Antidepressants in Utah

41 Primary Sources

Jun 19, 2001

ES study showing high Utah antidepressant usage.

Feb 20, 2002

Julie Cart, in article published by Los Angeles Times, reports higher antidepressant usage in Utah.

Mar 1, 2002

SCH, GWF, and JLL argue that active LDS have relatively low suicide rates in Utah.


Example of research on "drinking to cope with distress."

May 1, 2008

Research on older people in Cache county; non-Mormons were less likely to have depression, but Church attendance was negatively related to depression.

Feb 9, 2009

ABC News reports Express Scripts statement that Utah is state with top usage of antidepressants.

Oct 2009

Early article that posits the connection between altitude and depression.


AORDA presents data on LDS population by percent of general population by county.

Feb 2010

Study that discusses the phenomenon of highly happy areas also having high suicide rates. Specifically discusses how Utah has high suicide and life satisfaction rates.

Aug 19, 2010

Study that shows that Latter-day Saints in Utah report less mental health problems.

Sep 1, 2010

Utah State Health Department report on antidepressants.

Sep 16, 2010

Heather May says 1/5 Utah women use antidepressants.

Sep 19, 2010

WL in DN reports on antidepressant use in Utah—"1 in 5."

Jan 2011

PBM says that Hispanic Mormons are at a greater risk for emotional problems than Hispanic Catholics in Utah.

Feb 16, 2012

Results from Gallup well-being poll that shows that Mormons score high.

Oct 1, 2013

JRH speaks on the need for mental health counseling.


Medical Hypotheses publishes academic article by Huber et al. that considers altitude as risk factor for suicide.


Shows how Church members do on surveys of well-being.


Study that shows that Latter-day Saints in New Zealand report higher happiness.

Feb 1, 2016

Rebecca J. Clayson, in article published by the Ensign, states that it was difficult to acknowledge that she needed medication for depression.


Academic article in High Altitude Medicine & Biology journal highlight increased depression in altitude.


Research paper published in American Journal of Psychiatry on suicide, elevation and gun ownership.


Informal literature review of older LDS and mental health studies, finds that LDS are healthier.


CDC reports Utah #6 suicide rate by state.


Natural experiment study that causally ties moving to a higher altitude area with depression.

Feb 27, 2019

Gallup report that shows Utah as one of the states with the highest well-being.

Jun 25, 2019

SL writes an article in V that summarizes the altitude/depression connection for a public audience.

Oct 31, 2019

RA affirms need for psychiatric medication.


Report that discusses the high happiness and high suicide rates of the Scandinavian countries and the developed world in general.

Apr 1, 2020

Express Script report on antidepressant usage in US States.

May 19, 2020

SK and PFR describing why Utah might have high rates of antidepressant prescriptions.

Jul 17, 2020

Statista ranks Utah 16th in US states for antidepressant usage in 2019 report.

Nov 19, 2020

NGO report on rank orderings of state by depression.

Dec 2020

Church handbook on need for professional help for suicidal ideation.


WA provides information on Utah's elevation.


Numbers on percent LDS by state.

Feb 2021

US Department of Health and Human Services indicate Utah worst in various mental health metrics compared with other states, except attempted suicide, which it ranks lowest for ages 18+.

Mar 9, 2021

MK and CE's study of the geographical variability of use of antidepressants in the USA.

Nov 16, 2021

Blog post from Stephen Cranney that analyzes GSS data to show that members report higher marital happiness.

May 25, 2023

William Justin Dyer et al., publish an article that reviews studies on Latter-day Saints and mental health 2005-2022.

Jun 4, 2024

Article in Deseret News by Stephen Cranney on whether faith is a factor for high suicide rates in Utah.