Charles W. Penrose says that Adam-God speculation is going beyond what has been revealed; Adam cannot be God as he worshiped the Father.

Apr 1922
Speech / Court Transcript
Charles W. Penrose

Charles W. Penrose, Conference Report (April 1922): 23-25

Conference Report
Charles W. Penrose, Joseph Smith, Jr., Heber C. Kimball, Michael, Adam
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


Now, all these things ought to be very plain to us from what we have learned by revelation from God, and we need not try to go further back than the period spoken of in the revelations of God, and speculate about ourselves and our fellows. We are living in a time, in our Church, of a great deal of speculation, of imagination, of desire to go beyond what the Lord has revealed, both as to that which precedes our present state and that which is to follow us in our future condition, but the Lord stands in our midst, and he is our Father, he is the God that we worship. The very first article of our faith, as made known and arranged by the Prophet Joseph Smith, is that:

"We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in his Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost." This is a simple statement of the persons in whom we believe and whom we revere as we are commanded to do. God our eternal Father is the Father of Jesus Christ and is the Father of Adam, or rather Michael, the name of that person before he came in the flesh. There is nothing new in what I am saying; it is all very old to me, and to members of the Church who have investigated the latter-day work from the revelations of God. Now, this ought to be clear to all our minds, and yet, among some of the classes in the Priesthood and in our Sunday school classes, and other organizations, some disputes arise. There shouldn't be any; there is no need for it. I would not try to limit the thoughts of men, nor their progress in understanding the things of God and the things of man. I believe in eternal progression, but when the Lord has revealed something very plain and simple to us, we should take that for granted and let that be sufficient for us until he reveals something further.


I do not mean to say that the day of revelation is past, we are in the midst of it; we have the spirit of revelation in the Church. It was by that spirit that we heard that splendid discourse this morning, by which it was spoken and by which we understood it. I hope all of us did understand. I hope that all who are here this afternoon were here this morning and heard that discourse, and if not, I hope that when it is published they will all read it and understand it. Jesus taught that lesson, you know, when he was on the earth. "Whoso readeth let him understand," and we Latter- day Saints should all understand the things of God alike as he has revealed them. We may not have the same degree of light upon these matters, but we should have the same light and come to the same understanding in all things that are essential; and one of the essentials of our faith is that we believe in God, the eternal Father, and it is He whom we worship; it is to Him that we pay deference and reverence, and all revelation, whether it comes through Jesus Christ or from any of the prophets of God, comes from Him. Sometimes men are endowed with authority to use His name and speak for Him, and Jesus Christ is one of them, He is "The Word."


President Grant quoted this morning the word of the Father to the Prophet Joseph, in the grove, when he prayed to God that he might learn which was the true religion. The Father, turning, said, "This is my beloved Son, hear Him." That is the word of God to all the world and was so from the beginning; the word comes through the Son, sometimes from Him through living prophets, sometimes by the mouths of angels, and when it comes in that way, authority is bestowed to use the sacred name of the Savior and of the Eternal Father. One of the ancient prophets whose writings are in the New Testament, said, "If any man cometh unto God, he must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him." That is quite an important point. He is a being, a personality, an individual, as we were told this morning, and He made man in His own image, and likeness. That is very clear and plain to us if we will take it as it stands. We are in the image and likeness of God the Father, and Jesus Christ was His express image and likeness, the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person. Sometimes, in any family, there is one person in the express image of the father or the mother. The relationship between him and the first parent on earth, the father of our bodies—Adam is our father—can be read in the 107th section of the D&C. We are told there that a few years before his death, Adam gathered together his posterity, who were in the faith, (some of them went out of the faith) but all those who were in the Lord and were high priests, met in the Valley of Adam-ondi-Ahman, and Adam arose in the midst of the congregation and blessed his children and predicted what would befall them to their latest generations, and the Lord appeared and He blessed Adam and said, "See, I have placed thee at the head; a multitude of nations shall come of thee, and thou art a prince over them forever." And they called him Michael, the prince, the archangel. That was his station before he came here. When he came here as Adam, he was the son of God, and God was over him and he, Adam, prayed to the Eternal Father as we do. I merely mention that because there are some disputes in regard to the personality of Adam before he came into the body. The Lord said he was Michael, the archangel, and He, the Father, set him here at the head of His race to which we belong. He is "our father, Adam," and as Adam's body was of the dust of the earth, this earth on which we live, it had to return to dust because of his transgression.

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