Martin Thomas Lamb discusses LDS doctrine; calls Kolob an "immense world."
M. T. Lamb, The Mormons and Their Bible (Philadelphia: The Griffith & Rowand Press, 1901), 21–22
The Mormons believe in "polytheism." There are as many separate gods as there are separate worlds. Each world has a god of its own, who looks after its interests and controls absolutely its destinies. Over all the worlds and over all the gods one supreme deity presides, but he lives in an immense world, far off somewhere in space that they call "Kolob." He is himself a material being, "with body and parts" that prevent his being omnipresent, so that practically he has very little to do with the affairs of the different worlds, only occasionally meeting the different gods in grand council. Aside from this, each god looks after his own world in his own way.
Our God, who manages the affairs of this world, is Adam, the father of our race. Brigham Young had the unspeakable honor (?) to reveal this great fact to the world:
Now hear it, O inhabitants of the earth, Jew and Gentile, saint and sinner. When our Father Adam came into the garden of Eden, he came into it with a celestial body and brought Eve, one of his wives, with him. He helped to make and organize this world. He is Michael the Archangel, the Ancient of Days, about whom holy men have written and spoken. He is our Father and our God, and the only God with whom we have to do.
Adam, then, our first parent, is our God, and the Lord Jesus Christ is the son of Adam, not the son of the supreme deity who resides in Kolob, but the son of Adam through the Virgin Mary, who became one of his wives for this purpose; and this son of Mary, through our father, Adam, can never rise quite so high in the future life as the average Melchizedek priest, because Jesus belongs forever to this world, the kingdom of his father, Adam, and will be for evermore associated with his father in redeeming and blessing its inhabitants, but can never have a world of his own. The Mormons do not hesitate to put their views on this subject thus tersely and squarely.