The official Church handbook states that the Church is to support members getting sealed. It also states that bishops are not to encourage marriage or divorce from a particular person.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

General Handbook, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, accessed December 16, 2021

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
LDS Priesthood Leadership


Eternal Families

Eternal families are formed when Church members make covenants as they receive the sealing ordinances in the temple. The blessings of an eternal family are realized as members keep those covenants and repent when they fall short. Church leaders help members prepare to receive these ordinances and honor their covenants.

Each person may fulfill a number of roles in an eternal family. All family roles are sacred and important. These roles may include mother and father, daughter and son, sister and brother, aunt and uncle, and grandmother and grandfather. Fulfilling these roles in love helps God’s children progress toward eternal life.

An additional aspect of establishing eternal families is performing ordinances in the temple that allow members to be sealed to their deceased ancestors.

With an understanding of God’s plan, members seek the blessings of an eternal family. This includes preparing to become a worthy, loving spouse and parent.



Meeting with Members about Marriage and Divorce

Church leaders should not counsel a person whom to marry. Nor should they counsel a person whether or not to divorce his or her spouse. While divorce is an appropriate option in some situations, such decisions must remain with the individual.

Following the guidance of the Spirit, Church leaders often meet with couples and individuals who are separating or getting a divorce. Leaders can also seek to help a couple strengthen their marriage. They teach about the strength and healing that come from keeping covenants they have made with the Lord and living His teachings. These teachings include faith, repentance, forgiveness, love, and prayer.

A member who is separated from his or her spouse or is going through a divorce should not date until the divorce is final.

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