Parrish claims Harris says he only saw plates in vision.
Warren Parrish, Letter, 11 August 1838, in The Evangelist 6, no. 10 (October 1, 1838): 226–227.
Kirtland, Aug. 11, 1838.
Sir—In answer to your inquiries,
1st. Whether I believe in the book of Mormon as being of divine origin? I answer, I do not; and that for the best of reasons, viz. Martin Harris, one of the subscribing witnesses, has come out at last, and says he never saw the plates, from which the book purports to have been translated, except in vision; and he further says that any man who says he has seen them in any other way is a liar, Joseph not excepted;—see new edition, Book of Covenants, page 170, which agrees with Harris's testimony.
2d. Whether J. Smith's brothers ate still in the faith? I answer, that I do not believe they are, or ever were; neither do I believe that Joseph or Rigdon either believe in the Bible, book of Mormon, or book of Covenants; they are notorious infidels. Smith says he has got as good an inquisition around him in Missouri, as ever the pope had, and he says that Mahomet was a true prophet, and he propagated his religion by the sword, and so will he; this he intends to do to my certain knowledge, if his own assertions can be believed.
3d. Orson Pratt was preaching Mormonism in New York the last I heard from him.
4th. William McLellen, Oliver Cowdery, David and John Whitmers and many others have withdrawn from them. Lyman Johnson, one of the 12 apostles, withdrew from them, and they tried to kill him; they fired thirteen guns at him while he was leaving. In haste,
W. Parrish.
To E. Holmes.