Clark Braden argues Parley Pratt's Voice of Warning plagiarized View of the Hebrews.
Clark Braden, "Plagiarism in Mormonism," Baptist and Reflector (Nashville, TN), (August 26, 1909): 3
The Book of Mormon is "The Manuscript Found" of Solomon Spalding, revamped by Sydney Rigdon. The argument based on appeal to the Bible, in the "Voice of Warning," a Mormon classic, was plagiarized from "The Israelites in America," of Ethan Smith, or a synopsis of that work, published in "The Wonders of Nature and Providence," by Josiah Priest. Several of the leading prophecies in the "Book of Doctrine and Covenants" are imitations of the apocryphal work, "The Prophecy of Enoch." The only original Mormon book of prophecy is that hodge-podge of asinine balderdash, "The Book of Abraham," said to have been fabricated chiefly by W. W. Phelps. Mormonism is a plagiarism of stolen materials, and a hodge-podge of several systems.