with some of Brigham's teachings; claims that Brigham would not say something unless he knew it was true.


John Taylor disparages abolitionism and "n---er stealing."


Brigham acknowledges that Prophets and Apostles, himself included, can make mistakes; qualifies this by stating that he will not be able to lead the Church astray.


Heber C. Kimball tells the Saints that a person is not in the "true vine" if they reject Brigham as a Prophet; they are to have faith in his words.

Mar 24, 1858

Wilford Woodruff said Orson Pratt promised not to oppose Brigham on their doctrinal differences.


Heber C. Kimball instructs the Saints to learn to do as they are told by leaders, "whether it is right or wrong"; when a Church leader receives a revelation, members need not seek revelation verifying it.


Brigham, while affirming he is a prophet, tells the Saints he is not a Prophet in the same manner as Joseph was.


Heber C. Kimball tells the Saints not to question whether a command from a leader is right or wrong.

Oct 9, 1859

Brigham says that Black people cannot hold priesthood office because of the curse of Cain.


Orson Pratt teaches that an individual does not have the right to make the final decision about the meaning of Scripture or receive revelation for the Church; that is the duty of the President of the Church alone.


Wilford Woodruff teaches that Joseph and other Church leaders have taught doctrines that seem contrary to the theories and principles one previously learned.

Apr 4, 1860

George Sims records dispute between Orson Pratt and the other leaders of the Church concerning Brigham's teachings concerning Adam and God.

Apr 4, 1860

Minutes of April 4, 1860 meeting between Orson Pratt and other Church leaders.

Apr 5, 1860

Orson Pratt notes he thinks "the brethren are laboring under a wrong impression" on Adam-God, while Orson Hyde defends the theory.

Apr 5, 1860

Brigham instructs Orson Pratt to submit any doctrinal writings to the Church leadership for inspection before sharing them publicly.

Apr 5, 1860

George Sims records Orson Pratt's submission of a sermon where he would make confession about various doctrinal statements to Brigham for inspection.

Jun 27, 1860

Brigham states that if he has been guilty of any wrong-doing, it is sharing too much about the nature of God to the Saints.

Sep 22, 1860

Orson Pratt retracts various statements from The Seer about the nature of God; on Adam's origins, states one should not be dogmatic until further revelation is received.


George Q. Cannon, acting as editor for volume 8 of the Journal of Discourses, calls the series a "standard work."


Brigham corrects belief that a revelation must be prefaced with "Thus Saith the Lord."


Orson Hyde teaches that he heard God proclaim Brigham to be the President of the Church; affirms Brigham, like Joseph, has received divine revelation on occasion.


Wilford Woodruff teaches that, in this dispensation, the Church and Gospel will remain on this earth until Christ returns.


Brigham teaches that, for a doctrine to be binding, the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve must be in unanimous agreement.


Brigham cautions Church members from putting too much confidence in their Church leaders at the expense of inquiring "for themselves of God whether they are led by Him."

Apr 30, 1862

Heber C. Kimball teaches that he was told by the Lord in April 1862 that Adam was his father and the God and Father of the inhabitants of this earth.

Oct 6, 1863

Brigham attributes civil war to those who "wish to raise their negroes" while others "wish to. . . almost worship them."


Heber C. Kimball teaches that Adam's God and Father made him the Lord of this creation and Saints should imitate Adam.

Oct 21, 1865

First Presidency and Orson Pratt repudiate certain teachings in Pratt's The Seer.


John Taylor lists secular books such as dictionaries as among the "standard works."


George A. Smith lists the Scriptures as being a subset of the category of "standard works" which also includes publications from the Deseret News and Juvenile Instructor.


Brigham teaches the Saints that whenever any dispute arises, they can count on divine intervention as "the Lord steadies the ark."


Brigham teaches that "Mormonism" embraces all truth from all sources, both from revelation and from secular sources.

Jul 1, 1868

Orson Pratt writes to Brigham, asking to make a confession of his doctrinal wrongs.

Jul 4, 1868

Orson Pratt confesses to being in error for opposing Brigham's "revealed" teachings concerning Adam and God to the Salt Lake City School of the Prophets.

Jul 4, 1868

Orson Pratt is recorded as having made a full confession to the Salt Lake City School of the Prophets for disagreeing with Brigham over the relationship between "Adam" and "God."


Brigham differentiates "standard work" from the canonical works of the Church.


Brigham teaches that there are theological disagreements among the Apostles of the Church, including the status of children who die in infancy and the nature of their resurrected bodies.


George Q. Cannon warns Saints against relying too much on Church leaders and the "arm of flesh" and not on God.


George Q. Cannon teaches that the spirit of prophecy is continually with Brigham.

Oct 25, 1869

Brigham teaches that the Priesthood itself is eternal and infallible, but priests are fallible.


Brigham teaches that when his sermons are copied and approved by him, they are as good as scripture and en par with the Bible.


Brigham teaches that a "prophet" is a "foreteller of future events" without requiring priesthood; "Apostle" is one who holds the Keys of the Holy Priesthood.


Brigham wonders if the moon is inhabited, and says he thinks the sun might be.


Brigham teaches that, if given the ability to revise his sermons, they should be considered as good as scripture.

Apr 9, 1871

Brigham teaches that Cain was cursed with black skin.


T. B. H. Stenhouse notes that the majority of members do not believe Adam is God and notes conflict between Brigham and Orson Pratt concerning doctrine.

Jan 12, 1873

George Q. Cannon states that God loves all, including the "dark sons of Cain."

Jun 9, 1873

Salt Lake City School of the Prophets says Adam-God is true doctrine but should be discussed carefully by the Church.

Jun 18, 1873

Brigham teaches that Adam is our Father and God and holds priesthood keys.


Orson Pratt disagrees with Joseph's teachings about the nature of the resurrected bodies of children who die in infancy; states that leaders learn principles gradually and not all at once.


Wilford Woodruff teaches that this is the only dispensation that will not fall into a Great Apostasy.

Jul 4, 1874

Brigham expresses that it is "the lot" of Black people to be servants.


George A. Smith lists the Bible, Book of Mormon, and Doctrine and Covenants as being among the larger category of "standard works."


George A. Smith distinguishes between the Scriptures and the "standard works" which includes publications from the Juvenile Instructor and Deseret News.

Dec 13, 1875

Orson Pratt recounts Joseph's teachings concerning the lost ten tribes; concludes that he is not sure if Joseph was speaking by revelation or "it was a matter of mere speculation."

May 14, 1876

Brigham teaches the Saints in the Southern Mission that Adam is the God and Father of Jesus; the sun and stars are inhabited and that "God" is a proper term to used for the leader in the "heaven of heavens."


Brigham recounts his difficulty with accepting Joseph's revelation about the degrees of glory; he did not judge the revelation but instead "handed it over to the Lord."

Feb 7, 1877

L. John Nuttall records Brigham Young's Lecture at the Veil where he said Adam came to Eden with a Celestial body and is the Father of our Spirits and of Jesus.

Mar 21, 1877

Wilford Woodruff notes in journal for March 1877 that Brigham Young was laboring all winter to produce a perfect form of the Temple Endowment.

Jun 6, 1877

Brigham says that he has not checked the Scriptures to see if his revelations are consistent with them; when he speaks by the power of God and the Holy Ghost, it is "truth" and "scripture."


Brigham lists the "standard works" as being a distinct category from the Bible, Book of Mormon, and Doctrine and Covenants.

Apr 8, 1878

Confession letter of Wilburn W. Fugate; says Joseph would not translate the plates until authenticated.

Jun 4, 1879

John Taylor states that he thought Abel's ordination was a mistake.

Jun 30, 1879

Wilburn Fugate's confession letter.


During a sermon, George Q. Cannon admits that he may have made mistakes in his teachings; asks Church members to reject any mistakes and keep the good.


John Taylor teaches that Church leaders have weaknesses and requests Church members to pray for them to "magnify the calling God has given unto us."


Joseph F. Smith believes that D&C 101 (1835 ed. of the Doctrine and Covenants) was added by Oliver Cowdery without any authority from Joseph.

Jun 1880

Pseudonymous author in LDS periodical The Contributor in 1880 says the moon is lifeless.

Oct 10, 1880

John Taylor comments on importance of submitting decisions to body of Church.

Nov 15, 1880

George Q. Cannon discusses canonization process.

Feb 1, 1881

George Q. Cannon tells J. Floyd King Church's views on "inferior races."

Jul 15, 1882

Lu Dalton, in an article in the Woman's Exponent, teaches that the Church considers only God alone to be infallible.

Oct 14, 1882

George Q. Cannon teaches that the Church receives public revelation on a continual basis; there are many revelations that have not been inscripturated.

Mar 4, 1883

Joseph F. Smith discusses D&C 101 in the 1835 Doctrine and Covenants; argues it was added to the Doctrine and Covenants by Oliver Cowdery without any input from Joseph.


Joseph F. Smith teaches that God will only allow those who have been proven faithful to lead the Church; warns against those claiming direct revelation "independent of the order and channel of the Priesthood."


George Q. Cannon teaches that both Joseph and Brigham were fallible men and had failings and weaknesses.

Jun 11, 1884

Deseret News reports scientific arguments for the moon being inhabited.

Oct 23, 1887

Salt Lake Herald-Republican republishes scientific argument that the moon may once have been inhabited.

Jan 31, 1888

The Daily Inter Ocean provides critical account of Kinderhook Plates discovery.

Apr 1888

In a letter to Joseph Smith dated May 23, 1837, Parley P. Pratt criticizes Joseph and Sidney Rigdon for the "Speculation in which we have been engaged of" with respect to the Kirtland Safety Society.

Jul 1889

Ebenezer Robinson recollects the establishment of the Kirtland Bank; claims that it was due to a "spirit of speculation" and reflected "a spirit of worldly ambition."

Dec 14, 1889

Charles W. Penrose, in the Deseret Weekly, teaches that, while the utterance of a Church leader may be of "great weight," they are not necessarily "equal to the revealed law of God."

Aug 26, 1891

Provo Daily Enquirer runs an article arguing the moon is not inhabited.

Nov 14, 1891

Wilford Woodruff teaches that he and other leaders of the Church have received, and continues to receive, revelation from God, to lead the Church.

Mar 21, 1892

Charles W. Penrose teaches that the Saints do not blindly follow their leaders; while President Wilford Woodruff is the only man who receives revelation for the Church, Saints are to investigate any of his claims, including a "thus saith the Lord" revelation.

May 26, 1892

Abraham H. Cannon records how some Church members did not believe Brigham's saying that "Adam is our God."

Oct 5, 1896

Franklin D. Richards says that Joseph taught that the "seed of Cain" would not receive their "final redemption" until after the "seed of Abel . . . should all have their opportunity."

Jan 9, 1897

Joseph F. Smith, in a letter to Alfred Saxey, states Adam-God may represent Brigham's personal opinion but the teaching is not revealed doctrine, nor binding on Church members.

Dec 16, 1897

George Q. Cannon states that he was told by John Taylor in Nauvoo about Joseph Smith's priesthood ban teachings.


George Q. Cannon teaches that he believes the Holy Ghost being a personage is an example of speculation in his time.

Jan 7, 1898

Lorenzo Snow, during a sermon in the Salt Lake Temple, teaches that Joseph and other Church leaders, himself included, are not infallible or impeccable, but have been entrusted to act with God's authority.

Oct 1898

Lorenzo Snow, during the October 1898 General Conference, teaches the Saints that there may be some things that leaders do "that cannot for the moment be explained."

Oct 1898

Lorenzo Snow teaches that, while some actions of Church leaders cannot then be explained, members have the right to the Spirit so they can judge these actions.


Mathias F. Cowley teaches that simply being a prophet or called of God does not make a man infallible; it doesn't imply that those who lead the Church "lead the Saints astray."

Feb 9, 1902

Edward Bunker writes to Joseph F. Smith to ask for clarification as to doctrinal status of Adam-God.

Feb 27, 1902

Joseph F. Smith writes to Edward Bunker informing him that Adam-God is one of the "mysteries" and, until more is revealed, we only have "wild speculations."

Jul 16, 1902

Joseph F. Smith writes to Lillie Golsan informing her that not all theories and speculations of Church leaders are necessarily the doctrine of the Church.


Senator Fred T. Dubois questions Joseph F. Smith during the 1904 Reed Smoot Hearings; claims he has not received any individual revelations since becoming President of the Church.


Joseph F. Smith, while testifying in the Reed Smoot hearing, claims he had not received a revelation as head of the Church.

Apr 1904

J. Golden Kimball, during the April 1904 General Conference, teaches that the Apostles in the Church will not prevent people form thinking; one cannot "remain in this Church on borrowed light."


Joseph F. Smith speaks of someone who was "unfortunate enough to be colored with a black skin."

May 1907

The First Presidency teaches that it is the Church, not men, who determine the doctrines of the Church.


J. R. Dummelow discusses how prophets are products of their own times and scripture is a synergy of the human and the divine.

Nov 1909

First Presidency, in statement on man's origins, distinguishes Adam from the God and Father of our spirits.

Apr 1910

Joseph F. Smith notes that it has not been revealed if Adam and Eve were transplanted to this earth from another world with immortal bodies.

Sep 1912

Charles W. Penrose teaches that no Church leader has ever claimed to be infallible.

Sep 1913

First Presidency teach that, while all members have the right to personal revelation, they cannot convey authority to direct others and should not be accepted when contrary to "Church covenants, doctrine, or disciple or to know facts."

Jul 1914

The Entertaining Magazine speculates that the moon may be inhabited.

Aug 1916

First Presidency teaches "God" and "Father" can be used as titles for people other than God the Father, including Jesus.

Oct 1916

Orson F. Whitney teaches that LDS are not bound to what is printed in books but modern revelation.


William Clayton records Heber C. Kimball teaching that if one obeys the counsel of a Church leader and they are wrong, the consequences will fall on the heads of the leaders, not the members.

Jul 23, 1921

B.H. Roberts addresses the sources of doctrine; the scriptures are "the only sources of absolute appeal" for doctrine.

Aug 18, 1921

B. H. Roberts comments on canonization process.


B. H. Roberts teaches that Joseph and other prophets are not to be considered infallible or impeccable.


John A. Widtsoe teaches Latter-day Saints to expect perfection from no one.

Apr 1938

Joseph Fielding Smith teaches that if one were to receive a revelation, but it is not "to be known by the people at the present," one should keep it a secret.

Apr 1941

Joseph F. Merrill teaches that, while the President of the Church is not infallible, when he speaks authoritatively, no one should reject his teachings.

Jun 1945

Improvement Era publishes an article teaching that, when the leaders of the Church have spoken, the thinking has been done.

Dec 7, 1945

George Albert Smith, in a letter to Cope, rejects belief that "once the prophet speaks, the thinking has been done"; instead, Church members are to use their intellect and reasoning to determine truth.


L. John Nuttall records how he and Wilford Woodruff wrote the lecture (at the veil) for the endowment.


L. John Nuttall said he worked on the Lecture at the Veil and Brigham approved it.


L. John Nuttall said he and others made the Lecture at the Veil, which Brigham corrected.

Apr 1953

Marion G. Romney states that Adam was a Son of God in the Premortal existence; if there were Pre-Adamites, they were not ancestors of Adam.


Joseph Fielding Smith teaches that Adam was the first man on this earth; as a result, this "does away with the false notion that there were pre-Adamites."


Joseph Fielding Smith teaches that not everything Church leaders say or write is inspired by God; teachings from leaders must be measured against the Standard Works of the Church.

Jul 31, 1954

J. Reuben Clark discusses when the writings or sermons of Church leaders can be considered "scripture"; notes that Church leaders, even when discussing doctrine, have often speculated on topics.


Joseph Fielding Smith teaches that children who die in mortality will be raised as children in the Millennium and grow up to adulthood.


Joseph Fielding Smith writes that not every teaching of a Church leader is binding or inspired; the Standard Works is the means by which one can judge the truth of a teaching.


Bruce R. McConkie says prophets have own opinions and prejudices.


Joseph Fielding Smith teaches that not all writings or sermons of Church leaders are official Church doctrine; gives the Scriptures a priority in judging doctrine.


Bruce R. McConkie defends priesthood ban based on scriptural interpretation.


Joseph Fielding Smith writes that man will be limited to this earth; does not believe man will ever have "dominions beyond this earth while they dwell in mortality."


Bruce R. McConkie calls Adam-God a "theory" and teaches Adam is subordinate to both Jesus and His Father.


First edition of Bruce R. McConkie's book, Mormon Doctrine (1958).


Bruce R. McConkie discusses Adam in Latter-day Saint theology, including his being the Ancient of Days; Adam was also "one of the most noble and intelligent characters who ever lived."

Oct 1960

Marion G. Romney reports that Heber J. Grant taught him that "The Lord will never let his mouthpiece lead the people astray."


Joseph F. Smith tells Eugene England that no revelation exists on premortal explanation for ban.

Jul 8, 1964

Harold B. Lee offers criteria for doctrinal authoritativeness.


Bruce R. McConkie, when discussing General Authorities in the Church, notes that, while they have authority to administer Church affairs, they may not be authorities in doctrine and such a calling does not make one infallible.

Oct 9, 1967

Bruce R. McConkie teaches that Black people are "lacking spirituality" and that the "doctrine of pre-existence" explains the existence of Black people.


Hugh B. Brown comments on what makes teachings binding.


John Lewis Lund teaches that, when a prophet speaks as a prophet, his words carry the same force as one of the Ten Commandments; God inspires prophets, not vice versa.


Marion G. Romney teaches how one can know when a church leader is speaking as a prophet; we can know by the Holy Ghost.


Stanley B. Kimball discusses the original Stock Ledger of the Kirtland Safety Society.

Sep 14, 1971

Hal Knight reports on Church leaders meeting with the Apollo 15 astronauts; Joseph Fielding Smith receives a color photograph taken on the moon; Harold B. Lee tells the astronauts that Church leaders watched their travel to the moon.

Apr 1972

Joseph Fielding Smith teaches that, when the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve are united, they are teaching the doctrine of the Church; the President will never lead the Church to go astray.


Bruce R. McConkie teaches that the footnote in the LDS edition of the King James Bible for Hebrews 5:7-8 (which follows the JST) is in error.


Eugene England writes that Joseph Fielding Smith told him that "you don't have to believe that Negroes are denied the priesthood because of the pre-existence."

Dec 30, 1973

President Spencer W. Kimball records in his journal his ordination as president of the Church.


George Q. Cannon teaches that an honest difference of opinion with Church leaders does not constitute apostasy; however, if one publishes their criticisms and "to enforce them upon the people to produce division" is apostasy.


George Q. Cannon teaches that, while the President and other leaders of the Church receive inspiration, they are all fallible, both individually and collectively; "infallibility is not given to men."

Oct 1974

Bruce R. McConkie, during the October 1974 General conference, criticizes those who believe that it is time for a revelation to end the restriction on the Priesthood.


Harold B. Lee teaches the privileged status of the Standard Works; while the president is the only one who alone has the right to declare new doctrine, they are not always inspired by God when they teach.

May 1975

Ezra Taft Benson teaches that members should place their trust in Jesus, not in "the arm of flesh"; "God has to work through mortals of varying degrees of spiritual progress."


George Q. Cannon teaches that the President and Apostles of the Church are ordinary men with the same challenges as everyone else; it is necessary that their faith be tried as ours.

Oct 2, 1976

Spencer W. Kimball refers to the Adam-God teaching as a "theory," denounces it, and says it is not "according to the scriptures."

Jun 1977

Boyd K. Packer appeals to an incident in the life of Karl G. Maeser that the priesthood of God are "just common old sticks, but it's the position that counts"; one should follow them to be safe and will be lost if they stray from them.

Jun 8, 1978

First Presidency letter from June 8, 1978 announcing the revelation on the priesthood.

Jun 9, 1978

Deseret News publishes First Presidency press release announcing the revelation on the priesthood.

Jun 17, 1978

Church News publishes priesthood revelation.

Sep 30, 1978

Elder N. Eldon Tanner announces the First Presidency announcing the priesthood revelation at General Conference.

Oct 1978

Elaine Anderson Cannon, during the October 1978 General Conference, teaches that, "When the prophet speaks, sisters, the debate is over."

Aug 1979

N. Eldon Tanner teaches that when "the prophet speaks the debate is over."


Boyd K. Packer teaches that prophets are common, ordinary men; using example of Elijah, teaches that it should not lesson our faith that prophets have weaknesses.

Feb 26, 1980

Ezra Taft Benson teaches that "The living prophet is more vital to us than the standard works" and dead prophets and if one follows the leaders of the Church, one will "be blessed; reject them and suffer."

Apr 6, 1980

Bruce R. McConkie celebrates "seed of Cain" receiving the priesthood.

Jul 1, 1980

Bruce R. McConkie, quoting Joseph Fielding Smith, teaches that the Standard Works are the rule by which we determine if what a Church leader writes or speaks is authoritative and inspired.

Sep 1, 1980

Eugene England writes to Bruce R. McConkie, querying if God the Father does progress in knowledge as Brigham taught.


Bruce R. McConkie instructs Latter-day Saints to forget what he and other Church leaders said to justify the priesthood restriction before the revealation of 1978; they were operating "with a limited understanding and without the light and knowledge that now has come into the world."

Feb 19, 1981

Bruce R. McConkie said in a letter Brigham taught Adam is the Father of our Spirits and it's a false doctrine.

Aug 1981

Stanley B. Kimball published article in the Ensign on Kinderhook Plates.

Aug 22, 1981

Boyd K. Packer cautions LDS historians and scholars from "forsaking things of the Spirit" in their works.


Harold B. Lee discusses when a prophet speaks as a prophet; teaches that not every word spoken by the General Authorities is inspired, or they are moved upon by the Holy Ghost in everything they do.


Mark E. Petersen teaches that General Authorities are not always speaking authoritatively and like everyone else, have their own free will.

Sep 1982

Dallin H. Oaks teaches the principle of "responsibility of revelation;" one will not receive a revelation beyond the sphere of their calling (e.g., a bishop will only receive revelation for his ward, not the entire Church).

Jul 1983

Van Hale discusses the Adam-God doctrine/theory; argues that Brigham did teach the doctrine and was mistaken, but it was never an official doctrine of the Church.


Neal A. Maxwell, in a letter to Blake T. Ostler, states he does not understand some of the nuances of the debate about God having absolute foreknowledge.

Oct 1984

Neal A. Maxwell, during General Conference, quotes various sources stating that Church leaders are not all knowing or infallible, but are still authoritative teachers Saints should respect.


Bruce R. McConkie said the Adam-God theory is "heretical" and a "cultist practice."


Hymn no. 19 in the 1985 Hymnal, "We Thank Thee O God, for a Prophet," teaches that those who reject the words and teachings of prophets "Shall never such happiness know."

Oct 1985

Van Hale lists a number of moral failings ascribed to prophets and apostles in the Bible.

Dec 1985 - Jan 1986

Elaine Anderson Cannon reminiscences about Spencer W. Kimball's response to her October 1978 General Conference talk; Kimball agreed with her teaching that when the leader speaks, members must obey.


Michael J. Crowe reviews Christian responses to cosmic pluralism in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Apr 1986

Gordon B. Hinckley teaches that there has only been one perfect man (Jesus); past leaders and members of the Church were imperfect, but the Lord still used them in spite of such.


John Edward Taylor, as part of the Logan Temple Lectures in 1888, agrees with Joseph's teachings that children who die in infancy will be raised as infants and will grow up to adults in the resurrection.


Jerald and Sandra Tanner argue that Wilford Woodruff and other Church leaders essentially teach their own infallibility.


Marvin J. Ashton teaches that Church leaders, as with everyone else, "have some weaknesses."


Sheri L. Dew records Elder Ezra Taft Benson's feelings following the prayer confirming the revelation on the priesthood.

Feb 1987

Dallin H. Oaks teaches the importance of knowing the difference between "the act of passing judgement as to the merits of anything" and "the act of passing severe judgement; censure; faultfinding" in relation to Church leaders.

Apr 1987

The April 1987 issue of the Ensign reports on the Mark Hofmann affair; states that the Church did purchase documents that would later turn out to be forgeries.

Oct 1987

The October 1987 issue of the Ensign reprints the First Presidency's statement on the Mark Hofmann affair; states that the Church did purchase documents that later turned out to be forgeries.

Oct 1987

Dallin H. Oaks discusses the Mark Hofmann affair, including the Church purchasing documents that would later turn out to be forgeries.

Oct 1987

The October 1987 issue of the Ensign discusses the Mark Hofmann affair, including listing documents the Church purchased that later turned out to be forgeries.


Wilford Woodruff teaches Church members that he and other leaders of the Church will never lead the people astray; if he were to attempt to do such, "the Lord would remove me out of my place."


Hugh B. Brown teaches that something is not a binding doctrine upon members of the Church until it has been submitted and examined by the leadership of the Church and later to the vote of the people.


Wilford Woodruff teaches that Joseph and other leaders of the Church were humble and imperfect men who were called of God and received heavenly visitation and instructions.


George Q. Cannon warns against putting faith on Church leaders as they are not perfect; instead, we must "lean on God" as "He will never fail us."


Lyrics to the hymn "Follow the Prophet" that stresses following the counsel of the modern leaders of the Church.


Bruce R. McConkie teaches that the JST translation items, chapter headings, Topic Guide, Bible Dictionary, footnotes, Gazeteer, and maps in the Scriptures are not perfect or determine doctrine.


Bruce R. McConkie teaches that "not every word that a man who is a prophet speaks is a prophetic utterance."

Oct 1989

James E. Faust, during General Conference, teaches that Church leaders are not perfect or infallible, but they have a great desire "to know and do the will of our Heavenly Father."

Nov 1989

Boyd K. Packer during General Conference, teaches that Church leaders are people "with ordinary capacities struggling to administer a church" ad one is not exempt "from the challenges of life."


Boyd K. Packer teaches that only the Standard Works and statements written under the assignment of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve are to be considered official Church declarations.


Dallin H. Oaks discusses the inspiration and fallibility of Church leaders; notes that "there have been differences of opinion among church leaders since the Church was organized."


Wilford Woodruff address the Law of Adoption; teaches that there has been ongoing revelation and development to this doctrine since the time of Joseph.


Boyd K. Packer teaches that all decisions for the Church are made by the unanimous consent of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve; while we follow the Prophet, he, too, have counsellors and does not act alone.


M. Gerald Bradford and Larry E. Dahl note that the Church does not have an official position on a number of topics, and there are differences opinions between church members, including leaders.

Jun 7, 1992

Dallin H. Oaks teaches that God often expects us to seek personal revelation on "many decisions for our personal choices."

Apr 1993

Russell M. Nelson teaches that, while church leaders are ordinary human beings, they have been given authority from God; such is delegated from the President of the Church to other leaders.

May 18, 1993

Boyd K. Packer, when addressing a Church coordinating council, admitted that he was wrong in an interpretation of Scriptural passage.


Neal A. Maxwell teaches that leaders are aware of their own imperfections and that "the faithful realize the Apostles are working out their salvation, too."

Apr 1994

Robert D. Hales, during General Conference, teaches that one being called an apostle does not make them infallible.


Boyd K. Packer says a prophet need not be a classic example of physical perfection or education; Joseph and other prophets are subject to "frustration and even to failure."


Harold B. Lee teaches that a prophet does not always speak as a prophet; he only speaks authoritatively when inspired by the Holy Spirit.


Harold B. Lee teaches that not every sermon preached by a Latter-day Saint leader is inspired by the Holy Ghost.


Harold B. Lee teaches that the only person authorized to give a revelation for the whole Church is the President; not everything a leader says is inspired by God, and any utterance must be checked against the Scriptures.


Harold B. Lee teaches that not every word spoken or written by a Church leader is inspired; appeals to the standard works of the Church as the means of determining of such writings or statements are inspired.


Henry B. Eyring states that he has known a few prophets and acknowledges that they have failures and weaknesses "because they're not perfect."


Henry B. Eyring teaches that everyone has the "problem" of hearing the word of God through imperfect teachers and leaders.


Howard W. Hunter warns against counterfeit manifestations of the Spirit; teaches that mere emotionalism is not the Spirit and one should have discernment.

Mar 1997

Dallin H. Oaks teaches that the Church believes in continuing, not continuous revelation; Church leaders are often left to work out problems for themselves without revelation.


Leonard J. Arrington records Gordon B. Hinckley teaching that the Church is led by 15, not just 1, man; when the President dies, there is "abundant backup."


George Q. Cannon records Lorenzo Snow teaching that he saw Joseph and other leaders of the Church "do things which I did not approve of" and yet still believed that they were inspired of God.

Oct 1998

Gordon B. Hinckley cautions Church members from falling into serious debt and warns of a potential depression in the market.


Neal A. Maxwell acknowledges that Joseph was not perfect and was even criticized by God in the Doctrine and Covenants for his sins and shortcomings.


Richard E. Turley, Jr., discusses Dallin H. Oaks, in 1963, being initially opposed to his stake president's proposal on where to build a new stake center until he received revelation that the president was correct.


In May 1961, Joseph Fielding Smith, during a stake conference, teaches that man will never get a man into space and will not go to the moon.


B. H. Roberts teaches that not everything a leader of the Church teaches or prints is inspired or free from error.

Jan 22, 2002

Lawrence Wright reports Gordon B. Hinckley saying he does not know what Brigham Young meant in some of his Adam-God teachings.

Mar 20, 2004

Jeff Lindsay discusses the fallibility of Church leaders; in spite of their failings, they are to be respected and sustained by Church members.


Edward L. Kimball quotes the accounts of several apostles who were present at the June 1, 1978 meeting where the revelation on the priesthood was confirmed.


Paul H. Dunn teaches that the Journal of Discourses and other prophetic writings contain examples of leaders "speaking personal opinions" but are sometimes mistakenly quoted as revelation by Church members.


The First Presidency, in a letter from March 1983, teaches that books written by a General Authority is not to be considered a Church publication or necessarily represents official Latter-day Saint teaching.


Edward L. Kimball records how, during an interview in January 1998, Elaine Anderson Cannon indicated that President Kimball agreed with her October 1978 talk but "he would not have been so blunt."


Brigham Young, Jr., records attending a meeting with fellow apostles where Adam-God was discussed, and Franklin D. Richards described the teaching as "inspiring," feeling it brought God nearer to them.


Edward L. Kimball reports on the concern Spencer W. Kimball had for Ezra Taft Benson's February 1980 Talk, "Fourteen Fundamentals in Following the Prophet."


Richard Lyman Bushman discusses the establishment and failure of the Kirtland Safety Society.


Richard Lyman Bushman discusses the loss of the Book of Lehi (the 116 pages).


Paul H. Dunn discusses the Adam-God theory; states that it was discussed and taught by Church leaders but it was never accepted as a doctrine of the Church.


Richard Lyman Bushman explains the possible background for the 1835 "Article of Marriage."

Aug 19, 2005

Joseph Fielding McConkie discusses Joseph Fielding Smith (his grandfather) being in error concerning men landing on the moon; concludes it would be wrong to dismiss everything he has said "on the basis of one faulty illustration."

Apr 1, 2006

Gordon B. Hinckley denounces racism and teaches "there is no basis for racial hatred" among Church members.


Joseph Smith Sr. blessing to Lorenzo Snow says he will preach on the moon.


Henry J. Eyring discusses Joseph Fielding Smith's teachings and assumptions concerning evolution and the age of the earth and "it required scientific findings contrary to scripture to be disregarded" notes the Church took no position on these issues.


MormonThink Website calls into question the importance and utility of modern prophets.

May 2007

Church Newsroom said not everything a Church leader says is necessarily binding on members.


Michael Paulos addresses Joseph F. Smith's claims concerning his receiving revelation during the 1904 Reed Smoot Hearings.


Michael Paulos reports that Joseph F. Smith was, often deliberately, a difficult witness during the Reed Smoot Hearings.


Brigham teaches that he and other Church leaders can and do make mistakes; one should seek personal revelation instead of over-relying on apostles and prophets.


Dogulas C. Heiner et al. provide a history of Zion's Camp; discusses the malaria outbreak and other diseases and viruses contracted by members of the Camp and modern medical understandings of the illnesses.


Robert L. Millet discusses the criteria for determining official doctrine of the Church.


Brigham cautions Church members from accepting what Church leaders say about a topic; instead, they should seek revelation to know for themselves.

Jul 8, 2009

NASA Website presents an overview of the Apollo 15 mission.

Jul 13, 2009

Michael R. Ash discusses what it means to say that the leaders of the Church will not lead us astray.


Bruce R. McConkie, addressing religious educators, teaches he and other Church leaders cannot make Church doctrine or have power to do such on their own.


Holly C. Metcalf discusses Elaine Anderson Cannon October 1978 General Conference talk and its positive reception from Spencer W. Kimball.

Feb 29, 2012

Church disavows purported statement of Randy Bott and condemns past and current racism, in and out of the Church.

Mar 2012

Dieter F. Uchtdorf discusses why it is important to have living prophets on the earth today.

Apr 2012

D. Todd Christofferson teaches that not every statement by a Church leader, past or present, necessarily constitutes the doctrine of the Church; a prophet is only a prophet when acting as such.

Oct 2012

Neil L. Andersen teaches that for something to be considered "doctrine" all apostles must agree on it.


In a revelation from July 1828, Joseph is chastised by the Lord for the loss of the 116 pages and for being sinful.


In a revelation from July 1828, the Lord severely chastises Joseph for the loss of the 116 pages and his transgressions.


Article of Faith 9 teaches the concept of progressive revelation.


In D&C 98, the Lord teaches that he has made us free to act for ourselves.


The Lord, in a July 1830 revelation, informs Joseph that his transgressions are not excusable and is commanded to "sin no more."


In a September 1830 revelation, Joseph teaches that "all things" must be done "by common consent in the Church."


The Articles of Faith teaches LDS believe the Bible to be "the word of God as far as it is translated correctly."


Luke records Jesus as teaching that those who accept his messengers accept him; those who reject Christ's messengers reject him.


1 Kings 13 records how an unnamed prophet is fooled into breaking his promise to God; results in a lion killing him as a result of breaking his oath to God to fast.


In 1 Corinthians 7, Paul gives his judgment "concerning virgins," although he received "no commandment of the Lord" on the issue.


Paul, in Galatians 2, accuses Peter of hypocrisy by refusing fellowship with Gentiles; claims Peter et al. were not walking "uprightly according to the truth of the gospel."


Joshua instructs the people to choose who they will serve: the LORD or the gods their fathers worshiped.


In a May 1833 revelation, Joseph is rebuked by the Lord for not keeping the commandments; he is commanded to pray always lest "that wicked one" will have power over him.


2 Nephi 28:20 teaches the concept of progressive revelation.


In a March 1833 revelation, Joseph is warned by God about his "high-mindedness and pride" and is commanded to avoid slothfulness and uncleanness.


Joseph teaches the necessity of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve to be in unanimous agreement for a doctrine to be authoritative.


Paul teaches that God will provide prophets and apostles until "we all come in the unity of the faith."


Acts 2:29-31 calls King David a "prophet" without any qualifications.


1 Nephi 13 teaches that "plain and precious things were taken away" from the Bible.


In a revelation, God calls Joseph's traveling to Salem to find purportedly hidden treasure "follies."


In Matthew 16, Peter is called "Satan" by Jesus after rebuking Jesus concerning his prediction he must go to Jerusalem to die and be raised on the third day.


Joseph, in a revelation, is chastised by God for loaning the Book of Lehi to Martin Harris and for delivering "that which was sacred, unto wickedness."


2 Nephi 31:3 teaches that God communicates to people "according to their language" and according to "their understanding."


Acts 1:16 ascribes a prophecy of Judas's apostleship being replaced to King David.


Paul, in his Epistle to the Ephesians, teaches that the Church's foundation is that of "apostles and prophets"; Jesus Christ is likened to being "the chief corner stone."


In an early revelation in the Doctrine and Covenants, the Lord tells Joseph that he can not always discern the intentions of people.


Lehi teaches that all men have a free will and "they are free to choose liberty and eternal life."


Official Declaration 1 of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


The Prophet Nathan, in 2 Samuel 12, informs David that he sinned by murdering Uriah and taking his wife, Bathsheba.


Joseph, in a revelation in the Doctrine and Covenants, is informed that there is only one person, at a time, appointed to receive revelation for the entire Church.


D&C 67:5 teaches that God gave revelations to Joseph in his own language, which results in making known "his imperfections."


D&C 124:1 teaches that God will "show forth my wisdom through the weak things (i.e., Joseph) of the earth."


In section 132 of the Doctrine and Covenants, the Lord makes references to the "sins" and "transgressions" of Joseph.


D&C 1 teaches that God gave revelations to Joseph Smith "after the manner of [his] language."


Joshua 9 records Joshua being fooled by the Gibeonites.


In D&C 37, received December 1830, the Lord tells Joseph that he allows "every man [to] choose for himself."


In a revelation, Joseph is told that it is possible for him to "tempt" God in seeking to re-translate the Book of Lehi.


The Title Page of the Book of Mormon acknowledges that the book may contain "the mistakes of men."

Sep 24, 2013

D. Todd Christofferson warns against imputing infallibility to Joseph; he was "a mortal man striving to fulfill an overwhelming, divinely- appointed mission."

Oct 5, 2013

New York Times reports Dieter F. Uchtdorf as acknowledging that members and church leaders "made mistakes".

Oct 5, 2013

Dieter F. Uchtdorf states that "there have been times when members or leaders in the Church have simply made mistakes."

Dec 1, 2013

In the Gospel Topics Essay, the Church denounces past theories and racism.


Nathaniel Givens discusses the responsibility individual Church members have in determining what is revelation; God does not provide a simple formula or rulebook.

May 4, 2014

M. Russell Ballard teaches that Church leaders are normal human beings like everyone else, with each having "strong personalities"; however, when they are unified in a decision, one can be sure it has come as a result of careful thought and prayer.

Oct 2014

Russell M. Nelson teaches that there are counterbalances and safeguards in the Church so that no leader can lead the Church astray.


J. B. Haws discusses the loss of the Book of Lehi by Martin Harris.


LaJean Purcell Carruth and Gerrit L. Dirkmaat demonstrates that there are differences between the shorthand accounts of sermons from George D. Watt and what would later be published in the Journal of Discourses.

Mar 2015

David Farnsworth recalls hearing Joseph Fielding Smith admit he was in error concerning his previous comments about men not being able to travel to the moon.

Apr 17, 2015

NASA Website gives overview of the Apollo 11 mission.


W. John Walsh discusses if Brigham's sermons are scripture; demonstrates that Brigham provided qualifications such his having to check his sermons for accuracy before being considered to be such.


Matthew McBride discusses the background to D&C 3, 5, 10, 17, and 19, including Martin Harris and the loss of the Book of Lehi.


The Church's Teachings of the Living Prophets Student Manual teaches that "The Lord Will Never Permit the Living Prophet to Lead the Church Astray."


Stephen E. Robinson discusses the criteria for determining official doctrine of the Church.

Jun 2016

The June 2016 issue of the Ensign teaches that Church members are to treat the President of the Church's "counsel and invitations as if we had received them directly from Jesus Christ."

Sep 2016

The September 2016 issue of the Ensign addresses what one should do if they question something a prophet has taught; addressing Church members in an official capacity is one example of a prophet acting as such.


Brent M. Rogers et al., note that the Kirtland Safety Society was underfunded due to the small amount stockholders were required to pay for their stock.


The Joseph Smith Papers website discusses the history of the Kirtland Safety Society.

Jul 4, 2017

Jaxon Washburn discusses conformity and agreement with Church leaders; one is to sustain them without agreeing with or following all their statements.

Aug 2017

Elizabeth A. Kuehn discusses the crisis of 1837 and the establishment and failure of the Kirtland Safety Society.

Nov 17, 2017

Richard Packham questions the utility of LDS prophets; claims they have led the Church into "undertakings that were dismal failures" or have "failed to see approaching disaster."


Clifford J. Cunningham says that William Herschel believes the moon was inhabited.


Leonard J. Arrington records a dispute between Church leaders concerning Ezra Taft Benson's "Fourteen Fundamentals" talk; President Kimball taught that the Lord did not always speak to him and therefore "it was Spencer Kimball talking, not the Lord."

Oct 2018

LDS Living publishes an article discussing some of the weaknesses of ancient and modern prophets.


Harvard S. Heath publishes transcription of David O. McKay's office diaries summarizing a report of apostles who found 1,067 errors in "Mormon Doctrine."


Church Website's essay on the Kirtland Safety Soceity discusses its origins and the reasons for its failure.


David O. McKay reports on the First Presidency's decision not to allow Bruce R. McConkie's book Mormon Doctrine to be published again due to the many errors in the first edition.


Don Bradley discusses the historical background to the loss of the Book of Lehi.


Matthew L. Harris discusses the background, and negative feedback, to Ezra Taft Benson's talk, "Fourteen Fundamentals in Following the Brethren."


Joseph M. Spencer discusses the various theological and ethical issues surrounding Nephi's slaying of Laban in 1 Nephi 4.


Article on Church's Website discusses the loss of the Book of Lehi by Martin Harris.


Joseph F. Smith teaches that, when teaching the Adam-God theory, Brigham was expressing only an opinion; the Standard Works are the rule by which doctrine is to be determined or rejected.

Mar 2020

Dallin H. Oaks, quoting past Church leaders, teaches that, for a doctrine to be binding, there must be unanimous agreement among the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve.

Oct 2021

Henry B. Eyring teaches, during General Conference, the importance of relying upon personal revelation to keep the commandments and keep the faith.

Oct 2022

Dale G. Renlund teaches that the Lord does often change, amend or make exceptions to His revealed comments, but they are made through prophetic, not personal revelation.


Historian W. Paul Reeve states that the priesthood restriction was not inspired and was a mistake.


Church Topics Essay discusses the Kinderhook Plates; concludes Joseph may have attempted a translation but quickly lost interest in the plates.


George B. Handley discusses how there has always been a tension between Church members accepting leaders as inspired and the question of their fallibility.


NASA website describes current scientific understanding of the moon.


Russell M. Nelson discusses the importance of living prophets for Latter-day Saints.


Thomas G. Alexander discusses Brigham's teachings concerning "eternal progression" including his theology of Adam; concludes that the Adam-God teaching was a "mistake."


Article on NASA Website discusses the Sun; notes that the Sun "[cannot] harbor life as we know it because of its extreme temperatures and radiation."

Apr 6, 2023

Jana Riess discusses how and when one should be obedient to the counsel and teachings of Latter-day Saint Church leaders.

Jun 28, 2023

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Website discusses Marlaria, including how one contracts the disease.


The Church's Gospel Principles manual address the teaching concerning modern prophets and apostles, and their importance in today's world.


Sotah 48b calls King David an early "prophet" alongside Samuel and Solomon.