The Nauvoo Masonic Lodge minutes reports that Illinois Grand Master Meredith Helm lifted the injunction against the Nauvoo lodge.

Nov 2, 1842
Meredith Helm

Removal of Injunction, Meredith Helm to Nauvoo Masonic Lodge, 2 November 1842. Copy in Nauvoo Masonic Lodge Minute Book 2, October 1841–February 1846 (William Clayton copy, MS 3436). Church History Library, pp. 134–135

Willard Richards
Meredith Helm
Nauvoo Freemasons

Whereas the Grand Lodge of the state of Illinois at its late Regular Communication, appointed a committee to repair to Nauvoo and there, by examination of persons and papers diligently to enquire into certain alledged [sic] irregularities or misconduct of Nauvoo Lodge U.D. And whereas the said committee having discharged the duty assigned them have reported to me, that the principal charges against said Lodge are entirely groundless and that certain irregularities in the work of said Lodge, which have been practised in some instances, have in the opinion and judgment of the Committee proceeded from an error in judgment rather than of intention; and whereas, the said committee, after a full patient and laborious investigation of the case, in view of all the facts before them, have recommended that the legal existence of said Lodge be continued; and whereas the high moral character, general intelligence, and great masonic experience of the Brethren composing said committee, entitle their opinions and recommendations to my entire confidence and should remove from the minds of all any fears respecting the motives and designs of said Lodge...

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