Ann Eliza Young alleges Orson Hyde became upset when he learned Joseph had married Marinda Nancy Johnson while on his mission.

Ann Eliza Young

Ann Eliza Young, Wife No. 19, Or the Story of a Life in Bondage (Hartford, Conn: Dustin, Gilman, & Co., 1875), 325–326

Dustin, Gilman, and Co.
Marinda Nancy Johnson, Ann Eliza Young, Joseph Smith, Jr., Orson Hyde
Reading Public

To return to the encounter between Hyde and his wife. There is a little romance attached to their separation which a I have just been reminded of. When Joseph Smith first taught polygamy, and gave the wives as well as the husbands opportunity to make new choice of life-partners, Mrs. Hyde, at that time a young and quite prepossessing woman, became one of the Prophet's numerous fancies, and he took great pains to teach her most thoroughly the principles of the new celestial doctrines. It was rumored, at the time, that she was an apt and willing pupil. Hyde was away on a mission at the time, and when he returned, he, in turn, imbibed the teachings of polygamy also, and prepared to extend his kingdom indefinitely. In the mean time it was hinted to him that Smith had had his first wife sealed to him self in his absence, as a wife for eternity. Inconsistent as it may seem, Hyde was in a furious passion. Like many other men, he thought it no harm for him to win the affection of another man's wife, and make her his "celestial” spouse; but he did not propose having his rights interfered with even by the holy Prophet whose teachings he so implicitly followed, and he swore that if this was true he would never live with her again. But he did live with her for several years after the exodus from Nauvoo and the settlement of Utah. Finally, the old affair was revived, and I think Brigham himself informed his apostle that she was his wife only for time, but Joseph's for eternity; and as she was no longer young, and other wives were plentiful, he left her to care for herself as best she could.

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