Jeremy Runnells explains why he went full-time with the "CES Letter Project" and that he is "obsessed with alleviating suffering and helping to liberate the minds of human beings from a cult" in a comment on Reddit.

Oct 26, 2015
Jeremy Runnells

u/kolobot, comment on "Someone I know published this...," Reddit, October 26, 2015

Jeremy Runnells, ExMormon Subreddit
Jeremy Runnells
Reading Public

You're right. You don't know me enough to know the specifics.

Your entire premise and assumptions are completely inaccurate. I find your characterization and interpretation of my words and what really went down to be completely dishonest and deceptive.

What my words actually demonstrate is that I didn't want this. I didn't want to be the CES Letter guy. I didn't decide one day that I was going to create a document that would explode and make FairMormon and its minions creepy stalkers.

It just happened. Things exploded. Things got out of hand.

So, my quote #1 was when I was still struggling with all of this attention and I wanted to move on with my life. I didn't want to own what my work had done and was continuing to do.

Quote #2 was made in an entirely different context than you're attempting to make it appear. Quote #2 was made when I finally accepted what happened and when I made the conscious decision to own the CES Letter. Not only to own the CES Letter but to make it better and to take it to the next level. Hence, the "CES Letter at the Crossroads" letter (that you grabbed this quote from) asking for people to help me take the CES Letter Project to the next level.

As for quote #3? Again, your deception continues. It has nothing to do with my "fears". I made the conscious decision to go full-time with the CES Letter. When I said that I "no longer have a full-time job", I was saying in the context of that I no longer have a day job. Further, I didn't have a day job not because I couldn't or can't get one (I can and I have turned down offers) but because I care more about the CES Letter Project and bringing it to the next level. Hence, why I'm working on it full-time. My statement of "losing money" does not mean that I can't provide for my family. What it means is that I've taken a big paycheck cut by making the decision to no longer do my day job and instead focus on the CES Letter Project full-time until it arrives to where it needs to be.

Anyone who thinks you can get rich off of Mormon Studies have no experience in the field. It's not a high yield field unless you're an LDS apostle.

I'm sorry to disappoint you and the paradigm you created for people who leave your precious gospel but I'm not suffering. I regret nothing. My family and I are doing fantastic, thankyouverymuch.

My obsession now is not the same obsession it was a year, two or three ago. I don't care about the LDS Church anymore. Its foundational truth claims are demonstrably false. The Church is doing a fantastic job in accelerating its eventual irrelevance and demise.

My obsession is helping individuals, marriages and families who are affected by the Church's truth crisis. These are real humans who need help and I've learned after reading the thousands of emails that I have something to contribute to helping alleviate suffering.

So, am I obsessed? Absolutely. I'm obsessed with alleviating suffering and helping to liberate the minds of human beings from a cult.

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