Pseudonymous author in LDS periodical The Contributor in 1880 says the moon is lifeless.

Jun 1880
The Contributor

"The Moon," The Contributor 1, no. 9 (June 1880): 195

The Contributor
The Contributor
Latter-day Saints

When we look at the full moon with the naked eye, we see that its surface is not all of the same uniform brightness, some parts being much darker than others. The earlier astronomers supposed that the darker portions were water, which would not reflect as much light as the solid land, but not long after the telescope was discovered it was found that the darker portions were much the same in character with the other portions, only they must be composed of darker material.

The surface is diversified by ranges of mountains and valleys; but they are altogether different from those we see on the earth. Here we have our mountains ranged in long lines with long valleys between them, but on the moon many of the mountain systems are in circles with basin-like valleys inside, and in many cases we find in the centre of the basin a high solitary peak. These basins are called craters, but of course they are much larger than those we have here upon the earth, some of them being about one hundred miles across.

As there is no air nor water on the moon, but very few changes can take place upon its surface. There can be no vegetation and no animals, and although many astronomers have brought their imaginations to bear upon this subject, and have given us descriptions of the beautiful scenery upon its surface, and have even peopled it with inhabitants, we have every reason to believe that it is as barren and lifeless as an arid rock.


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