The Eclectic Review reviews various books on the Hebraic Indian theory, including View of the Hebrews.
"Worsley's View of the American Indians, &c.," The Eclectic Review, August 1829, 116–117
It will scarcely be believed, that the resemblance between Mexico (Mejico) and Messiah, should have been adduced (by Fr. Estevan de Salazar) as a proof that America was peopled by the Ten Tribes.
This Iast opinion has more recently found several zealous advocates among Protestant writers; particularly Adair, who was for many years employed as agent among the Indians of North America, and who published a “History of the Indian Tribes." In the year 1816, this notion was revived in the United States, when a volume appeared in New Jersey, entitled, “A Star in the West, or an humble Attempt to discover the long lost Ten Tribes of Israel," by the Rev. Dr. Elias Boudinot. In 1825, appeared another volume on the same subject, written by the Rev. Ethnan Smith, pastor of a church in Poultney, entitled, "View of the Hebrews, or the Tribes of Israel in America.”