Jeremy Runnells claims that he "was doing everything he could to restore [his] testimony" and that "the CES Letter is just a letter to a CES Director" in the Common Attacks section of the website.

Aug 10, 2017
Jeremy Runnells

Jeremy Runnells, "Common Attacks against CES Letter and Jeremy Runnells",, August 10, 2017 (accessed March 13, 2023)

Jeremy Runnells, CES Letter Foundation
Jeremy Runnells
Reading Public

Jeremy is not a scholar.

And I never claimed to be one.

Mormon apologists - desperate in discrediting me and the CES Letter - have created strawmen by elevating me and the letter to academia standards and then attacking me and the letter from there.

I'm not a scholar. I'm just a regular dude who wanted official answers to the LDS Church's truth crisis. I was doing everything I could to restore my testimony and to try to make the LDS Church true.

The CES Letter is just a letter to a CES Director. Nothing more. Nothing less. It was a document "laying it all out" in hopes that the director could resolve my questions and concerns.

I've learned a lot over the past 7+ years in the trenches dealing with Mormon apologists and being mentored by Mormon historians.

I've written thousands of pages worth of debunkings and rebuttals. Contrary to the "Village Idiot" that Mormon apologists desperately need me to be, I am very knowledgeable on this topic and I have tried my best to extend and share this knowledge to others in a meaningful way so that they themselves can escape the Mormon Apologist House of Mirrors quicker.

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