Emily D. P. Young testifies that Emma Hale Smith consented to plural marriage, but became bitter soon after.

Speech / Court Transcript
Emily D. P. Young

United States Testimony 1892, Temple Lot Case, 365-366, MS 1160, Church History Library

8th Circuit Court of Appeals (USA)
Emily D. P. Young, Emma Hale Smith, Joseph Smith, Jr.
Reading Public

338 Q-Now you say that Emma ^Smith consented of her own free will and agreed to you and your sister marrying Joseph? A-Yes sir I think so.

339 Q-Well did she? A-So far as I know she did.

340 Q-Well you have stated that she did, -you have stated positively. . . .haven't you that she did? A-Well I think she did. She was there and saw it. And I expect she would not have been there if she had not consented to it.

341 Q-Well did she consent to your knowledge? A-Yes sir she did.

342 Q-Well what did she say? A-I don't remember the words she said.

343 Q-Did she say anything at all in your presence? A-In what way?

344 Q-By way of giving her consent? A-Yes sir she consented to it in my presence.

. . . .she was very bitter over it after the marriage but she consented to it at the time. I said before that she was bitter after that, and if I did not I meant to say so, and I think I did.

347 Q-She turned bitter then from the. . . .minute you were married? A-Yes sir in a short time after we were married she did.

. . . .It might have been from the hour we were married. I know she was bitter soon after that, but I can't say how long it was afterwards that she got that way, but I know it was very soon after that.

351 Q-Well about what time did she turn bitter? A-Well after the next day you might say that she was bitter.

. . . .

357 Q-Well would you make an affidavit that she [Emma] was there at all? A- Yes sir.

. . . .I know she was there. She was there, and she gave her consent freely and voluntarily.

359 Q-And then she went back on you that very hour, or very soon thereafter? A-Yes sir.

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