Delta State University includes a dress and grooming standard.

Apr 29, 2019
Delta State University

"Professional Dress Code and Personal Appearance," Delta State University, accessed September 9, 2021

Delta State University
Delta State University
Delta State University Faculty, Students, and Staff

Employees shall dress in a manner appropriate to their position, safety, office environment, and discipline. Dress, grooming, personal cleanliness, and hygiene contribute to the morale of all employees and affect the business image that the University projects. During business hours and while representing the University, employees are expected to present a clean, neat appearance. They should dress and groom themselves according to the requirements of their position and University guidelines. This is particularly true when an employee’s job involves safety issues or dealing directly with customers specifically or the public in general.

The following standards of dress code are established to provide direction for employees in order to maintain the professionalism that DSU advocates.

Clothing should be clean, well kept, and should be appropriate to the work place. Appropriate footwear should be worn at all times. Department heads will have certain discretion regarding dress based on the functions of the position. Examples of professional attire include, but are not limited to: business suits, blouses, skirts, pants, ties, dresses; all shirts with collars, including casual shirts, button-up shirts and blouses, golf and polo shirts; slacks and trousers; sports jackets; footwear designed for business purposes.

Jeans are an option on Fridays. In support of Green Friday, DSU affiliated t-shirts may also be worn on Fridays. Managers have the authority to require a more formal dress on Friday as appropriate for their departments and if University sponsored events and/or meetings require regular business attire on Friday. Casual Fridays may be revoked on an individual, a unit, or a department-wide basis if the guidelines are not adhered to by DSU personnel.

Supervisors will work with Human Resources to determine whether chosen attire is appropriate on a case-by-case basis.

All departments must comply with the above dress code, except where department-specific policies supersede.

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