Fred C. Collier records a revelation that explicates various Adam-God teachings.

Fred Collier

Fred C. Collier, The Book of Revelations (Hanna, UT: Colliers Publishing Co., 2006), 34, 37-38, 42-43, 48-49

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Fred Collier
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38 And now Behold I Declare unto thee, Satan is and shall be the King of Babylon, even as he is and shall be the King of all those Kings who are Kings of Babylon—wherefore shall Satan also be called “The King of Kings”.

30 And again I say unto thee: The Anti-Christ is and shall be Satan, the son of Satan, even as he is and shall be the Devil and the son of the Devil.

40 And Adam-Belial who is that old Serpent the Dragon, is and shall be his father, even as Eve-Belial, which is Lilith was his mother.

41 Wherefore is Satan also the Firstborn son of that old Serpent who is Sammael, even as he is also Cain, the Firstborn son of Adam-Belial—

42 Yea even that Cain who is spoken of by My Beloved, who is the “Devil”, and who was “a Murderer from the Beginning, and a Liar and the father of Lies” (John 8:33-54, 44; 1 John 3:12)

43 Wherefore Cain is Satan, and even as he was born on Earth in the Morn of Creation, even so shall he also be born again on Earth in the Latter days. And if you will receive, this is the Anti-Christ that seeketh the Throne of My Beloved Son.

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82 And Now regarding Sammael and his Seed, Behold I Declare unto thee, in the Beginning Sammael and children sough the Ascendancy over the World—

83 Wherefore did Sammael Induce Eve, yea even thy Divine Mother to Partake of that Fruit which was Forbidden.

84 Yea and this he did that he might kill a God and that he might Introduce Death into the world, together with the Ecology of Death and the Ecosystem Thereof, and its Myriad of spirits—for Satan is Death and his Kingdom if Hell and all its spirits are the Host thereof.

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128 Commencing with the Father of Fathers and Mother of Mothers, which is Adam (Gen 5:2), and then to Our Sons and Daughters of the Primordial Council and to their Posterity after them.

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136 And now Behold I Declare unto thee, the Beginnings of the Birth of My elect Family on Earth, and the Sonship of Seth Mine Heir, together with His Creation in My Express Image and My Likeness in Primordial Times—this is that which is spoken of in verses 1 through 4 of the 5th chapter of the book of Genesis wherein it saith:

This is the book of the Generations of Father Adam and Mother eve—in the day that the Divine Father and the Divine Mother Procreated Their Children in Moral Flesh—in the Likeness of Their Own Bodies, They did bring them forth—Sons and Daughters, Procreated They them-and blessed them, and called their name Adam in the day when they were procreated.

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175 And now Behold! I Declare unto thee: In the Beginning things were on this wise: Sammael Propositioned Lilith and she accepted, and she did conceive and bare Cain—and Cain look ed like those who live above ground, and not like those who dwell beneath.

176 Yea and I knew My Beloved wife Eve, and she Conceived and bore unto Me Abel, which being interpreted is “My Father is El”.

177 And Eve Exclaimed, My Lord El has given Me Yahweh for a Man-child, for surely Yahweh is Incarnate in My Son.

178 And Abel was My Firstborn, and he was My Beloved Son and My Foreordained Child of Promise. Yea, and he was also a Keeper of Sheep, and “the Good Shepherd”—

179 But Cain was a tiller of the ground, and he did Worship that which his own hands had made. Yea, and he did also Worship Wickedness, for Sammael did Tutor Cain in all the ways of evil.

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