| 1843 - 1844 | Franklin D. Richards records a near-contemporary account of Hyrum Smith's teaching in the August 12, 1843, high council meeting. | Franklin D. Richards | Scribed Summary |
| Jun 16, 1843 | Sarah Scott writes to her parents informing them that plural marriage is being taught in Nauvoo. | Sarah Scott | 2nd Hand |
| Jul 12, 1843 | William Clayton writes in his journal that he scribed the revelation now canonized as D&C 132. | William Clayton | Direct |
| Jul 12, 1843 | Joseph records receiving a revelation on July 12, 1843. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Direct |
| Jul 12, 1843 | Deed from Joseph to Emma Hale Smith for property in Nauvoo. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Direct |
| Jul 13, 1843 | William Clayton records Joseph and Emma Hale Smith in long conversation on July 13, 1843. | William Clayton | Holograph Direct |
| Jul 13, 1843 | Joseph's journal for July 13 says he was "in conversation with Emma" for "most of the day." | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Direct |
| Jul 16, 1843 | Joseph preaches on the "new and everlasting covenant" just days after receiving Section 132. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Direct |
| Aug 12, 1843 | Nauvoo High Council minutes record Hyrum teaching on August 12, 1843. | Nauvoo High Council | Direct |
| Aug 23, 1843 - Aug 28, 1843 | Willard Richards writes about a "New Revelation" Joseph had recently received. | Willard Richards | Direct |
| Oct 28, 1843 | John C. Bennett quotes language from the plural marriage revelation. | John C. Bennett | Direct |
| Jan 5, 1844 | Jacob Scott references material from the plural marriage revelation in an 1844 letter. | Jacob Scott | Direct |
| Apr 8, 1844 | Hyrum Smith recounts Joseph teaching him about eternal plural sealings. | Hyrum Smith | Direct Scribed Paraphrase |
| May 4, 1844 | Austin Cowles swears affidavit saying Hyrum Smith read Section 132 to the Nauvoo High Council. | Austin Cowles | Direct |
| Jun 7, 1844 | William Law and Jane Silverthorn Law swear affidavits saying they were shown a copy of Section 132. | William Law | Direct |
| Jun 17, 1844 | In the Nauvoo City Council minutes for June 8, 1844, Hyrum Smith discussed the plural marriage revelation. | Nauvoo City Council | Direct Scribed Summary |
| Jun 17, 1844 | Minutes of the Nauvoo City Council meeting on June 10, 1844 record Joseph as seemingly referring to concepts found in D&C 132. | Nauvoo City Council | Direct Scribed Summary |
| Nov 1, 1844 | Samuel Bennett claims Joseph was a fallen prophet for teachings found in D&C 132. | Samuel C. Bennett | Direct |
| 1846 - 1850 | Joseph C. Kingsbury recalls being married to Sarah Ann Whitney and living with the Whitney family in Nauvoo. | Joseph C. Kingsbury | Direct |
| 1846 - 1854 | Willard Richards copy of Section 132. | Willard Richards | Direct |
| Mar 14, 1847 | Horace K. Whitney records copying D&C 132 in 1847. | Horace K. Whitney | Holograph |
| Mar 14, 1847 | Incomplete copy of D&C 132 made by Horace K. Whitney. | Horace K. Whitney | Direct |
| Mar 14, 1847 | Horace K. Whitney copies Doctrine & Covenants 132 in 1847. | Horace K. Whitney | Direct |
| Aug 29, 1852 | Brigham claims Emma destroyed the original manuscript of D&C 132. | Brigham Young | Direct Unsourced |
| Sep 14, 1852 | Brigham says the plural marriage revelation has been in his possession for "many years." | Brigham Young | Direct Journalism |
| Sep 14, 1852 | Deseret News extra for September 14, 1852, publishes the text of Section 132. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Direct Journalism |
| Jan 1, 1853 | Text of Section 132 in Orson Pratt's The Seer. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Direct |
| Jan 1, 1853 | The Millennial Star publishes the text of Section 132. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Direct |
| Jan 8, 1853 | Editorial in the Millennial Star explains the significance and origin of Section 132. | The Latter-day Saints' Millennial Star | Direct |
| Oct 15, 1854 | James Allred recalls hearing Hyrum Smith read the plural marriage revelation. | James Allred | Scribed Paraphrase |
| Aug 12, 1861 | Phelps reproduces purported JS revelation dated July 17, 1831 foretelling a time when church elders would take "wives of the Lamanites and Nephites." | W. W. Phelps | Scribed Verbatim Late |
| Apr 1867 | Emma Hale Smith denies having seen or destroyed the original manuscript of D&C 132. | Emma Hale Smith | Direct |
| Jun 15, 1869 | David Fullmer recalls hearing the plural marriage revelation read at the Nauvoo High Council meeting. | David Fullmer | Direct |
| Jul 6, 1869 | Thomas Grover swears affidavit saying Hyrum read the plural marriage revelation to the Nauvoo High Council. | Thomas Grover | Direct |
| Oct 7, 1869 | Orson Pratt says that Joseph said polygamy was "a true principle" in 1831. | Orson Pratt | Scribed Verbatim 2nd Hand Late |
| Oct 9, 1869 | George A. Smith recalls Hyrum Smith reading the plural marriage revelation to him. | George A. Smith | Direct Late |
| Oct 10, 1869 | Affidavit from David Fullmer, Aaron Johnson, and Thomas Grover saying Hyrum read and taught the plural marriage revelation to the Nauvoo high council. | David Fullmer | Direct |
| Aug 13, 1871 | George A. Smith recalls between 100-200 people knew about the plural marriage revelation in Nauvoo. | George A. Smith | Direct Late |
| Nov 11, 1871 | William Clayton recounts his role as scribe for the text of D&C 132. | William Clayton | Holograph Direct |
| Feb 10, 1873 | Multiple GAs denounce polygamy as necessary for CK. | School of the Prophets | Direct Scribed Paraphrase |
| Dec 29, 1873 | Ebenezer Robinson and his wife swear affidavits stating Hyrum Smith taught them plural marriage. | Ebenezer Robinson | Direct Late |
| Feb 16, 1874 | William Clayton recounts the writing of the revelation on plural marriage. | William Clayton | Direct Late |
| Aug 8, 1874 | Brigham claims Emma destroyed the original manuscript of D&C 132. | Brigham Young | Unsourced Late |
| 1876 | Title page of the 1876 edition of the Doctrine and Covenants. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | Direct |
| 1878 | Title page of the 1878 edition of the Pearl of Great Price. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | Direct |
| Dec 15, 1878 | Elizabeth Ann Smith Whitney claims Emma Smith burned the original copy of D&C 132. | Elizabeth Ann Smith Whitney | 3rd Hand Late |
| 1879 | Title page of the 1879 edition of the Book of Mormon. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | Direct |
| Oct 1, 1879 | Emma Hale Smith denies that Joseph practiced polygamy. | Emma Hale Smith | Scribed Verbatim |
| Oct 12, 1880 | Salt Lake Herald-Republican reports on the canonization of the 1876 Doctrine and Covenants and 1878 Pearl of Great Price. | Salt Lake Herald-Republican | Journalism |
| Oct 31, 1880 | GQC maintains that "willingness" to practice polygamy is necessary for salvation. | George Q. Cannon | Scribed Verbatim |
| 1882 | Helen Mar Kimball Whitney recounts how the plural marriage revelation was copied. | Helen Mar Kimball Whitney | Direct Late |
| Nov 26, 1882 | Charles Smith recalls hearing of the plural marriage revelation in Nauvoo in late 1843. | Charles Smith | Scribed Summary Late |
| Mar 3, 1883 | Joseph F. Smith maintains that plural marriage is required for exaltation. | Joseph F. Smith | Scribed Verbatim |
| Jun 11, 1883 | John Taylor recalls hearing the plural marriage revelation being discussed in Nauvoo. | John Taylor | Scribed Paraphrase |
| Jul 24, 1883 | Hosea Stout explains the abbreviated nature of the council meeting minutes for August 12, 1843. | Hosea Stout | Holograph Late |
| Nov 14, 1883 | Leonard Soby recounts in affidavit hearing Section 132 read in the Nauvoo High Council. | Leonard Soby | Direct Late |
| 1884 | Helen Mar Kimball Whitney says that plural marriage was revealed to Joseph in 1831; was commanded by an angel to practice it. | Helen Mar Kimball Whitney | Direct Late |
| Jan 1885 | John Hawley recalls William Marks telling him Hyrum Smith told him about the plural marriage revelation. | John Hawley | 3rd Hand Late |
| 1885 | Charles Lambert recalls having William Clayton read the plural marriage revelation to him in Nauvoo. | Charles Lambert | Direct Late |
| Jan 10, 1885 | Thomas Grover recounts hearing the plural marriage revelation read in the Nauvoo High Council. | Thomas Grover | Direct Late |
| Jul 15, 1885 | Helen Mar Kimball Whitney writes that her husband Horace K. Whitney copied Section 132. | Helen Mar Kimball Whitney | 2nd Hand Late |
| Oct 23, 1885 | Ebenezer Robinson affirms in affidavit that Hyrum Smith told him about the plural marriage revelation. | Ebenezer Robinson | Direct Late |
| 1886 | Wilhelm Ritter von Wymetal interprets D&C 132:55 as allowing Joseph to divorce and care for Emma. | Wilhelm Ritter von Wymetal | Direct |
| Jan 31, 1886 | Mercy Fielding Thompson recalls seeing the plural marriage revelation. | Mercy Fielding Thompson | Direct Late |
| May 22, 1886 | Joseph C. Kingsbury swears affidavit attesting to the provenance of his manuscript copy of D&C 132. | Joseph C. Kingsbury | Direct |
| Mar 30, 1887 | William Law recalls seeing a shorter version of the plural marriage revelation. | William Law | Scribed Verbatim Late |
| Nov 14, 1891 | George Q. Cannon maintains that plural marriage only necessary in one's heart for exaltation. | George Q. Cannon | Scribed Verbatim |
| Dec 19, 1891 | FP maintains that they taught plural marriage was necessary for exaltation. | First Presidency | Direct |
| 1892 | Cyrus Wheelock recalls hearing Joseph's clerk read the plural marriage revelation to him and a group of men. | Cyrus Wheelock | Direct Late |
| Mar 18, 1892 | Mercy Fielding Thompson recalls reading the manuscript of Section 132. | Mercy Fielding Thompson | Direct Late |
| Mar 22, 1892 | Lucy Walker recalls seeing the plural marriage revelation in Nauvoo. | Lucy Walker | Direct Late |
| Aug 2, 1892 | James Whitehead recalls seeing the revelation from Newel K. Whitney but claims it was later altered. | James Whitehead | Scribed Verbatim Late |
| 1893 | Joseph C. Kingsbury recalls copying the plural marriage revelation in Nauvoo. | Joseph C. Kingsbury | Scribed Verbatim Direct Late |
| Feb 27, 1894 | Gideon Carter Jr. claims Lyman Wight possessed a longer version of D&C 132. | Gideon Carter | 2nd Hand Late |
| 1901 | Andrew Jenson, in a biographical entry for Newel K. Whitney, discusses his role in preserving the plural marriage revelation. | Andrew Jenson | Late Secondary |
| 1909 | B. H. Roberts argues for Joseph Smith's authorship of Section 132. | B. H. Roberts | Direct |
| 1909 | B. H. Roberts makes unsourced claim that the Bible revision project influenced Joseph as early as 1831 to consider the restoration of plural marriage. | B. H. Roberts | Unsourced Late |
| 1921 | 1921 edition of the Doctrine and Covenants retains Section 132. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | Direct |
| 1974 | Robert J. Woodford performs a textual analysis of D&C 132. | Robert J. Woodford | Direct |
| 2005 | Stephen E. Robinson and H. Dean Garrett discuss the meaning of D&C 132:54–55. | Stephen E. Robinson | Secondary |
| 2009 | Monte S. Nyman gives commentary to D&C 132:54–55. | Monte S. Nyman | Secondary |
| 2018 | William Victor Smith performs textual criticism of the extant Section 132 manuscripts. | William Victor Smith | Direct |
| 2018 | William V. Smith writes on Emma being threatened with destruction in D&C 132. | William V. Smith | Secondary |
| 2018 | John W. Welch reconstructs Book of Mormon translation timeline; places translation of Jacob between June 24–25, 1829. | John W. Welch | Direct Secondary |
| 2024 | The Church explains some of the content added to the 1876 Doctrine and Covenants. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | Direct Secondary |
| 2024 | The Joseph Smith Papers provides historical context for the 1844 Doctrine and Covenants. | The Joseph Smith Papers | Direct Secondary |
| 2024 | The Joseph Smith Papers discuss known documents in Joseph's handwriting. | The Joseph Smith Papers | Direct Secondary |