Joseph Samuel C. F. Frey cites View of the Hebrews in his discussion of the lost ten tribes.

Joseph Samuel C. F. Frey

Joseph Samuel C. F. Frey, Narrative of the Life of Rev. Joseph Samuel C. F. Frey (New York: J. K. Moore, 1834), 172

J. K. Moore
Ethan Smith, Elias Boudinot, Joseph Samuel C. F. Frey
Reading Public

The future return of the ten tribes to the land of Canaan being established, there can remain no further doubt respecting their distinct existence somewhere. It remains, therefore, to attend only to the more difficult question, viz. Where are they most likely to be found? As it appears from many predictions, and especially from Ezekiel, 37th chapter, that they are a very great multitude, we seek in vain for them in any of the known parts of the world. Is it, therefore, not more than probable that the great body of them are in the interior of Africa, a country which none has ever been able to penetrate, notwithstanding the many attempts which have been made. This opinion, however, is not designed to contradict the opinions of those learned men who have considered the Afghans, the benai Israel, or black Jews in Cochin China, and the Aborigines in this country, to be of the ten tribes. The reader will be much pleased and instructed by perusing the elaborate work of the late venerable Dr. Boudinot; "The Star in the West," and the "View of the Hebrews," by the Rev. Ethan Smith,

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