Doctrine and Covenants 132 and Polygamy

110 Primary Sources

1843 - 1844

Franklin D. Richards records a near-contemporary account of Hyrum Smith's teaching in the August 12, 1843, high council meeting.

Jun 16, 1843

Sarah Scott writes to her parents informing them that plural marriage is being taught in Nauvoo.

Jul 12, 1843

William Clayton writes in his journal that he scribed the revelation now canonized as D&C 132.

Jul 12, 1843

Joseph records receiving a revelation on July 12, 1843.

Jul 12, 1843

Deed from Joseph to Emma Hale Smith for property in Nauvoo.

Jul 13, 1843

William Clayton records Joseph and Emma Hale Smith in long conversation on July 13, 1843.

Jul 13, 1843

Joseph's journal for July 13 says he was "in conversation with Emma" for "most of the day."

Jul 16, 1843

Joseph preaches on the "new and everlasting covenant" just days after receiving Section 132.

Aug 12, 1843

Nauvoo High Council minutes record Hyrum teaching on August 12, 1843.

Aug 23, 1843 - Aug 28, 1843

Willard Richards writes about a "New Revelation" Joseph had recently received.

Oct 28, 1843

John C. Bennett quotes language from the plural marriage revelation.

Jan 5, 1844

Jacob Scott references material from the plural marriage revelation in an 1844 letter.

Apr 8, 1844

Hyrum Smith recounts Joseph teaching him about eternal plural sealings.

May 4, 1844

Austin Cowles swears affidavit saying Hyrum Smith read Section 132 to the Nauvoo High Council.

Jun 7, 1844

William Law and Jane Silverthorn Law swear affidavits saying they were shown a copy of Section 132.

Jun 17, 1844

In the Nauvoo City Council minutes for June 8, 1844, Hyrum Smith discussed the plural marriage revelation.

Jun 17, 1844

Minutes of the Nauvoo City Council meeting on June 10, 1844 record Joseph as seemingly referring to concepts found in D&C 132.

Nov 1, 1844

Samuel Bennett claims Joseph was a fallen prophet for teachings found in D&C 132.

1846 - 1850

Joseph C. Kingsbury recalls being married to Sarah Ann Whitney and living with the Whitney family in Nauvoo.

1846 - 1854

Willard Richards copy of Section 132.

Mar 14, 1847

Horace K. Whitney records copying D&C 132 in 1847.

Mar 14, 1847

Incomplete copy of D&C 132 made by Horace K. Whitney.

Mar 14, 1847

Horace K. Whitney copies Doctrine & Covenants 132 in 1847.

Aug 29, 1852

Brigham claims Emma destroyed the original manuscript of D&C 132.

Sep 14, 1852

Brigham says the plural marriage revelation has been in his possession for "many years."

Sep 14, 1852

Deseret News extra for September 14, 1852, publishes the text of Section 132.

Jan 1, 1853

Text of Section 132 in Orson Pratt's The Seer.

Jan 1, 1853

The Millennial Star publishes the text of Section 132.

Jan 8, 1853

Editorial in the Millennial Star explains the significance and origin of Section 132.

Oct 15, 1854

James Allred recalls hearing Hyrum Smith read the plural marriage revelation.

Aug 12, 1861

Phelps reproduces purported JS revelation dated July 17, 1831 foretelling a time when church elders would take "wives of the Lamanites and Nephites."

Apr 1867

Emma Hale Smith denies having seen or destroyed the original manuscript of D&C 132.

Jun 15, 1869

David Fullmer recalls hearing the plural marriage revelation read at the Nauvoo High Council meeting.

Jul 6, 1869

Thomas Grover swears affidavit saying Hyrum read the plural marriage revelation to the Nauvoo High Council.

Oct 7, 1869

Orson Pratt says that Joseph said polygamy was "a true principle" in 1831.

Oct 9, 1869

George A. Smith recalls Hyrum Smith reading the plural marriage revelation to him.

Oct 10, 1869

Affidavit from David Fullmer, Aaron Johnson, and Thomas Grover saying Hyrum read and taught the plural marriage revelation to the Nauvoo high council.

Aug 13, 1871

George A. Smith recalls between 100-200 people knew about the plural marriage revelation in Nauvoo.

Nov 11, 1871

William Clayton recounts his role as scribe for the text of D&C 132.

Feb 10, 1873

Multiple GAs denounce polygamy as necessary for CK.

Dec 29, 1873

Ebenezer Robinson and his wife swear affidavits stating Hyrum Smith taught them plural marriage.

Feb 16, 1874

William Clayton recounts the writing of the revelation on plural marriage.

Aug 8, 1874

Brigham claims Emma destroyed the original manuscript of D&C 132.


Title page of the 1876 edition of the Doctrine and Covenants.


Title page of the 1878 edition of the Pearl of Great Price.

Dec 15, 1878

Elizabeth Ann Smith Whitney claims Emma Smith burned the original copy of D&C 132.


Title page of the 1879 edition of the Book of Mormon.

Oct 1, 1879

Emma Hale Smith denies that Joseph practiced polygamy.

Oct 12, 1880

Salt Lake Herald-Republican reports on the canonization of the 1876 Doctrine and Covenants and 1878 Pearl of Great Price.

Oct 31, 1880

GQC maintains that "willingness" to practice polygamy is necessary for salvation.


Helen Mar Kimball Whitney recounts how the plural marriage revelation was copied.

Nov 26, 1882

Charles Smith recalls hearing of the plural marriage revelation in Nauvoo in late 1843.

Mar 3, 1883

Joseph F. Smith maintains that plural marriage is required for exaltation.

Jun 11, 1883

John Taylor recalls hearing the plural marriage revelation being discussed in Nauvoo.

Jul 24, 1883

Hosea Stout explains the abbreviated nature of the council meeting minutes for August 12, 1843.

Nov 14, 1883

Leonard Soby recounts in affidavit hearing Section 132 read in the Nauvoo High Council.


Helen Mar Kimball Whitney says that plural marriage was revealed to Joseph in 1831; was commanded by an angel to practice it.

Jan 1885

John Hawley recalls William Marks telling him Hyrum Smith told him about the plural marriage revelation.


Charles Lambert recalls having William Clayton read the plural marriage revelation to him in Nauvoo.

Jan 10, 1885

Thomas Grover recounts hearing the plural marriage revelation read in the Nauvoo High Council.

Jul 15, 1885

Helen Mar Kimball Whitney writes that her husband Horace K. Whitney copied Section 132.

Oct 23, 1885

Ebenezer Robinson affirms in affidavit that Hyrum Smith told him about the plural marriage revelation.


Wilhelm Ritter von Wymetal interprets D&C 132:55 as allowing Joseph to divorce and care for Emma.

Jan 31, 1886

Mercy Fielding Thompson recalls seeing the plural marriage revelation.

May 22, 1886

Joseph C. Kingsbury swears affidavit attesting to the provenance of his manuscript copy of D&C 132.

Mar 30, 1887

William Law recalls seeing a shorter version of the plural marriage revelation.

Nov 14, 1891

George Q. Cannon maintains that plural marriage only necessary in one's heart for exaltation.

Dec 19, 1891

FP maintains that they taught plural marriage was necessary for exaltation.


Cyrus Wheelock recalls hearing Joseph's clerk read the plural marriage revelation to him and a group of men.

Mar 18, 1892

Mercy Fielding Thompson recalls reading the manuscript of Section 132.

Mar 22, 1892

Lucy Walker recalls seeing the plural marriage revelation in Nauvoo.

Aug 2, 1892

James Whitehead recalls seeing the revelation from Newel K. Whitney but claims it was later altered.


Joseph C. Kingsbury recalls copying the plural marriage revelation in Nauvoo.

Feb 27, 1894

Gideon Carter Jr. claims Lyman Wight possessed a longer version of D&C 132.


Andrew Jenson, in a biographical entry for Newel K. Whitney, discusses his role in preserving the plural marriage revelation.


B. H. Roberts argues for Joseph Smith's authorship of Section 132.


B. H. Roberts makes unsourced claim that the Bible revision project influenced Joseph as early as 1831 to consider the restoration of plural marriage.


1921 edition of the Doctrine and Covenants retains Section 132.


Robert J. Woodford performs a textual analysis of D&C 132.


Stephen E. Robinson and H. Dean Garrett discuss the meaning of D&C 132:54–55.


Monte S. Nyman gives commentary to D&C 132:54–55.


William Victor Smith performs textual criticism of the extant Section 132 manuscripts.


William V. Smith writes on Emma being threatened with destruction in D&C 132.


John W. Welch reconstructs Book of Mormon translation timeline; places translation of Jacob between June 24–25, 1829.


The Church explains some of the content added to the 1876 Doctrine and Covenants.


The Joseph Smith Papers provides historical context for the 1844 Doctrine and Covenants.


The Joseph Smith Papers discuss known documents in Joseph's handwriting.