George Mantle summarized that Martin Harris testified that Joseph translated by the power of God.
George Mantle, Letter to Marietta Walker, December 26, 1888, rep. "Martin Harris in England," Autumn Leaves 2, no. 3 (March 1889): 141–142
DEAR SISTER:—In reading one of your "Autumn Leaves" that was loaned to me, I see that you wished any one knowing of Martin Harris' visit to England would give you all the reliable information they could in relation to it. I have not much to say in the matter, but the little I will say is truth, as his words have from that time to this remained stamped on my memory. On the 15th day of May, 1842, I was baptized into this church, and in the fall of 1846, met with the brethren at a conference in Birmingham. I was then an elder and presiding over the Dudley branch, brother John Banks being president of the district. That morning he introduced Cyrus H. Wheelock to the conference as its future president. From that the business went on as usual, but when we met in the afternoon Wheelock seemed to be quite out of sorts! The first we knew of the cause an elderly man asked permission to speak a few words to us. We then knew what disturbed Wheelock. He told us that it was Martin Harris, an apostate from the faith; that he had abused him and his brethren coming across the sea, and he would not allow him to speak, there being many people there who were opposed to the truth. When we came out of the meeting Martin Harris was beset with a crowd in the street, expecting that he would furnish them with material to war against Mormonism; but when he was asked if Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God, he answered yes; and when asked if the Book of Mormon was true, this was his answer: "Do you know that is the sun shining on us? Because as sure as you know that, I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God, and that he translated that book by the power of God."
I then went home, and did not know where Martin Harris went from there; but from that day to this day I have felt confident that it was not the work of God that Martin Harris wanted to make war against, but the apostasy of Brigham Young and his associates. If this is of any benefit to you I shall be amply paid for my trouble. May the God of Israel bless and prosper you in your labor of love, is the prayer of an old man. Your brother in the covenant.