| Mar 1, 1842 | Original text of the 12th Article of Faith in the 1842 Wentworth Letter states "We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring and sustaining the law." | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Direct |
| Dec 22, 1842 | Joseph's history indicates he studied German with Orson Hyde. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Direct |
| Jan 1, 1843 | Orson Hyde cites the German Bible in a discourse. | Orson Hyde | Scribed Verbatim |
| Mar 6, 1843 | Joseph in his journal says he studied German. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Direct |
| Apr 8, 1843 | Joseph cites the German Bible in a discourse. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Direct |
| Apr 7, 1844 | Joseph cites German in the King Follett Discourse. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| May 12, 1844 | Joseph cites the German Bible in a public discourse. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Direct |
| Jun 3, 1844 | Joseph's history indicates he studied German with Alexander Neibaur. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Direct |
| 1919 | James E. Talmage writes that the Church teaches to submit to secular governments. | James E. Talmage | Direct |
| 1924 | James E. Talmage comments on the 12th Article of Faith. | James E. Talmage | Direct |
| 1925 | Heribert Holzapfel calls the Church a "Sekte" in Germany. | Heribert Holzapfel | Direct |
| 1925 | Konrad Algermissen groups "Mormonen" as a "Sekte" in Germany. | Konrad Algermissen | Direct |
| 1930 | Paul Scheurlen classifies the Church as a "Sekte" in Germany. | Paul Scheurlen | Direct |
| Nov 1931 | Wendell C. Irvine writes about meeting Hitler and hearing him speak; says he was a great orator but a political fanatic. | Wendell C. Irvine | Direct |
| Oct 29, 1932 | The First Presidency issues a statement of political neutrality. | First Presidency | Direct |
| Nov 21, 1932 | Deseret News expresses skepticism that Hitler would implement his revolutionary and dangerous policies if elected chancellor of Germany. | Deseret News | Direct Journalism |
| Jan 5, 1933 | The Saale-Zeitung describes "Mormon captialism" in Utah. | Saale-Zeitung | Journalism |
| Jun 18, 1933 | A Nazi newspaper, the Arische Rundschau, negatively compares Mormons with Jews. | Arische Rundschau | Direct |
| Sep 8, 1933 | Oliver H. Budge writes to the Gestapo explaining the Church and its mission in Germany. | Oliver H. Budge | Direct |
| Sep 8, 1933 | Gestapo memorandum describes surveillance of the Church in Germany. | Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers-SS | Direct |
| Sep 28, 1933 | Millennial Star reports that the Nazis are implementing a "fast" program. | Richard S. Bennett | Journalism |
| Oct 4, 1933 | A 1933 memorandum indicates the Church in Darmstadt will continued to be observed by the secret police. | Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers-SS | Direct |
| Oct 11, 1933 | A 1933 memorandum states that the Church in Berlin will continue to be watched by the police. | Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers-SS | Direct |
| Dec 9, 1933 | Dale Clark favorably compares LDS practices with Nazi practices (such as fasting and avoiding alcohol). | Dale Clark | Direct |
| Dec 16, 1933 | Gestapo report indicating LDS publications that were confiscated for "anti-state tendencies." | Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers-SS | Direct |
| Jan 8, 1934 | A 1934 memorandum indicates the Church is being observed in Karlsruhe. | Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers-SS | Direct |
| Feb 17, 1934 | Oliver H. Budge opines that Nazi interest in genealogy is in fulfillment of Malachi's prophecy. | Oliver H. Budge | Direct Journalism |
| Jul 9, 1934 | J. Reuben Clark calls Hitler's courts an "assassinational tribunal." | J. Reuben Clark | Direct |
| Jun 13, 1935 | Mission president Roy A. Welker cites Articles of Faith 12 for missionaries to answer what the Church thinks of worldly government. | Roy A. Welker | Direct |
| Jun 28, 1935 | Roy E. Babbel writes to the Gestapo explaining the mission's policy with the government. | Roy E. Babbel | Direct |
| Jul 4, 1935 | SD reports on surveillance of a Church meeting in Berlin. | Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers-SS | Direct |
| Aug 23, 1935 | Letter written by a Nazi mayor Justin Herre criticizing the "Mormon Church". | Justin Herre | Direct |
| Sep 15, 1935 | Law of September 15, 1935, establishing the swastika flag as the national flag of Germany. | Reichstag | Direct Translation |
| Sep 17, 1935 | SD report indicates the Nazis were spying on Baptist and Mormon church activities. | Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers-SS | Direct |
| Jan 25, 1936 | Deseret News reports on LDS missionaries coaching the German national basketball team. | Glynn Bennion | Direct Journalism |
| Jan 31, 1936 | The police in Düsseldorf consider banning missionary activity in the area. | Düsseldorf Staatspolizei | Direct |
| Feb 11, 1936 | Police report spying on activities of the Mormons in Erfurt. | Preußische Geheime Staatspolizei | Direct |
| May 5, 1936 | Nazi authorities warn that any anti-state propaganda would be met with harsh police consequences. | Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo) | Direct |
| May 6, 1936 | Roy A. Welker writes a mission letter instructing missionaries not to discuss politics. | Roy A. Welker | Direct |
| May 15, 1936 | Roy A. Welker writes to the Gestapo explaining the Church and its mission in Germany. | Roy A. Welker | Direct |
| May 22, 1936 | Gestapo memo states that Church leaders were warned how any involvement in anti-state propaganda would result in severe state action against the Church. | Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo) | Direct |
| Jun 5, 1936 | Paul Herbert Schieck's arrest report states he was arrested for not giving the Nazi salute. | Bremen Geheime Staatspolizei | Direct |
| Jun 23, 1936 | Former Latter-day Saint Nazi Robert Förster criticizes the Church. | Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers-SS | Direct |
| Jul 3, 1936 | First Presidency issues statement denouncing communism but upholding political neutrality. | First Presidency | Direct |
| Jul 4, 1936 | Memorandum on the Banning of James E. Talmage’s Articles of Faith. | Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo) | Direct |
| Aug 1936 | John A. Widtsoe writes that Nazism should be resisted by Latter-day Saints because it violates free agency. | John A. Widtsoe | Direct |
| Sep 1936 | Melvyn M. Cowan reports on LDS missionaries teaching basketball in Germany. | Melvyn M. Cowan | Direct |
| Sep 8, 1936 | Gestapo report on a church conference in Bremen. | Bremen Geheime Staatspolizei | Direct |
| Sep 28, 1936 | The Oberbergischer Bote calls the Mormons a "Sekte" (cult). | Oberbergischer Bote | Journalism |
| Oct 1936 | Roy A. Welker reports on the Church in Germany in 1936. | Roy A. Welker | Direct |
| Jan 1937 | Arthur Gaeth writes that the Catholic Church in Prague accused Mormon missionaries of being Nazi spies. | Arthur Gaeth | Direct |
| Jan 19, 1937 | The police in Schwerin, Germany, recommend banning the Church on ideological grounds. | Staatspolizei Schwerin | Direct |
| Apr 7, 1937 | Nazi memorandum on a proposed ban of the Church. | Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo) | Direct |
| Jun 14, 1937 | J. Reuben Clark calls the Nazis criminals. | J. Reuben Clark | Direct |
| Jul 1937 - Dec 1937 | Der Stern reports the location of Heber J. Grant's speech in Frankfurt. | Der Stern | Direct |
| Jul 8, 1937 | Heber J. Grant records speaking in Frankfurt. | Heber J. Grant | Direct |
| Jul 18, 1937 | Heber J. Grant records speaking in Berlin to nearly 1000 people. | Heber J. Grant | Direct |
| Jul 18, 1937 | German-Austrian Mission Manuscript History reports that Heber J. Grant spoke on the Articles of Faith in Berlin. | German-Austrian Mission Manuscript History | Direct |
| Aug 1937 | The Improvement Era reports on Heber J. Grant's European itinerary. | Improvement Era | Direct |
| Aug 7, 1937 | Deseret News reports on Heber J. Grant preaching in Frankfurt. | Hyrum J. Smith | Scribed Summary Journalism |
| Aug 18, 1937 | The Gestapo reports on Heber J. Grant's preaching in Germany. | Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo) | Direct |
| Sep 2, 1937 | The Stuttgarter NS-Kurier describes Utah and interviews Heber J. Grant. | Stuttgarter NS-Kurier | Journalism |
| Sep 8, 1937 | The Salt Lake Tribune quotes Roy A. Welker as downplaying the Nazi threat to Europe. | The Salt Lake Tribune | Journalism |
| Sep 8, 1937 | The Nazis propose a general ban on Mormon missionaries in Germany. | Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers-SS | Direct |
| Sep 11, 1937 | Report from the Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers-SS on the Mormons voices suspicions of "Jewish influence." | Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers-SS | Direct |
| Oct 1, 1937 | Heber J. Grant recounts his tour of Europe in 1937. | Heber J. Grant | Scribed Verbatim Direct |
| Oct 2, 1937 | Roy A. Welker reports positive experiences with the Nazi government in Germany and conditions of the Church in general. | Roy A. Welker | Scribed Verbatim |
| Apr 4, 1938 | J. Reuben Clark expresses his pacifism and suggests Latter-day Saints leave alone political issues. | J. Reuben Clark | Scribed Verbatim |
| Apr 4, 1938 | Levi Edgar Young speaks apprehensively of growing war sentiment in Germany. | Levi Edgar Young | Scribed Verbatim Direct |
| Apr 4, 1938 | Melvin J. Ballard says Hitler is an instrument in God's hands to return the Jews to the Holy Land. | Melvin J. Ballard | Scribed Verbatim Direct |
| May 5, 1938 | Report on the Mormons for Alfred Rosenberg, head of Nazi surveillance organization. | Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers-SS | Direct |
| Oct 8, 1938 | J. Reuben Clark calls the Nazi government "detestable." | J. Reuben Clark | Scribed Verbatim |
| Oct 9, 1938 | Richard R. Lyman stresses that missionaries in Europe remain apolitical while serving as missionaries. | Richard R. Lyman | Direct |
| Nov 23, 1938 | Levi Edgar Young decries Nazi persecution of the Jews. | Levi Edgar Young | Journalism |
| Apr 14, 1939 | Alfred C. Rees writes an overview of the Church in the Nazi newspaper Völkischer Beobachter. | Alfred C. Rees | Direct |
| Apr 14, 1939 | The pamphlet version of Alfred C. Rees's April 14, 1939 article in the Völkischer Beobachter. | Alfred C. Rees | Direct |
| May 20, 1939 | Paul H. Lambert reports on the publication of "Im Lande der Mormonen" in a Nazi newspaper. | Paul H. Lambert | Direct Journalism |
| Oct 6, 1939 | The First Presidency denounces war after the German invasion of Poland in 1939. | First Presidency | Direct |
| Nov 14, 1939 | German newspaper Mettmanner Zeitung calls the Mormons a "Sekte" (cult) and describes the miracle of the seagulls. | Mettmanner Zeitung | Journalism |
| Jul 1, 1940 | J. Reuben Clark notes FBI thinks some German Mormons might be "Hitlerites." | J. Reuben Clark | Holograph |
| Oct 6, 1940 | David O. McKay says Nazism will "thwart the progress" of human happiness. | David O. McKay | Scribed Verbatim Direct |
| 1941 | Helmuth Hübener denounces Hitler in a pamphlet. | Helmuth Hübener | Direct Translation |
| 1941 | Helmuth Hübener criticizes the Nazis on religious grounds in one of his pamphlets. | Helmuth Hübener | Direct Translation |
| 1941 | Nels Lars Nelson writes a book critical of Hitler and Nazi aggression in Europe; compares WW2 to Lucifer's war in heaven. | Nels Lars Nelson | Direct |
| Nov 27, 1941 | Nephi L. Morris condemns totalitarianism on the grounds that it is incompatible with Christian belief. | Nephi L. Morris | Direct |
| May 1942 | First Presidency issues a statement declaring the church does not advocate for political functions. | First Presidency | Direct |
| May 14, 1942 | J. Reuben Clark makes anti-Semitic comment in letter to Hebert Hoover. | J. Reuben Clark | Direct |
| Oct 1942 | The First Presidency issues a statement condemning both Nazism and Communism. | First Presidency | Direct |
| Oct 3, 1942 | Heber J. Grant records that J. Reuben Clark authored the 1P statement condemning the Nazis in October 1942. | Heber J. Grant | Direct |
| Oct 27, 1942 | Helmuth Hübener writes final letter to Marie Sommerfeld expressing his faith in the gospel. | Helmuth Hübener | Direct Translation |
| Jan 8, 1943 | J. Reuben Clark tells James H. Moyle he thinks Jews are threatening the constitution. | J. Reuben Clark | Holograph Direct |
| Nov 1943 | David O. McKay alludes to Hitler as a dictator. | David O. McKay | Direct |
| Aug 1945 | John A. Widtsoe condemns the Nazi idea of a "master race." | John A. Widtsoe | Direct |
| Oct 10, 1945 | An October, 1945 statute outlaws the Nazi Party in Germany. | US Department of State | Direct |
| Nov 24, 1945 | Max Zimmer reports some Saints were pro-Nazi, were corrected by local leaders. | Max Zimmer | 2nd Hand Journalism |
| Jun 19, 1948 | Rosa Boehringer writes a letter describing herself and her husband who were persecuted by the Nazis. | Rosa Boehringer | Direct |
| 1954 | Franklin H. Littell defines the difference between a "church" and a "sect" in Germany. | Franklin H. Littell | Direct Secondary |
| 1960 | Justus Ernst compiles incidents of Church history in Germany between 1933-1945. | Justus Ernst | Direct |
| 1961 | Otto Berndt, district president in Germany, recounts his experience with Helmuth Hübener. | Otto Berndt | Direct |
| Feb 1963 | Otto Berndt recounts his experience with Helmuth Hübener and being interrogated by the Gestapo. | Otto Berndt | Direct |
| Apr 1969 | Jay M. Todd recounts the experience of German Latter-day Saints during WW2. | Jay M. Todd | Direct |
| May 1969 | Otto Berndt discusses his time as Helmuth Hübener's district president. | Otto Berndt | Direct |
| 1970 | Gilbert W. Scharffs reviews similar ideas or practices in Nazism and Mormonism; concludes the similarities are most likely coincidental. | Gilbert W. Scharffs | Direct Secondary |
| 1972 | Joseph M. Dixon reviews the history of Mormons living in the Third Reich. | Joseph M. Dixon | Direct Secondary |
| May 31, 1975 | Church News reports on a German POW, Joseph Beuchert, who joined the Church. | The Church News | Journalism |
| 1979 | Ernst Christian Helmreich summarizes the Latter-day Saints under the Third Reich. | Ernst Christian Helmreich | Direct Secondary |
| 1979 | Ernst Christian Helmreich describes "Free Churches" and "Sects" in Germany. | Ernst Christian Helmreich | Direct Secondary |
| 1979 | Ernst Christian Helmreich describes the Nazis' reactions to "Sects." | Ernst Christian Helmreich | Direct Secondary |
| 1980 | Alan F. Keele and Douglas F. Tobler review the life and resistance efforts of Helmuth Hübener. | Alan F. Keele and Douglas F. Tobler | Direct Secondary |
| 1982 | Christine Elizabeth King reviews how Latter-day Saints used cooperation with the Nazi government as a survival strategy. | Christine Elizabeth King | Direct Secondary |
| 1984 | Karl-Heinz Schnibbe, a co-conspirator with Helmuth Hübener, recalls his experience with Hübener and their resistance efforts. | Karl-Heinz Schnibbe | Direct Late |
| 1987 | Barbara Beuys reviews Helmuth Hübener's resistance efforts against the Nazis. | Barbara Beuys | Direct Secondary |
| 1991 | Jeffery L. Anderson reviews the state of the Church during the Nazi period; concludes most members were apolitical and simply cooperated with the regime as a survival tactic. | Jeffery L. Anderson | Direct Secondary |
| 1992 | Rudi Wobbe provides his account of his experience as a co-conspirator with Helmuth Hübener. | Rudi Wobbe and Jerry Borrowman | Direct |
| 1992 | Douglas F. Tobler interviews J. Reuben Clark III on his father's anti-Semitism. | J. Reuben Clark III | Scribed Paraphrase |
| 1992 | Douglas F. Tobler reviews LDS attitudes towards the Nazis and the Hitler; concludes there's no evidence of official endorsement of Nazi beliefs. | Douglas F. Tobler | Secondary |
| 1994 | Gerhard L. Weinberg reviews the outbreak of World War 2 in Europe. | Gerhard L. Weinberg | Direct |
| 1998 | Horst A. Reschke recalls his father Max Reschke rescuing Jews from Kristallnacht. | Horst A. Reschke | 2nd Hand Late |
| 1999 | Frederick Kempe interviews Franz Krause (Kramer), son of Nazi Mormon Erich Krause (Kramer). | Frederick Kempe | 2nd Hand Journalism |
| 2001 | Michael Berenbaum reviews Nazi persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses. | Michael Berenbaum | Direct |
| 2002 | Karl-Heinz Schnibbe recalls Otto Berndt being threatened by the Gestapo. | Karl-Heinz Schnibbe | 2nd Hand Late |
| 2002 | D. Michael Quinn comments on J. Reuben Clark's anti-Semitism. | D. Michael Quinn | Direct Secondary |
| 2002 | D. Michael Quinn cites examples of J. Reuben Clark using antisemitic language. | D. Michael Quinn | Direct Secondary |
| 2003 | Jessie Embry interviews former missionaries in Germany; writes that missionaries had mixed views of Hitler in the 1930s. | Jessie Embry | Secondary |
| 2003 | Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and Marc Alain Bohn describe Heber J. Grant's 1937 trip to Switzerland and Germany. | Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and Marc Alain Bohn | Secondary |
| 2003 | Alan F. Keele interviews "Bruno"–a Latter-day Saint who fought in the SS. | Alan F. Keele | Scribed Paraphrase Secondary |
| 2003 | David F. Boone writes on the evacuation of missionaries from Germany upon the outbreak of WW2. | David F. Boone | Direct Secondary |
| 2003 | Robert C. Freeman describes the general experience of German Latter-day Saints during WW2. | Robert C. Freeman | Direct Secondary |
| 2007 | Richard J. Evans discusses Nazi Germany as a police state. | Richard J. Evans | Direct |
| 2008 | Robert C. Freeman and Jon R. Felt review Latter-day Saints who fought for Germany during WW2. | Robert C. Freeman and Jon R. Felt | Direct Secondary |
| 2009 | Roger P. Minert reviews the status of the Church in East Germany between 1933-1945. | Roger P. Minert | Direct Secondary |
| 2009 | Roger P. Minert gives a concluding overview of the status of Latter-day Saints in East Germany during 1933-1945. | Roger P. Minert | Direct Secondary |
| 2010 | Steve Carter notes "superficial" similarities between Mormon and Nazi teachings. | Steve Carter | Direct |
| 2010 | Roger P. Minert calculates German Latter-day Saint war losses and casualties. | Roger P. Minert | Direct Secondary |
| 2011 | Roger P. Minert writes on how local German leadership took over the Church upon the outbreak of WW2. | Roger P. Minert | Direct Secondary |
| 2011 | Roger P. Minert concludes that LDS Germans were less likely to be Nazis but some still were, and others fought for German armed forces. | Roger P. Minert | Direct Secondary |
| 2011 | Roger P. Minert gives a general overview of Latter-day Saints in Western Germany and Austria, including how many were in the German armed forces. | Roger P. Minert | Direct Secondary |
| 2013 | Kurt Widmer reviews the history of the Church between 1933-1945; concludes most German Mormons were either silent about or supportive of the Nazis. | Kurt Widmer | Direct Secondary |
| 2015 | Jonathan Green reviews Moroni and the Swastika; critiques David Conley Nelson's central thesis. | Jonathan Green | Direct Secondary |
| 2015 | David Conley Nelson explains building in which Heber J. Grant spoke in Frankfurt was owned by the Nazis. | David Conley Nelson | Secondary |
| 2015 | David Conley Nelson reviews the life of Erich Krause, a Mormon Nazi. | David Conley Nelson | Secondary |
| 2019 | Jane Caplan describes Lebensraum and Nazi conquest. | Jane Caplan | Direct Secondary |
| 2019 | Jane Caplan reviews Nazi party membership numbers. | Jane Caplan | Direct Secondary |
| 2019 | Jane Caplan describes the Nazi police state. | Jane Caplan | Direct Secondary |
| 2024 | The 12th Article of Faith in the Pearl of Great Price states that the Church "believe[s] in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law." | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | Standard Works |
| 2024 | The Encyclopedia Britannica gives an overview of the history of the Nazi Party. | Encyclopedia Britannica | Direct |
| 2024 | Encyclopedia Britannica describes the end of WW2 in Europe. | Encyclopedia Britannica | Direct Secondary |
| 2024 | The Church issues a statement condemning the protests in Charlottesville, VA. | Church Newsroom | Direct |
| 2024 | The Holocaust Encyclopedia explains Nazi eugenics. | United States Holocaust Memorial Museum | Direct Secondary |
| 2024 | United States Holocaust Memorial Museum gives a review of the Holocaust from 1933-1945. | United States Holocaust Memorial Museum | Direct Secondary |
| 2024 | The Holocaust Encyclopedia describes Nazi concentration camps. | United States Holocaust Memorial Museum | Direct Secondary |
| 2024 | The Holocaust Encyclopedia reviews Nazi Racism. | United States Holocaust Memorial Museum | Direct Secondary |