| 1828 | Webster's 1828 dictionary's definition of "Martyr." | Noah Webster | Reprint Secondary |
| 1833 | Laws of Illinois state that treason consists of “levying war against the government and people of this state". | Government of Illinois | Direct |
| Dec 19, 1838 | John Edward Page describes his wife and two children as martyrs, having died as a result of the persecution of the Church in Missouri. | John Edward Page | Direct Reprint |
| 1839 | Parley Pratt calls David Patten a "martyr" for dying of his wounds received during the Battle of Crooked River. | Parley P. Pratt | Direct |
| Apr 10, 1839 | Alanson Ripley calls those who died in Missouri martyrs and says their blood stains the hands of those that wish to destroy the Church of God. | Alanson Ripley | Direct |
| Oct 12, 1839 | Willard Richards says that John Young is a "martyr" because he died because of his afflictions in Missouri. | Willard Richards | Direct |
| Mar 15, 1842 | Nauvoo Lodge minutes records the initiation of Joseph and Sidney Rigdon as Entered Apprentice Masons. | John C. Bennett | Scribed Verbatim Direct |
| 1844 | John Taylor recounts the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith on June 27, 1844. | John Taylor | Direct |
| Apr 18, 1844 | Willard Richards records the excommunication of William and Wilson Law, Jane Law, Robert Foster, and Howard Smith for "unchristianlike conduct." | Willard Richards | Holograph Direct |
| Apr 25, 1844 | Warsaw Signal labels the "Spiritual Wife doctrine" a "secret working", "iniquity", and "hellish". | Warsaw Signal | Direct |
| Apr 26, 1844 | Joseph's journal records the arrest, trial, and fine of Augustine Spencer for $100 due to an assault on his brother, Orson Spencer. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Paraphrase |
| Apr 28, 1844 | William Clayton records the formation of the "new church" led by William Law and other "dupes" who "had been cut off from the Church" that claimed Joseph was a "fallen prophet". | William Clayton | Direct |
| May 9, 1844 | Foster (through his lawyers Emmons and Higbee) files a lawsuit against Joseph Smith and Coolidge, alleging false imprisonment and injury as a result of an arrest on April 6th, 1844. | Sylvester Emmons | Direct |
| May 9, 1844 | Hancock County court document records Charles Ambrose Foster's lawsuit against Joseph for false imprisonment and injury, asking for $1000 in damages. | David E. Head | Direct |
| May 10, 1844 | Editors of the Nauvoo Expositor issue a prospectus for the paper. | Nauvoo Expositor | Direct |
| May 21, 1844 | Joseph and Joseph W. Coolidge state that Charles Ambrose Foster's lawsuit against them has no merit. | Almon Babbitt | Direct |
| Jun 5, 1844 | Thomas C. Sharp lambasts Joseph just before the martyrdom. | Thomas C. Sharp | Direct |
| Jun 7, 1844 | Extracts of the Nauvoo Expositor attacking Joseph. | Nauvoo Expositor | Direct Journalism |
| Jun 7, 1844 | Joseph initiates court action to obtain a debt of $22.75 from Sylvester Emmons. | Aaron Johnson | Direct |
| Jun 7, 1844 | Nauvoo Expositor claims that Joseph used his position as Prophet to gain political and civic power. | Sylvester Emmons | Direct Journalism |
| Jun 7, 1844 | Nauvoo Expositor claims that Joseph was practicing plural marriage using manipulation and secrecy. | Sylvester Emmons | Direct |
| Jun 7, 1844 | Nauvoo Expositor claims that Joseph and other Church leaders introduced false doctrines into the Church and were apostates. | Sylvester Emmons | Direct Journalism |
| Jun 10, 1844 | Willard Richards records the hours-long debate of the Nauvoo City Council concerning the Nauvoo Expositor. | Willard Richards | Direct Scribed Summary |
| Jun 10, 1844 | Joseph orders the destruction of the Nauvoo Expositor. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| Jun 10, 1844 | Joseph records Nauvoo City Council's order to destroy the Nauvoo Expositor and the actions taken to fulfill the order. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Direct |
| Jun 10, 1844 | Nauvoo City Council orders Mayor Joseph to destroy the Nauvoo Expositor. | Nauvoo City Council | Direct |
| Jun 10, 1844 | Joseph orders acting General Dunham of the Nauvoo Legion to be prepared to assist Marshall Greene in destroying the Nauvoo Expositor. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| Jun 11, 1844 | TS calls for violent vengeance on "Infernal Devils" of Nauvoo. | Thomas C. Sharp | Direct Reprint |
| Jun 11, 1844 | Joseph calls for all citizens of Nauvoo to curtail such speech as might inflame passions and raise up mobs. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Direct |
| Jun 11, 1844 | Thomas Morrison writes out an arrest warrant for Joseph for "unlawfully & with force" destroying the Nauvoo Expositor, considered the property of the publishers. | Thomas Morrison | Direct |
| Jun 12, 1844 | John Taylor defends the destruction of the Nauvoo Expositor as legal and necessary. | John Taylor | Direct |
| Jun 12, 1844 | Joseph details his arrest for the destruction of the Nauvoo Expositor, and his trial, and discharge that same day in Nauvoo. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Paraphrase |
| Jun 12, 1844 | The Nauvoo Neighbor reports on and defends the destruction of the Nauvoo Expositor. | Nauvoo Neighbor | Direct |
| Jun 12, 1844 | Willard Richards records the petition from Joseph Smith for a writ of Habeas Corpus, allowing the Nauvoo City Municipal Court to investigate and dismiss charges in their own court. | Willard Richards | Holograph Direct |
| Jun 13, 1844 | Those arrested for destroying the Nauvoo Expositor proclaim they are innocent of the charges brought against them. | George P. Stiles | Direct |
| Jun 13, 1844 | Willard Richards records that justices of the Nauvoo Municipal Court dismissed the charges against those that destroyed the Nauvoo Expositor. | Willard Richards | Direct |
| Jun 13, 1844 | William Clayton records Joseph presiding in the Nauvoo Municipal Court, where the men accused of "inciting a riot" over the destruction of the Nauvoo Expositor were "tried. . .& set free". | William Clayton | Holograph Direct |
| Jun 14, 1844 | Joseph writes a letter to Governor Thomas Ford explaining his view of the events surrounding the destruction of the Nauvoo Expositor. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim |
| Jun 14, 1844 | Warsaw Wignal reports that the date of June 19, 1844 was set for citizens to assemble and enact the planned vigilante justice. | Thomas C. Sharp | Direct |
| Jun 14, 1844 | Warsaw Signal records a resolution adopted by a mass meeting of citizens that Joseph should be surrendered to authorities or "a war of extermination should be waged". | Thomas C. Sharp | Direct |
| Jun 15, 1844 | Samuel James and Porter Rockwell went to visit Governor Ford to deliver papers and letters related to the destruction of the Nauvoo Expositor. | Willard Richards | Direct |
| Jun 16, 1844 | Joseph's journal records a visit from Judge Jesse Thomas who advised that holding a third trial before a "jusstice of the peace" would prevent mob violence. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Direct Scribed Paraphrase |
| Jun 16, 1844 | Joseph asks Gov. Ford for "immediate council and protection" from those that threatened to "exterminate 'the Saints'". | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim Direct |
| Jun 17, 1844 | Willard Richards gives a detailed summary of the Nauvoo City Council's legal deliberations concerning the Nauvoo Expositor. | Willard Richards | Direct |
| Jun 18, 1844 | Joseph issues a proclamation declaring martial law in Nauvoo in response to threats made in local news publications. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim Direct |
| Jun 18, 1844 | Joseph states his intentions to protect the rights and safety of Nauvoo citizens even at the cost of his own life. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim Direct |
| Jun 19, 1844 | Thomas C. Sharp talks about exterminating the "wicked and abominable Mormon leaders." | Thomas C. Sharp | Direct Reprint |
| Jun 19, 1844 - Jun 20, 1844 | Warsaw Signal claims Nauvoo leaders detained people in Nauvoo during martial law. | Warsaw Signal | Unsourced Journalism |
| Jun 21, 1844 | Nauvoo Neighbor prints full legal summary of the third trial proceedings concerning J.S. et. al. charged with "inciting a riot" before Daniel Wells, justice of the peace. | Nauvoo Neighbor | Scribed Paraphrase Reprint |
| Jun 21, 1844 | Gov. Thomas Ford writes to Joseph Smith, requesting "one or more well informed and discreet persons" to "lay before [him]. . .the matter". | Thomas Ford | Direct |
| Jun 22, 1844 | Governor Ford writes to the Nauvoo City Council condemning the destruction of the Nauvoo Expositor and outlining the steps he intends to take. | Thomas Ford | Direct |
| Jun 23, 1844 | Joseph writes to Thomas Ford expressing his willingness to stand trial in Carthage, so long as Ford will assure physical safety and impartiality in the trial. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim Direct |
| Jun 24, 1844 | Warrant authorizing the arrest of Joseph for the "Crime of Treason against the Government and people of the State of Illinois". | Robert F. Smith (Judge) | Direct |
| Jun 25, 1844 | Robert F. Smith records the bail recognizance for Joseph et. al. in the riot case; sets date for trial to next session (October 1844). | Robert F. Smith (Judge) | Holograph Direct |
| Jun 26, 1844 | Foster gives his account of the destruction of the Nauvoo Expositor in a letter to the editor of the NY Daily Herald. | Charles A. Foster | Direct |
| Jun 27, 1844 | Willard Richards recounts the events of the attack on Carthage jail in his journal. | Willard Richards | Holograph Direct |
| Jun 27, 1844 | Joseph writes to Emma Smith relating his status, and that that Gov. Ford is disbanding his troops and traveling to Nauvoo. | Joseph Smith, Jr. | Scribed Verbatim Direct |
| Jun 30, 1844 | The NNE asserts JS and HS killed by a mob for their religion. | Nauvoo Neighbor | Journalism |
| Jun 30, 1844 | Public Ledger reprints portions of the Nauvoo Neighbor Extra's report of the Martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith. | Nauvoo Neighbor | 2nd Hand Reprint Journalism |
| Jun 30, 1844 | The NYDH reprints the NN extra calling JS and HS martyrs. | Nauvoo Neighbor | Reprint Journalism |
| Jul 1, 1844 | H. T. Reid states that Joseph & Hyrum Smith were required to remain in jail "until discharged by due course of law," and that their trial was postponed by two days. | Hugh T. Reid | Direct |
| Jul 1, 1844 | H. T. Reid recounts the postponement of the trial concerning "inciting a riot" and collection of recognizances by Robert F. Smith, justice of the peace. | Hugh T. Reid | Direct |
| Jul 3, 1844 | QW, an Illinois neswpaper, reports that JS was killed in a rescue attempt. | Unknown | Reprint Unsourced Journalism |
| Jul 12, 1844 | Spirit of Democracy, an Ohio newspaper, reports Joseph trying to escape Carthage. | Unknown | Unsourced Journalism |
| Jul 13, 1844 | James Bennett records that Joseph fired a revolving pistol at his assailants. | James Gordon Bennett | Unsourced Secondary |
| Jul 19, 1844 | Public Ledger says of the killing of Joseph and Hyrum Smith is a "grosser act of treachery was never committed." | Public Ledger | Direct Journalism |
| Aug 1, 1844 | Willard Richards recalls that Joseph witnessed Hyrum's death, then fired into the hallway at martyrdom. | Willard Richards | Scribed Verbatim |
| Aug 1, 1844 | Lyrics to "Joseph Smith" ["Praise to the Man"] originally published in 1844. | W. W. Phelps | Direct |
| Aug 2, 1844 | Liverpool Mercury refers to the killing of Joseph and Hyrum Smith as an "assassination." | Liverpool Mercury | Journalism |
| Aug 3, 1844 | New York Herald reprint describes Joseph and Hyrum Smith as martyrs. | New York Herald | Direct Journalism |
| Aug 3, 1844 | Thomas Ford calls Joseph and Hyrum's death assassinations and considers it a disgrace. | Thomas Ford | Direct Reprint |
| Oct 26, 1844 | Indictment for 9 men for the Murder of Joseph Smith (The People of Illinois vs. Levi Williams et al.) | Hancock Circuit Court | Direct |
| 1844 | Thomas Ackley Lyne records that Joseph was attacked by a mob of 200 and fired at them. | Thomas Ackley Lyne | Direct |
| 1844 | George T. M. Davis relates Joseph shot and wounded 3 of the mob including John Wills ("Mr Wills"). | George T. M. Davis | 2nd Hand Secondary |
| 1845 | W. M. Daniels recalls that the many of the men involved in the mob were from Carthage and/or members of the local militia. | W. M. Daniels | Direct |
| 1845 | W. M. Daniels recounts at length the events leading up to the death of Joseph & Hyrum Smith from his perspective as a non-Latter-day Saint member of the state militia. | W. M. Daniels | Direct |
| Jan 11, 1845 | The Nauvoo City Council records Joseph Smith as a martyr in January of 1845. | Nauvoo City Council | Direct |
| Feb 1845 | William Clayton includes a summary of the events leading the Martyrdom in the Council of Fifty minutes. | William Clayton | Direct |
| Mar 1, 1845 | The Council of Fifty minutes refers to Joseph as a "martyr" in 1845. | William Clayton | Direct |
| May 30, 1845 | Verdict of the Jury finds defendants in "People vs Levi Williams et al." NOT GUILTY. | Hancock Circuit Court | Direct |
| Aug 20, 1845 | BT, a Finnish newspaper, reports an Unknown Mormon tried to break into Carthage Jail, sparking the conflict. | Unknown | Reprint Unsourced Secondary Journalism |
| Nov 1, 1845 | Willard Richards notifies the Church in Times and Seasons of the excommunication of William Smith on Oct 12, 1845 for having "turned away from the truth". | Willard Richards | Direct |
| Dec 21, 1845 | John Taylor and W. W. Phelps discuss the removal of temple garments by Joseph and Hyrum Smith and John Taylor prior to Carthage. | William Clayton | Scribed Paraphrase Reprint |
| 1850 - 1855 | CW recalls that JF gave JS a pistol in Carthage, which he gave to HS when CW gave him another pistol. | Cyrus Wheelock | Scribed Verbatim Reprint Secondary |
| Dec 1, 1852 | Jedediah Morgan Grant reports that Joseph fired on the mob after seeing Hyrum Smith die. | Unknown | 2nd Hand |
| Dec 1, 1852 | W. M. Daniels recalls that Joseph probably tried to escape to save the others in the room. | W. M. Daniels | 2nd Hand |
| Jan 1, 1854 | Thomas Ford says Joseph had a six-barrelled pistol at Carthage. | Thomas Ford | Unsourced Secondary |
| 1854 | Gov. Thomas Ford recalls the "excitement" in Carthage in Nauvoo; relates his decision to disband the militia for "danger of collision" if he were to march with them to Nauvoo. | Thomas Ford | Direct |
| Jun 27, 1854 | John Taylor recalls Joseph fired into the mob 3 times with a pistol given to him by Cyrus Wheelock. | John Taylor | Scribed Verbatim Direct Late |
| Dec 1, 1854 | Willard Richards recalls Joseph fired a six-shooter pistol into the mob. John Taylor and Willard Richards had sticks. | Willard Richards | Scribed Verbatim Late Secondary |
| 1856 | Thomas Sharp reports on resolutions adopted by a council of citizens at Carthage suggesting violence against the Latter-day Saints. | Thomas C. Sharp | Scribed Verbatim 2nd Hand |
| 1856 | Thomas Ford state that Joseph and Hyrum were under his sworn protection and surrendered as prisoners. | Thomas Ford | Reprint Late Secondary |
| 1856 | GAS records JS speaking of going like a lamb to the slaughter, under the protection of TF. | George A. Smith | 3rd Hand Late Secondary |
| 1856 | GAS says JS and HS were "deprived of any weapons to defend themselves" in Carthage Jail. | George A. Smith | Unsourced Late Secondary |
| 1856 | Joseph and Hyrum Smith and Willard Richards cross the Mississippi into Iowa at 2 a.m., fleeing Nauvoo and lodging with William Jordan. | Jonathan Grimshaw | Scribed Summary |
| 1856 | Emma Smith sends word to Joseph that he should "give himself up" and that some Nauvoo citizens felt betrayed he was fleeing Nauvoo. | Jonathan Grimshaw | Scribed Summary |
| 1856 | Records of "passes" Gov. Thomas Ford gave to Cyrus Wheelock so he can visit Joseph in jail and return to Nauvoo safely. | Cyrus Wheelock | Scribed Paraphrase 2nd Hand |
| 1856 | A summary of the conversation between Joseph and Thomas Ford while Joseph was imprisoned in Carthage Jail. | Wilford Woodruff | Scribed Summary |
| Jun 20, 1856 | Stephen Markham recounts a conversation where Joseph Smith expresses if he were ever "taken" by authorities he would be massacred "or he was not a prophet of God". | Stephen Markham | Direct |
| Aug 21, 1856 | John Taylor recalls Joseph "snapped" his pistol six times into the mob, it fired three times successfully. | John Taylor | Scribed Verbatim Direct Late |
| Aug 23, 1856 | John Taylor reports that John M. Bernhisel was told by Joseph that he went "as a lamb to the slaughter." | John Taylor | 2nd Hand Late |
| Aug 23, 1856 | John Taylor recalls Cyrus Wheelock gave Joseph a six shooter pistol. | John Taylor | Holograph Direct Late |
| May 27, 1857 | William Smith claims that his brother Samuel was likely poisoned by Brigham, and that Brigham may have removed potential successors. | William Smith | Direct |
| Nov 18, 1857 | Deseret News reports Cyrus Wheelock's recollection that he gave Joseph a six shooter revolver; Joseph gave a single barrel pistol to Hyrum Smith. | Cyrus Wheelock | Scribed Verbatim Reprint Late Journalism |
| Nov 25, 1857 | Deseret News reports a memory that Joseph fired into the mob. | Unknown | Unsourced Late Journalism |
| Jul 19, 1862 | CW says he gave JS a six-shooter, JS gave HS a single barrel pistol, which he got from JF. | Cyrus Wheelock | Scribed Verbatim Reprint |
| 1870 | John Foxe records Christian Martyrs in his Book of Martyrs. | John Foxe | Direct Reprint Secondary |
| 1870 | John Foxe notes that other martyrs might be mentioned, by torture, imprisonment, loss of property, banishment, etc. | John Foxe | Direct Reprint Secondary |
| 1870 | John Foxe tells of a martyr who fled and begged for death. | John Foxe | Direct Reprint Secondary |
| 1870 | John Foxe tells of martyrs who were armed and defended themselves before being martyred. | John Foxe | Direct Reprint Secondary |
| 1870 | John Foxe tells of a martyr who drowned one of her attackers. | John Foxe | Direct Reprint Secondary |
| 1886 | William Clayton records Emma Smith and others sending messengers to convince Joseph to "give themselves up," citing a concern that "the city would be destroyed and the people massacred." | William Clayton | Direct Reprint Late |
| 1888 | Orson F. Whitney claims that Joseph gave the Masonic signal of disress as he leapt from a window at Carthage. | Orson F. Whitney | Unsourced Late |
| Nov 23, 1889 | 1889 Deseret Weekly reports on hearing in federal court about the existence of an Oath of Vengeance. | John Henry Smith | Scribed Verbatim Reprint Journalism |
| Jan 1, 1890 | JT recalls JS "snapped" his pistol six times, three discharged. | John Taylor | Scribed Verbatim Late Secondary |
| 1900 | Oliver B. Huntington writes that Joseph and others removed their garments prior to their martyrdom because they feared their garments would be mocked. | Oliver B. Huntington | Direct Late |
| Feb 9, 1906 | The Salt Lake Tribune reprints Walter Wolfe's account of the oath or Law of Vengeance from Reed Smoot hearings. | Walter M. Wolfe | Scribed Verbatim 2nd Hand Reprint |
| 1945 | Fawn Brodie reports that "it is said that Eli Johnson demanded that the prophet be castrated." | Fawn Brodie | Unsourced Late |
| 1985 | Current lyrics to "Praise to the Man" from Hymnal. | W. W. Phelps | Direct |
| Feb 17, 1990 | Leonard says the Church has had both pistols Joseph and Hyrum had in Carthage "for many years," and both will be displayed soon at the Museum of Church History and Art. | Glen M. Leonard | Direct |
| 1995 | Summary of 5 Defendants in the Carthage Conspiracy Trial. | Douglas O. Linder | 2nd Hand Secondary |
| 2001 | David John Buerger's "The Development of the Mormon Temple Endowment Ceremony," references the oath of vengeance removal. | Walter M. Wolfe | Direct |
| 2008 | Joseph & David Lyon summarize all that is currently known about the ballistic and forensic evidence concerning the killing of Joseph and Hyrum Smith. | Joseph L. Lyon | Direct Secondary |
| Apr 1, 2021 | Deseret News article says the pepperbox Joseph used in Carthage was rediscovered in 1996 and has been on display since 2015. | Deseret News | Direct |
| Feb 2022 | Justin Griffin's documentary theorizes that John Taylor is the one who shot Joseph. | Justin Griffin | Direct |
| May 4, 2022 | Jana Riess discusses inaccuracies in "Under the Banner of Heaven" in its portrayal of Brigham Young's involvement in Joseph Smith's death. | Jana Riess | Direct Journalism |
| Dec 2022 | Church members call those who died in Missouri "martyrs." | Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | Direct |
| 2023 | "The Carthage Conspiracy Trial: An Account" website by Professor Douglas O. Linder. | Douglas O. Linder | Secondary |