Brigham tells the Saints that he has been the recipient of special revelation and has "the spirit of prophecy," though not in the same degree as Joseph.
Brigham Young, "Nebuchadnezzar's Dream—Opposition of Men and Devils to The Latter-Day Kingdom—Governmental Breach of the Utah Mail Contract," July 26, 1857, Journal of Discourses, 26 vols. (Liverpool: Asa Calkin, 1858), 5:75-76
Why I testify of these things is because they are revealed to me, and not to another for me. They were not revealed to Joseph Smith for me. He had the keys to get visions and revelations, dreams and manifestations, and the Holy Ghost for the people. Those keys were committed to him; and through that administration, blessed be the name of God, I have received the spirit of Christ Jesus which is the spirit of prophecy. Our testimony does not make this true and the testimony of our enemies that it is not the kingdom of God does not make that true or false. The fact stands upon its own basis, and will continue so to stand, without any of the efforts of the children of men