Edward Tullidge said the Saints believe Adam is the father and God of all of humanity; the names of "Adam and Eve" are more sacred than that of Jesus.

Edward W. Tullidge

Edward W. Tullidge, The Women of Mormondom (New York: Tullidge and Crandall, 1877), 179, 191, 193-94, 200

Tullidge and Crandall
Eliza R. Snow, Edward W. Tullidge, Brigham Young, Adam
Reading Public

"Adam is our Father and God. He is the God of the earth." So says Brigham Young. Adam is the great archangel of this creation. He is Michael. He is the Ancient of Days. He is the father of our elder brother, Jesus Christ—the father of him who shall also come as father of our elder brother, Jesus Christ—the father of him who shall also come as Messiah to reign. He is the father of the spirits as well as the tabernacles of the sons and daughters of man. Adam! . . .

Brightest among these spirits, and nearest in the circle to our Father and Mother in heaven (the Father being Adam), were Seth, Enoch, Noah and Abraham, Moses, David, and Jesus Christ—indeed that glorious cohort of men and women, whose lives have left immortal records in the world's history. . . . These are the sons and daughters of Adam—the Ancient of Days—the father and God of the whole human family. These are the sons and daughters of Michael, who is Adam, the father of the spirits of all our race. These are the sons and daughters of Eve, the Mother of the world.

. . .

The oracle of this last grand truth of women's divinity and that of her eternal Mother as the partner of the Father in the creation of the worlds, is none other [than] the Mormon Church. It was revealed in the glorious theology of Joseph and established by Brigham in the vast patriarchal system which he has made firm as the foundations of the earth, by proclaiming Adam as our Father and God. The Father is first in name and order, but the Mother is with him—these twin, one from the beginning.

. . .

The Mormons exalt the grand parent of our race. Not even is the name of Christ more sacked to them than the names of Adam and Eve. It was to them the poetess and high priestess address her hymn of invocation and Brigham's proclamation that Adam is our Father and God is like a hallelujah chorus to their everlasting names. The very earth shall yet take it up; all the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve shall yet shout it for joy, to the ends of the earth, in every tongue!

Citations in Mormonr Qnas
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