Hugh Nibley argues that Paul is quoting from a preexisting source in his "Hymn to Charity" (1 Corinthians 13).
Hugh Nibley, "Literary Style Used in Book of Mormon Land Insured Accurate Translation," Deseret News, Church News Section (July 29, 1961): 10
But what about the "Faith, Hope and Charity" passage in Moroni 7:45? Its resemblance to I Corinthians is undeniable. This particular passage, recently singled out for attack in Christianity Today, is actually one of those things that turns out to be a striking vindication of the Book of Mormon. For the whole passage, which scholars have labelled "the Hymn to Charity," was shown early in this century by a number of first-rate investigators working independently (A. Harnack, J. Weiss, R. Reizenstein) to have originated not with Paul at all, but to go back to some much older but unknown source: Paul is merely quoting from the record.