Mervin B. Hogan discusses the Masonic Latter-day Saint exclusion policy, advocating its termination and noting Goodwin's strong anti-Mormon stance.

Mervin B. Hogan

Mervin B. Hogan, The Origin and Growth of Utah Masonry and Its Conflict with Mormonism (Salt Lake City, UT: Campus Graphics, 1978), pp. 27–30.

Mervin B. Hogan
Mervin B. Hogan
Reading Public

I was rather well acquainted with Goodwin for some two decades. I found him distinctly opinionated, notably conceited, and annoyingly arrogant. He was usually garrulous, enjoyed hearing his own voice, and scarcely listened to anyone else. Generally he was inclined to be irascible and cantankerous. His views and his ways were always the right ones. He was markedly lacking in the characteristics and qualifications of a scholar. Regrettably, he was totally devoid of objectivity regarding anything relating to Mormonism. He had an intense personal interest in ornithology.

Shortly after assuming the office of Grand Secretary, Goodwin became interested in local writing. he initially compiled several brief pamphlets; each devoted to a sketch of the history of one of Utah's early lodges. Several of these were enlarged and amplified for subsequent printings. From the early '20s to the late '30s he assiduously pursued his anti-Mormon inclinations; the results of which appeared as pamphlets published by the Grand Lodge of Utah.

Goodwin had a marked obsession which serves unquestionably to identify his thought processes and his pre-determined goal. He apparently underlined heavily and extensively, as well as making accompanying marginal notes, in every publication he scanned--regardless of the ownership of the item. If the material wasn't anti-Mormon, he didn't use it. He also cleverly lifted quotes out of context. Volume after volume--frequently borrowed--attest to his habits and practices. His script is essentially unique an self-identifying, so there is never any doubt or question. . . .

A few words of background history may be helpful in understanding Goodwin's vigorously intent motivation in his pursuit of anti-Mormonism.

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