Non-LDS Painesville Telegraph paper reprints mocking description mummies and papyri; says Joseph identified the mummies as the biblical Joseph and Abimelech.

Sep 4, 1835
News (traditional)

"A Windfall for the Mormons," Painesville Telegraph 1, no. 35 (September 4, 1835): [2]

Painesville (Ohio) Telegraph
Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, Joseph, Unknown, Joseph Smith, Jr., King Abimelech
Reading Public

A windfall for the Mormons.—Jo Smith, the High Priest of this interesting sect, is certainly one of the luckiest vagabonds that has set up business in modern times. In the first place his infamous imposture has taken a most fortunate sheer in its political bearings, for it has adopted Van Burenism and has already established one or more papers for the purpose of advocating at one and the same time, the election of Van Buren for President, and the infallibility of the doctrine promulgated by the "latter day christians" in the newly discovered bible. The association was natural and will give great thrift, we dare say to Joe's theological speculations. Being, as his disciples all are zealous advocates of General Jackson's right to appoint his successor, they will of course be immense favorites at the white house; and we look every day to see some of them announced in the Globe as having been appointed to some lucrative station. Josy [sic] himself will probably have a 'foreign mission,' and to speak sober truth, he is about as fit for such an appointment as some of those who have already been thus rewarded for their subserviency to the court favorite

However, Joe's fortune is made, whether he thrives at the seat of Government or not; for the goddess of good luck took a huge straddle out of her path as she was strolling through Ohio, expressly for the purpose of doing something handsome for Joe. She is an arrant slut we know, but it must be confessed that she does a good turn now and then for her friends, and the Mormons have good reason to speak well of her as long as they live; for she lately threw two or three mummies in their way; and having purchased them, Joe forthwith discovered that they were no less personages than Joseph, the son of Jacob, and King Abimelich and his daughter! With these well authenticated antiques the Mormon brethren intend to travel through the country and exhibit bodily evidence of the biblical authenticity of their faith. Mormonism fortified in this way by mummyism will be quite irresistible, and for ought we know not only secure the election of the Baltimore candidates, but establish the Mormon religion in the United States! At all events the mummy speculation is what we call it at the head of this article, a windfall for the Mormons, and may be made available to the Van Buren men in general.— N. Y. Eve. Star.

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