Multiple GAs denounce polygamy as necessary for CK.

Feb 10, 1873
Meeting Minutes / Notes
School of the Prophets
Scribed Paraphrase

School of the Prophets Salt Lake City records, Minutes, 1873 January 6-April 28; CHL, CR 390 7

Church History Library
George B. Wallace, Daniel H. Wells, William Clayton, Wilford Woodruff, Orson Pratt, R. F. Neslen, Samuel A. Woolley, John Taylor, Dimick B. Huntington, Nathaniel H. Felt, Joseph Smith, Jr., Joseph F. Smith, School of the Prophets
School of the Prophets

Elder Geo B Wallace said that Bro Wm Clayton taught last evening in the 17 Ward that no man who has only One wife in this probation can ever enter the Celestial Kingdom. Also That no one who receives the Gospel in the spirit world can ever enter into the Celestial Kingdom. Bro Wallace desired to know whether the above doctrines were correct?

. . . .Elder W Woodruff said he did not believe either <in> one or the other of those doctrines. But he did believe. . . .that those who have had one wife sealed to them over the alter, and should die before they had a chance to obtain a second, would certainly be entitled to Celestial Glory.

Elder N H. Felt sustained the above views.

Bp S A. Woolley refered to the opinion expressed by Prest Young, some time ago in the Tabernacle, viz That some persons being contented with one wife here, while others that are more ambitious have many, so with some <they> are perfectly satisfied with a City lot, others strive for more &c, each can are entitled to a Celestial Glory, though varied in capacity. Prest Young also told him that though Bp Woolley's son had died without a wife, he could have some sealed to him, and he would lose nothing by dying prematurely.

Elder John Taylor sustained the same views, believing that those who heartily endorse the Doctrine of Plurality, and should die before he has more than one wife sealed to him. He did not believe in the views advanced by Bro Wm Clayton.

. . . .Elder Orson Pratt quoted the words of Joseph the Prophet, that God had revealed to him that some who had died before the Book of Mormon came forth-were in the Celestial Kingdom. Th Any person who has been personally commanded to take more wives by the Almighty through his servants, and should refuse-they would be damned.

Elder Jos F. Smith who had administered so long at the endowment house, could not do so with any pleasure unless he fully believed that those for whom they administered the ordinances, were entitled to a Celestial Glory. He thought that many women would be sealed to those who attain to the highest glory. He heard Prest Young say, that a Man fully believing in the doctrine of Plurality, though he had but one wife, would be entitled to a Celestial glory. He (JF.S) felt that he was a polygamist child-and always believed in the doctrine, and should he have died before marriage, he could have had wives sealed to him, and enjoy celestial Glory. He believed that the doctrine taught by Bro Wm Clayton was wicked and incorrect.

Elder D B Huntington mentioned to a private conversation he had with Bro Joseph, the Prophet, that on the subject of Polygamy, he told him that God had commanded it to be observed, and if he himself did not comply with it he should be damned.

. . . .Elder W Woodruff heard Bro Clayton express those doctrines over a year ago, in the 17 ward, after which he Bro W W warned the people against such doctrine.

Elder R. F. Neslen named a case where a good worthy brother in Farmington had been much depressed in his feelings in consequence of Bro Claytons doctrine, but was muched rejoiced when Bp Miller the other day advocated the opposite views. He Bro R. F. N. fully believed the views expressed by the brethren to night.

Elder G. B. Wallace once had a dream, after an earnest prayer to God to reveal to him about the doctrine of polygamy, a personage took him away, and shown to him Joseph the Prophet as a God, and he also saw many worlds, and was told that Joseph had many wives, and therefore had many wives.

. . . .Prest D.H. Wells...did not think that Plurality was intended <for> many, few there be that will find the way of the lives. Some of <have> gone into polygamy to satisfy a selfish and lustful desire. The principle was revealed for the purpose of raising up a righteous and holy seed, and polygamous children will yet stand boldly forward and honourably defend it.

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